Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Informative speeches

student loan case:


class action suit on credit card lawsuits

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tech/Business Writing, Sept. 10, 2015

Review of reading:
Ask class to go to and search for “technical writer.”  Have them read descriptions.

p. 7 Google checked technical journals

Ppt on writing and ethicsexercise:

1) Read the communication at the following two links:



2) Small group:  the instructor will provide one hard copy per group.
Using the text, evaluate the ethics of this communication from the State of NJ. Your analysis should stem from a determination of the purpose of the document.

3) Report back to the class on the findings of your group.


Hour 2:

Hour 3:


Assignment for Business Communication 122                                                Sept. 10, 2015

1.      Open an account for yourself at You will need these numbers:
Class ID:  see board or email                     Password:  ENG122

2.       Post your assignment.  Instructions:
Use Microsoft Word or save as a text file in the program of your choice.
Read this site:
In this scenario, you are an employee of the Blue Apron company. Write an e-mail to your employer, who has asked you if you would be interested in developing a Blue Apron division with meals oriented to Hispanic (or whatever ethnicity you prefer) customers. The purpose of your e-mail is to:
·         Let the employer know you are interested
·         What role you want to play (type of job) and one aspect of your experience that will make you successful in this job
·         Why you think the new division could be a success
·         One challenge facing the new division

Due date:  Rough draft is due Sept. 17 at turnitin.  We will critique in class on Sept. 24.  Final version will be due on Oct. 1. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

ENG 101, May 4, 2015

We will explore journals at this link at a future class:

Friday, May 1, 2015

Writing 101, Friday, May 1, 2015

Although you have received a hard copy, I have posted the argumentation/persuasive paper due dates at the right.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Writing 101, Wed., April 22, 2015

Wed., April 22, 2015

Topic selection. See topics at links section at right.

Link to put student topic:

--Prepare for hyphen quiz on Fri.

--Person consistency worksheet

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Writing 101 11:45 a.m.

Compare Contrast

Compare and contrast your education experience in high school to that which you have experienced in college. Discuss the difference in how you have to plan your time, the format of college courses vs. that of high school, the difference in high school teachers and college professors, type and amount of feedback given, and other items that we will brainstorm in class.

Minimum one page, double-spaced. Must have a title. Include your outline. Upload to turnitin at the conclusion of class.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Public Speaking 129, 5:40-8:30 p.m.

Wed., April 8, 2015

Class Activities:

1. Discuss final:  Wed., May 6, 5-7:30 p.m.

What we will do for the final is have extra-credit impromptu speeches (3") and do role plays using the five-step process. The role plays are worth 10 points, the same as the paper. Students only do the extra credit if they want to, or feel they need it. We will celebrate Barbara's birthday, as it falls on that date.

Other important dates:

Persuasive speeches will be on April 22 & 29. The grade breakdown is as follows:

Demonstration speech:  10 points
Informative:  25 points

Persuasive:  25 points
Confronting an issue paper/roleplay:  10/10
MLA & APA:  20

2. Return speech evaluations with feedback
  • internal text citations
  • BF
  • block formatting
3.  Monroe Motivated Sequence
  • handout
  • choose topics
  • work through handout with topic and worksheet
4.  Choose persuasive topics

5.  Watch a couple persuasive speeches

Assignment:  read the other half of the persuasive chapter in the book. Bring two copies of the rough draft for the persuasive speech. We will do peer review on them, and the instructor will provide a guide.  In addition, bring five sources, to which you will add three more before the final speech. We will do the APA citations in class on Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

ENG 128 Comm Dynamics

5:51 p.m.

Go over papers for the 5-step technique. Explain grammar/usage marks.

Role play for five-step technique.

Nonverbal communication video (20").

Nonverbal communication field trip.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Communication Dynamics, 128, Tues., 7:10 p.m.

Mon., March 31, 2015

We will review the feedback papers.

From Chapter 5, we will talk about active listening and do an active listening exercise that involves paraphrasing. We will also do "Now I Hear You, Now I Don't," another listening exercise.

From Chapter 6, we will have a worksheet that will tell the difference between connotation and denotation.

Highlighting key terms:  Film clips on above chapters.

Time permitting, we will read a paper from another class about "In the Bedroom." Discussion.

Writing 101, MWF, 11:45 a.m.

Mon., Mar. 31, 2015

We did a reading exercise using an essay from the text. Students were asked to read several pages of the assigned essay, and write what the most important point of each paragraph was. We then compared notes in class.

After reading a part of the essay, the instructor explained the upcoming assignment, which will be due at turnitin on Thurs., April 9.  We will read rough drafts on Fri., April 10. Students will then take the feedback, revise, and turn in their final essay on Sun., April 12.

The instructor distributed the self-analysis worksheets, which have to do with focus. Students should do primary research on themselves, which consists of tracking interruptions during four one-hour study sessions.

On Wednesday, the instructor will distribute the written assignment sheet for the essay and the writershelp assignment sheets.  In addition, there will be an additional essay to read, "Multitasking..."

On Wednesday, students are to bring in their one-sentence-per-paragraph notes. Students will be given credit for having the assignment read.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Public Speaking 129, 5:40-8:30 p.m.

March 25

Informative speeches tonight

Monday, March 23, 2015

ENG 101 11:45-12:50

Wednesday, March 25

Semicolon  usage:  instructor will deliver .ppt showing students how to use semicolons. Students will then complete two pages of adding semicolons to sentences.  The worksheets will be graded at a future class, and students must attain an 80%. Students scoring lower than 80% will receive a 15-page tutorial with sentences to complete.


Download this document.  Open in Microsoft Word and add the semicolons.  Put your name on it and print it out to turn in to the instructor.

Monday, March 23

1. Narrative/Definition/Exemplification/Classification Essay #1, Due Sunday, midnight, Mar. 22

Discuss working thesis statements

2. Semicolon work

3. Makeup exam date for 2 students for midterm

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Public Speaking 129 Wed., 5:40-8:30 p.m.

--Write Works Cited, based on research brought by students for the informative speech (handout)

--Distribution of evaluation form

--Use of Powerpoint.  Watch "Death by Powerpoint"

--Exercise for looking at audience, not screen

To Do for Next Class:

Come to the March 25 class prepared to present your informative speech. Speech must last 5-7".

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Public Speaking 129, 5:40-8:30 p.m. Wednesday

March 4, 2015

1. Return evaluation sheets

2. Instructor will show example outline for informative speech and show students where to post their topic

3. Listen to remainder of demonstration speeches

Assignment for next week:

Read Ch. 13, "Speaking to Inform," p. 289 +

Post your topic at the Informative Speech page. Instructor approval required.

Bring five sources for your topic. Try to make them a  book, a magazine or journal article, a newspaper source, a TV/radio source, and one web site source.

ENG 101, 11:45-12:50, MWF

 Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Computer lab: 

  1. Make sure the microethnography is posted at
  2. If you've note yet used the writershelp password, try it out during class
  3. Work on comma assignment, per instructions below

Monday. March 2, 2015

We worked on commas. The instructor distributed comma rules and we worked through each rule. In class, each student wrote an example sentence. The instructor asked students to write an additional four  sentences for each rule. Each correct sentence will earn a point; the sentences need to be uploaded to turnitin by March 9.

We also agreed upon the midterm date, which is Friday, March 13

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ENG 129 Public Speaking

Wed., Feb. 25

We will listen to demonstration speeches.

Discussion of informative speech topics.

A few:

The Dental Crisis

Cars that drive themselves (Google car)

The $6800 3-wheel car that seats two and gets 84 mpg (instructor will supply url)

The vaccine controversy


Identity theft

Emulsifiers (added to processed foods) promote metabolic syndrom, IBS, etc.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

ENG 128 Comm. Dynamics

Class Activities for February 24, 2015

1.  Check in workbooks
Review concepts from last week regarding romantic relationships
2.  Work on Ch. 3 concepts regarding perception: worksheet, Powerpoint. Do worksheet about internal and external attributions.
3.  Meetings in small group to determine "teaching" situation and how to go about it

Assignment:  Read Ch. 4 and do workbook.

Monday, February 23, 2015

ENG 101, 11:45-`:50

Wednesday, Feb. 25:

Computer lab:  work on commas for midterm exam

Monday, Feb. 23:

Discussion of criticism in academia.

Small groups, read and critique one page of definition writing.

Go over assignments for week.

If time:  comma exercise.

Assignment Sheet of Febr. 23, 2015

Weekly Assignment Sheet for Week of February 23, 2015

ENG 101, MWF, 11:45-12:50

Revise your definition page, based on group and instructor input from Feb. 23 class.
Read “Breaking Down Borders:  How Technology Transforms the Private and Public Realms,” by Robert Samuels, pages 319-22. This is the model for an “example” or “exemplification” essay. Come to class prepared for group discussions on Feb. 25. We will be doing all of the exercises on p. 322, including the writing suggestion, which will be your assignment for the exemplification essay.

Watch your email for writershelp temporary password.

On the last one, just read both idioms and common prepositions.

Friday, February 20, 2015

ENG 101

Friday, Febr. 20:

Students were given a writing assignment that will extend until Monday. A reading on communication models was done in class; students then went into small groups and discussed their list (what texting is, what texting isn't) and connected it to the communications models.

On Monday, students will bring a one-page definition essay which ties their thoughts about what texting is and what it isn't to the communications models.

Public Speaking 129

We discussed ways to listen. In a future class, we will use these methods as we listen to a speech.

We had three demonstration speeches:  one on how to cut hair, another on woodburning, and a third on how to throw a football in a spiral.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Assignment Sheet for Week of 2/16/2015

Assignment Sheet for Week of 2/16

Comm Dynamics  128
Introductions and name-recall technique
Read “giving feedback” example paper
Teaching as a way of learning

Key concepts (video illustrated):  experimenting; integrating; bonding; differentiating; stagnating.
Addressing relationship strategies:  Voice strategy, loyalty strategy, exit strategy, and neglect strategy.  Videos for voice and neglect.

Public Speaking 129
Demonstration speeches
MLA citations
Listening to speeches
Read Ch. 5

ENG 101
Give your list of what texting is and what it isn’t to the instructor at the beginning of class. She will review while you are engaged in computer lab work.
Computer lab:

Instructions:  Students absent from the last lab class will be paired with a student who was present to learn how post a paper at turnitin.  Ten minutes.
Activity for all students:  learn how to do a writershelp exercise and post results in a Word file (to be posted at turnitin at midterm and final week of class.
Go to Basic Grammar, click nouns. In the center section, scroll to bottom and click “Exercise: Parts of speech: nouns 1.” Do this exercise. After completing the exercise, go the far right column of links and click “scorecard.”  Instructor will show how students show up in “gradebook.”
Assignment for Wed., Feb. 25:  Continue in Writershelp/Basic Grammar, read Adjectives and Articles, Adverts, and Prepositions.  Do the exercises for nouns, pronouns, and verbs (total of 11 exercises). We will check the exercises in class next week.

Rhetorical forms:  Make sure you have uploaded your introduction (classification). On
Friday, you will receive a writing question for definition.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Comm. Dynamics 128, 7:10 p.m.

We checked in workbooks.

We read an example paper for the "giving feedback" paper, which is due Mar. 3.

We discussed concepts from the chapter, such as the  beautiful is good effect (Chinese matchmakers example); the birds-of-a-feather effect (age, class, social background); social exchange theory, and the stages of a romantic relationship (initiating, experimenting, intensifying, etc.).

We viewed example clips from the text's web site.

In the last 20" of class, the instructor showed students an overhead with a triangle showing the most effective learning strategies. Toward that end, we formed small groups to discuss who our educational target will be.  We will continue this small group meeting next week.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Assignment Sheet for w/o Feb. 9

Assignment Sheet for Week of February 9, 2015 
Comm Dynamics  128 
Read Ch. 9 in the orange book and 10 in the green. Do workbook. We will do workbook check for 3 chapters (1,2, and 9).  
If you have not yet opened your account at, please do so. If you have an account, enroll in the class.   
Public Speaking 129 
Discussion of "Giving Feedback" technique. Instructor will explain the steps and students will learn what should be put in the paper. 
The instructor will distribute the evaluation form for the delivery of the demonstration speech. 
Practice session for demonstration speech. Pairs of students will find a place to practice. Recording with the cell phone is encouraged. Review the recording together and discuss what you would like to change before the presentations start on the 17th. 
To Do for Next Class: 
Read Ch. 3, "Listening to Speeches" 
Practice demonstration speech. Observe time. Come to class prepared to deliver the speech. 
Do the Giving Feedback paper and post it at by the 17th of Feb.
ENG 101 
Computer lab work: 
Web sites:  
Turnitin: (for submission of papers, see comments and grades on papers, get on email list with your preferred e-mail) 
ANGEL:  (to obtain syllabus, online discussions) 
Writershelp: (for assigned exercises, research and reference work, MLA citation guides) 
Instructor’s blog: (to see in advance what will be covered in class, if you missed class, see what was covered in class and what the assignments are, in inclimate weather, if instructor will make it to class, for charts on topic selection for writing and public speaking)If you have not yet done so, order the book and writershelp. 
If you have not yet done so, read “I Want a Wife” by Julia Brady (use Google). Come to class prepared for group discussion. 
Go to turnitin  and create an account, or, if you have an account already, join the class using the following:  Class ID: 9478309 and password:  ENG101 

Public Speaking 129

Wed., Feb. 11, 2015

We went over the work that was due this class and the work that will be due next week. This is on the assignment sheet, which is also posted at this site in a separate blog post.

Cecelia gave an introduction speech on herself, as her speech partner was in the wrong class.

We welcomed a new student, Kolby, to the class.

Next we went over the "Giving Feedback" paper, also known as "Confronting an Issue."  Didi volunteered to read her steps so that other students could see how to do the paper.We decided this paper would be due on the 17th.

We looked at turnitin to see how many students were able to submit their assignments. The instructor is going to extend deadlines for those who have not yet submitted the introduction.  For the demonstration, students should just proceed to the final draft. She explained the blue bubble and how to check it for feedback.

We had a break, and when we returned, Patrycia scouted out some empty rooms for students to practice their demonstration speech. Students who did not have their outline ready were given computer time to work on their outlines.

At the conclusion of the practice sessions, we went over how to do a citation for an MLA book and an online book.

For assignments, see the assignment sheet, posted elsewhere on this thread.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Communication Dynamics 128, 7:10

We talked about the class web sites and uploading. The instructor urged everyone to get experience uploading at turnitin.

--Learned how to convert manuscript to key words
--How to remember names
--Had four introductions: Joanna, Zaney, Didi, Luz Angela

To Do for Next Class:

--Giving Feedback to Help Others paper assignment has a March 3 due date. For feedback, students can bring in a hard copy to the instructor.

Assignment is to read Ch. 9 in the orange book and 10 in the green. Do workbook.
We will do workbook check in for 3 chapters (1,2, and 9).

Monday, February 9, 2015

ENG 101 11:45 a.m.

Fri., Feb. 13, 2015

"I Want a Wife" discussion.  In the first part of class, we will re-read the essay in preparation for answering questions in a group. The essay should be annotated.

We will then answer the questions and in the last 20" of class, break into small groups to compare answers.

Assignment for Monday:  "As a form of communication, what is texting?  What is it not?"  Making this list is a tool for writing the definition section of the essay. Bring the list to class.

Read "Basic Grammar, "Nouns through Verbs" at Make notes or provide some means of proving you read the assignment.

Wed., Feb. 11, 2015

Computer lab:

--The instructor gave students the weekly assignment sheet. It listed four web sites that the class will be using. It also summarized the readings and other tasks that are necessary for this class.

The first task was to submit a paper at  Ten of twelve students present in class were successful at uploading a paper today.

Six students were not in attendance and should try this assignment on their own as soon as possible.

Two of the twelve students in class should finish the uploading.

Mon., Feb. 9, 2015

--Learned how to do in-text or parenthetical citations for a hard copy book and an online book

--Call up exercises on writershelp

--Three web sites used in this class