Tuesday, October 29, 2013


You may choose any of the three images to resize:


Tree tomato


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Group Communication 12:30

Observations of group task on Tues., 10/22. Document in formation.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Group Communication

Content analysis of group.

Get Ch. 5 Take-home quizzes and essays back. Read two student essays.

If enough time, subculture panel feedback distributed.

Advertising 2 p.m.

Helvetica and Helvetica quiz

Doing statistical graphics for market research presentation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ENG102 1:25 and 2:30 p.m. MWF

Friday, Oct. 18:

Poetry papers returned (a few) and dates scheduled for poetry roundtable.

Table for dates.

Please see the new paper comments page. The link is also posted at right.  It will help you:

  • obtain more detailed feedback on your writing
  • give you the opportunity to let the instructor know you have received the additional comments
  • see where you stand with others from both classes this instructor teaches
  • easily go to links that will help you with writing issues

Friday, October 11, 2013

Advertising 3765

Tues. & Thurs., Oct. 8, 10th

We watched Helvetica.

At the Oct. 8 class, we planned for the Oct. 15 focus group session. The focus group will be discussing movie previews:  Anchorman 2, Once Chance, and Invisible Woman.

Students spoke up for their roles (i.e., market research manager, focus group facilitator, etc.)

ENG 128, Comm. Dynamics

Fri., Oct. 11

We finished the clarifying question and paraphrase worksheet.

Notebooks were checked in.

We organized for the field trip on Oct. 23 by pairing students and choosing locations:

Courtyard, Library Commons:  Talisa & Maria
Library:  Christian and Ta;li
Smoking area:  Janina & Nick
Gym:  Najee & Breanna
Bus stop:  Bruna & Shaniece
Park:  Nick & Dioskar
Commons:  Alex & Ashley; Rehanna & Sandra
Gym:  Andre & Michele

Wed., Oct. 9

We watched film clips of the types of listeners (content, etc.), and we then began learning how to ask clarifying questions and do paraphrasing.

Mon., Oct. 7

The instructor discussed the listening process and what certain terms met, such as "receiving."
She pointed out the benefits of good listening skills:  it assists considerably in job interviews, enhances others' views of one's interpersonal communication skills, and is a trait highly valued by others.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Group Communication 12:30

Oct. 10

Students presented the results of their subculture field trip.

We have one more presentation that will be heard on Tues. 

 Oct. 8

--Look at student papers from Ch.3.We looked at Abbey's and Michael Rizzo's papers. The instructor asked students to work on phrasing in their own words. The papers we looked at both had citations. In addition, the instructor asked students to use examples.

--Discuss self-monitoring. Take self-monitoring assessment. Look at two clips on self-monitoring.

High self-monitors able to form connections better

Mirroring. Naturally meeting us where we are. A high self-monitor can achieve in 13 months what it takes a person without these skills 18 years.

Ori Brafman home page

Dangers of high self monitors if one is a politician:

Fox News disinfo

Clinton in context


In-class survey:  how groups break out in terms of person/function

Handout.  Break into groups. Report back to groups as a whole.
Take photograph of group "portraits."

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Advertising 2 p.m.

October 3

We viewed a .ppt on measurements in the print industry. We scheduled dates for market research presentations and we discussed the focus group product.

Students should come to class with their 10 market research questions.  Word .doc is OK.

October 1

Market research assignment and selection of topics for research.

Read handout on how to compose a market research survey.

Group Communication 12:30

Oct. 1

Subculture assignment.

Subculture examples:



Jersey Shore

Top Ten Youth Subcultures