Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Event Planning Portfolio

Wednesday a.m.:

Here is the Event Planning Grade Worksheet that I revised. Use this one instead of the one given to you at the beginning of the term.

Suggested Items for Portfolio:

Following are suggested items for the portfolio. This part of the class is only for students who intend to work in event planning:

1. Group project with items printed out in color or put on CD

2. Signage memo. Add map of Kean University and mark quadrants. Color copy of map.

3. Photocopy of text (cover, in color) and table of contents. Outline example from the outlines you did for class.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Attn: ENG 102 Tues-Thurs Students

There will be no class on Thursday, May 8 because of Basic Skills Testing. ENG 102 students should bring all their materials to the Tuesday class.

Update: Here is how we will handle the last class:

1. As soon as students arrive, they will begin the open-book quiz on Lester readings. The instructor will evaluate notebooks while students take the quiz.
2. We will grade the quizzes at 8:40.
3. Each student will fill in grades on the grade worksheet.

Students may not have enough time to finish the open book quiz so the grade calculation will be adjusted to account for that.