Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Advertising 3765 Tues-Thurs 2-3:15 p.m.

Added 11/27/12 at 10 p.m. 

An .xcf file is the equivalent of a Photoshop .psd file: it contains all the data of what you've done to that image. Here is what Melissa wrote:

I tried following the instructions on the sheet you gave us in class, but I think my version of GIMP that I downloaded might be different. (I have GIMP 2.8.) When I open the file in Gimp and click on Image, I can't pick Crop selection for some reason, so I tried clicking Zealous crop, which automatically adjusted the image to a width of 720.  Also, when I save the image, the dialogue box doesn't have the option to set a resolution scale. Should I bring my laptop in to show you next class?

I attached a print out, the Gimp image (.xcf), and the saved .png image - Did they come out correctly? When I save it, it saves as a .xcf, but when I export it, it automatically saves the image as .png -- I couldn't pick.

Instructor's note: I think she has done the process correctly. I wanted you to know that the instructions I gave you might be for an earlier version of Gimp. I have no way of knowing as the computer I composed it on and the version of Gimp on that computer is not available to me at the moment.

The instructor handed out a two-page step-by-step tutorial on how to use Windows Movie Maker, which is a program that can be used to make the TV commercial.
It works with Windows 7 and 8. Download and information.

We went through the tutorial and the instructor explained how it can be used with both stills or movie clips, and also how an audio music bed or a voiceover can be added.

Next we moved on to Copywriting Features and Benefits, which is a required part of the commercial. Students learned how to take a feature and turn it into a benefit. The commercial must have a Unique Selling Proposition and a feature turned into a benefit. Joe asked if there was a list of what was required in the commercial. The instructor responded that the grading sheet would be the best list to go by, so she handed out the grading assessment form.

The .ppt examined copy from a Honda brochure that is found in dealer showrooms. The .ppt can be downloaded.

The Unique Selling Proposition Powerpoint can also be downloaded.

If you need another Unique Selling Proposition worksheet, it is also online.

Students who were not in class today should download the above Copywriting Features and Benefits Powerpoint and do the exercises and hand them in at the next class. In addition, they should hand in their rough draft of the 30-second commercial.

Students who handed in their 30-second commercials will receive feedback at the next class.

After the Features and Benefits were covered, the instructor handed out a set of instructions on how to re-size a picture of a pineapple. The re-sized pineapple image will be due in the form of a printout (B&W is
acceptable) at the next class. Use Gimp, Photoshop, or another graphics editing program to do this.
Instructions on how to re-size pineapple.

Note:  The pineapple is such a large size that it will have to be uploaded tomorrow on a T4 network. It will be uploaded and the link posted by 2:30 p.m. tomorrow. The link will be posted at the blog. Look under the "links" section for "pineapple."

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Writing102 Sat., 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

We revised the class schedule to accommodate loss of  class time for Sandy, however, we are still pretty much on track as we will be knitting the three points together in class next Saturday. Students should bring all three points and go directly to the lab we have been using on the 2nd floor of the library. We will also write our intro and conclusion in class. This will take up most of the class time, but if we have any time left over, Leidy will do her poetry roundtable.

The major change in the schedule is that we will not go to see a play.  The instructor will send out the revised schedule when her internet service is restored.

The last thing we did in class was work on apostrophes. The instructor tooks tudents through some of the rules regarding their use. We had to stop at "contractions," however, and will do them at the next class if we have time.

To Do for Next Class:

Work on poetry roundtable.

Bring all three points to class in digital form.

Work on reading both drama chapters, which are in the links at left. We will have an open book exam on them on the last class.