Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Advertising 3100 What Happened in Class Wed., Oct 7

The instructor asked students if they had read the graphics file formats handout and then we went through the formats. The instructor used a PowerPoint and students were put into pairs to do pair summaries. We broke at regular intervals for students to summarize what they had learned.

Next the instructor collected the half-page newspaper ad summaries.

Questionnaires were turned in and the instructor will review them and return them with comments. Students were reminded that the market research piece is part of the portfolio and that they should get a three-ring notebook to start organizing the portfolio.

We watched the first part of a DVD that is included with the text.

Next class:

Read Kennedy, pages 17-109
Be sure you've read Arens 1-5 and Ch. 12, which has to do with newspaper ads. You will need this information to progress on your ad.