Monday, September 29, 2014

Communication Dynamics 128

Fri., Oct. 2, 2014

Workbooks were checked in. We tried a new system online that the instructor devised, but it didn't work, so back to the drawing board.

The instructor stressed to students to read the assignment sheet, as there is an additional assignment beyond reading Ch. 5.

On Monday, however, we will still be working a bit from the fourth chapter. We will be discussing the techniques for communication and handling emotions. We will also cover a portion of Ch. 1.

Wed., Oct. 1, 2014

The instructor showed students how to figure their attendance grade.

We watched the film clips for terms applicable to Ch. 4.

The instructor told students we will check in workbooks on Friday. We will also do an experiential learning exercise.

Mon., Sept. 29, 2014

We started the chapter on experiencing and expressing emotions. Using a .ppt, the instructor spoke about emotions, moods, and the criteria for what research says is necessary for a happy life.

There were two handouts. One was a list of emotions. The other was the five-step technique for telling someone when you are trouble by their behavior or when they do something that causes a problem for you.

Business Communication 122

Fri., Oct. 3

We critiqued student work, specifically, the persuasive e-mail revision.  The instructor showed how to cut down on copy and how to use bullets. When the e-mail is revised we will again look at it.

Wed., Oct. 1, 2014

We discussed how to figure the attendance grade.

We discussed the questions that are due Friday. The instructor answered questions about issues students were having.  She showed how to use the Snip It tool, found in the Windows operating system and also how to find additional proofreader's marks.  In addition, students will find a .pdf of proofreader's symbols at writershelp.  Enter "WritersHelp_RevisionSymbols" in the search engine.

We discussed a question that required the use of the active voice. We read the definition at writershelp and engaged in a 10-question exercise on the difference between active and passive voice.

Mon., Sept. 29, 2014

In preparation for writing the persuasive e-mail, the instruction discussed features and benefits.

ENG 101, MWF

Fri., Oct. 2

Charmaine's essay was read by the class. As a result of reading the essay together, we discussed "foreshadowing." We put a foreshadowing statement in the opening and added a few others throughout the essay. This was the "life lesson." essay.

Wed., Oct. 1

We worked on corrections of papers. The instructor helped students who were having difficulty seeing their paper comments file a ticket with the tech department.

Sept. 29

We listened to the audio of a program about the book Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.  The instructor distributed a handout.

We went over the person consistency worksheet and re-wrote a section or two from Sergio's paper to take it from second person to be consistent with first or third.

At the end of the class, we discussed possibilities for the TV comparison/contrast essay.

Assingments:  See assignment sheet posted on this blog for week of 9/29.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Writing101-MWF and Sat.

Link to Julia Brady's "I Want a Wife."

The questions at this link will help you understand the essay. You do not have to turn the questions in. They are provided only as an aid to help you in writing your essay.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Assignment Sheet for Sept. 2-Oct. 4

Assignment Sheet for Week of Monday, Sept. 29, 2014

Writing 101, MWF
Comparison/Contrast:  “Life According to TV”
Due date:  Fri., Oct. 3. Use the writing suggestion on p. 167, 5th ed. Students with 7th edition will receive handout.
Writershelp:  Colon, Semicolon, and Commas:  Read everything under “Quick View:  Colons” to “Unnecessary Colons.” Do the exercise.
Under “Mechanics,” Read everything under “Hyphens with Compound Words” to “Hyphens and URLs.” Do the exercise “The Hyphen.”
Due date:  Fri., Oct. 3

Writing 101, Sat.
Same as 101-MWF, except due date is Sat., Oct. 4.

Assignment for Business Communication 122  
Read Ch. 2, 20-66. Do exercises on pages 67-69.  
Writershelp:  Colon, Semicolon, and Commas:  Read everything under “Quick View:  Colons” to “Unnecessary Colons.” Do the exercise.
Under “Mechanics,” Read everything under “Hyphens with Compound Words” to “Hyphens and URLs.” Do the exercise “The Hyphen.”                                                 

Assignment for Communication Dynamics, 128

Read Ch. 4, “Experiencing and Expressing Emotions,” and do the accompanying workbook Chapter 4.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Assignments for Week of Sept. 22

Assignment Sheet for Week of Monday, Sept. 22, 2014
Writing 101, MWF
“Catch-up” Assignment for ENG 101
Using the “writing suggestion” at the conclusion of the Samuels “Breaking Down Borders” essay on pp. 342-43 of Common Culture, 5th edition, and p. 322, 7th edition. One page, double-spaced, 12 pt type. Post at turnitin.
Due date:  Fri., Sept. 19
 Definition essay using Julia Brady's "I Want a Wife" as the model
Due date:  Fri., Sept. 26
Commas:  do the comma exercises at for what the previous week’s reading covered (“Quick Help:  Commas” through “Commas to Prevent Confusion.”)  Post a Word document with your scores at
Due date:  Fri., Sept. 26
Writing 101, Sat.
Same as 101-MWF, except due date is Sat., Sept. 27
Assignment for Business Communication 122                                                        
  1. Open an account for yourself at You will need these numbers:
Class ID:  8678634                     Password:  Technical
  1.  Post your assignment.
Use Microsoft Word or save as a text file in the program of your choice.
Write an e-mail to your employer (real or imaginary) to point out a minor problem at your place of work, such as a scheduling mix-up, inadequate lighting, the need for more storage shelves or files, your inability to perform an assigned task, or an error in your paycheck. Be brief and to the point.
Due date:  Wed., Sept. 24
Write a sales e-mail. The subject line and opening paragraph must include a benefit. You must also include a picture of the product. In the last paragraph, ask for the sale.
Due date:  Friday, Sept. 26
Commas:  do the comma exercises at for what the previous week’s reading covered (“Quick Help:  Commas” through “Commas to Prevent Confusion.”)  Post a Word document with your scores at
Due date:  Fri., Sept. 26
Assignment for Communication Dynamics, 128
Read Ch. 3 “Perceiving Others,” and do the accompanying workbook Chapter 3.

for Oct. 25, 101
Using the “writing suggestion” at the conclusion of Sanneh’s “WORD:  Jay-Z’s ‘Decoded’ and the Language of Hip-Hop,” conduct primary source research using Construct 3-7 questions and get as many responses as you can by using e-mail, Instagram, Facebook, and/or Twitter. You may also use hard copy questionnaires.

Comm. Dynamics 128

Mon., Sept. 16

We had more introductions.

On Wednesday, the instructor told students we would watch the "important terms" DVD that comes with the text.

Business Communication 122, 12:20-1:15

Wed., Sept. 17

Discuss Ch. 1, what is Tech Communication?

Mon., Sept. 16:

We started off with a reading check, which consisted of five questions that was over the e-mail reading which has previously been distributed. We corrected the quizzes in class. No grade for this quiz; it was just a familiarization exercise so students know what types of questions the instructor is likely to ask on quizzes.

The remainder of e-mail chapter was distributed and is what we will discuss and work with in class on Wednesday.

We listened to four introductions:  Kathryn and Neres, and Tu and James.

Writing 101, MWF, 10:10 a.m.

Mon., Sept. 16

We discussed the most recent assignment and if there were difficulties posting at turnitin. Most students were able to upload their paper; only two could not.

The upcoming "example" essay was discussed. The instructor mentioned what the class should look for in reading the essay.

We went over the commas assignment, which is to read the rules for commas at writershelp.

The instructor discussed a comma exercise and handed out a punctuation rules sheet.

Laura and Q did their introductions.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Writing 101, Sat., 12:45-4 p.m.

Sat., Sept. 13

We reviewed some internet resources:  this blog, the writershelp site, and ANGEL. The instructor distributed a written assignment sheet and also noted that the assignments were posted on the blog.

We went over the comma handout, reviewing the rules we covered last week, and reading/understanding the ones on the back of the handout.
After reviewing the comma rules, we began an exercise where we used our  comma review. We wrote example sentences, but in the context of a scary story.  Each student wrote a sentence on a sheet of loose leaf paper. The sentence was to be modeled after the nine examples on the handout. Students wrote sentences with commas that advanced the storyline.

We discussed the Angelou essay and how it might guide students in the writing of their own narrative. We talked about  how she set the scene in the initial paragraph (descriptive), and also about how she used hyperbole and varied sentence structure.

We then brainstormed some ideas for the writing of this paper.

In the final half hour of class, we paired students for the purposes of doing introduction speeches next week. The instructor gave the students some questions to get started. She also explained the difference between and open-ended and a close-ended question, recommending that students use open-ended questions to get the most content. The introductory speech will be 2-3" in length. All students need for the next class, however, is a one-page written introduction. The instructor will show how to convert the manuscript to key words for a speech.
Posted prior to class:

Work with commas:
--go over punctuation handout
--listen to radio excerpt, Lynn Truss, Eats, Shoots, and Leaves
--comma writing exercise
--go over writershelp assignment

Discuss essay and assignment:
--watch Joe Lewis tape
--go over assignment sheet
--how essay can help in one's own writing
--ideas for this essay

Introductions and learning names:
--how to write an introduction
--how to convert a manuscript to key words
--index cards

Friday, September 12, 2014

Assignments, Week Beginning 9/15

Assignments for Week Beginning Mon., 9/15

ENG 101
Write a 2-3 page narrative that is autobiographical in nature and that tells about some life lesson that you have learned.  It should be typed, double-spaced, and incorporate what you learned about writing this last week:  write the main points first, introduction last, and a conclusion that brings the points you made together. The introduction should draw the reader in; recall what we learned about beginning with a brief story, a quote, or a startling/shocking statement.
Post the essay at It is Class ID 8647396 and the password is “Plainfield.”
Read  Samuels before 9/17
Writershelp:  read everything under PunctuationàCommas—from Quick Help:  Commas through Commas to Prevent Confusion. Have completed by Wed., Sept. 17.
ENG 101_Sat.
Same as MWF except due date is 9/20.
Post the essay at It is Class ID 8647505 and the password is “Cranford.”
Business Communication 122
Read the final section of the e-mail chapter handed out in class.
Read Chapters 1 & 6, posted at ANGEL. 
Writershelp:  read everything under PunctuationàCommas—from Quick Help:  Commas through Commas to Prevent Confusion. Have completed by Wed., Sept. 17.
Communication Dynamics
Read Ch. 2 and do the workbook chapter. “Considering Self.”

Monday, September 8, 2014

128 Comm Dynamics

Students brought a draft.  Clustering technique. Information by importance.

Did more on interview.

How to do key words.

Bring index card, 2 copies of introduction.

Begin delivery on Wed.

Business Communication 122

Mon., Sept. 8

Write 3/4 page, double-spaced, according to the way we discussed organization in class. Use the clustering technique. Bring two copies and a highlighter to class on Wed.

On Wed, instructor will distribute index cards and show students how to transfer a written script to key words.

We will start the introductions Friday.

The instructor distributed a handout on e-mail writing. Read it before the next class.

Writing 101-10:10 a.m.

Friday, Sept. 12

We began the class by talking about Maya Angelou's essay and why she wrote it. We watched a little of the Joe Lewis/Graziano match that took place back in the 30s and which was the subject of the essay. The instructor then handed out the assignment sheet for the essay that is due Monday.  She asked how the essay Angelou wrote might parallel an autobiographical moment about which one might write an essay for the assignment. A few students had ideas for the essay. We brainstormed a few ideas for autobiographical "moments."

The instructor then took students to "turnitin" and showed them the class section where they would upload their essay. It should be uploaded by Sunday at midnight.

We then began our introductions and name-association process. We had four presentations today:  Javon, Antonella, Breonna, and Sean.

Assignments:  see assignments sheet, also posted above.

Wed., Sept. 10

Students turned in their one-page interviews. The instructor handed out cards for the introductions on Friday.

Mon., Sept. 8

We worked from the text and used a writing technique called clustering. As we went through the interview questions, we clustered the content of the interview graphically.

Once we completed that part, the instructor explained how good writers start with the point they feel most strongly about writing. She said that writing is pieced together/organized later, not written in a linear fashion -->intro-->first main point-->transition-->second main point, etc. 

If there is no point one feels like they want to write, just set a timer and write for 15".

When completed, the body of the interview will need an introduction.  The instructor noted the suggestions mentioned in the text, such as quotation, brief story, etc. 

A conclusion is also needed. Students should repeat the name of the person they are interviewing and add some sort of summary comment.

For next class:

Come to class with two copies of the interview you have written. Bring a highlighter.  One interview copy will be handed in.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

ENG128, Comm Dynamics

Sat., Sept. 6, 2014

 What we did in class on Friday, Sept. 5:

The instructor explained open-ended questions.  We broke into pairs and did interviews for paired introductions next week. Students are to write 3/4 of a page for their introduction of the person they interviewed today.

On Monday, the instructor will show students how to change the written script into keywords for speaking. They key words will be put on index cards. Students will introduce their partner at the class that starts Wednesday.

Link to TV clip about open-ended questions. (We will watch in class.)

Friday, September 5, 2014

ENG 122 Business & Tech Writing

We went over the various projects for the class from the Schedule of Activities & Assignments. We discussed the book.
The instructor introduced the memo assignment and showed students how to find the template.  She told them they would be writing a memo of introduction based on the interview of another person in the class. We split up into twos and began the intros. We will complete the interviews on Monday. The memo will be written Tuesday and presented on Wednesday. Be sure to have it online or printed out so we can put it on the overhead document cam.


Finish organizing your interview content. On Monday, you will be asked to write approximately 3/4 of a page on your interview.

Read Maya Angelou's "Champion of the World." p.  391 older editions, 500, new.

Go to and read the Quick Help section on commas.  Should be tagged on front page.  Enter "Plainfield."

Assignment for next Friday, Sept. 12, is to write a 3-page narrative on some event in your life that taught you something. It should be biographical in nature.