Wednesday, November 21, 2007

1402 Happy Thanksgiving

In class this week, I talked about finding images for speeches. The Thanksgiving image at right was found by going to the Kean Library web site, clicking databases -->Visual and Performing Arts-->Grove Art Online -->Bridgeman Library. The search term I used was "Thanksgiving."

This image is an ad for the magazine "Harper's Bazaar." Published in 1894, the magazine still exists today (click picture to website).

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Noodletools Seminars Booked for 101 and 102

Please put the appropriate date on your calendar:

102: November 26, 9 a.m.

101: November 28th, 8 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. classes

On edit:

Here is the link to the library instructor's calendar. Click the link and it tells what room number. See Week 48.

Initials and Grades?

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 14 (UPI) -- A study conducted by two U.S. researchers purports to show the initials of a person's name are directly linked with their performance in certain areas.


The second study took into account letter grades in academia in relation to students' initials and again a link was found.

By looking at the grade point averages of M.B.A. students from an unidentified university during the last 15 years, they found students with names starting with "C" or "D" typically had lower grade point averages than those whose names began with "A" and B."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Blue Cloud Darts Around Gas Station

Since Halloween, we've been talking about weird things that show up in photography. Here is a blue cloud that darts around a gas station. It's certainly one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Roman Columns

Years ago my neighbor in the mansion put in new columns. She gave me the old ones.

Nothing gets a gardener with an artistic bend more excited than old columns, especially if the paint is cracked in unusual patterns. One can do so many interesting things in the garden with columns.

I put vinca vine in a container on top of the column. I love the way it trails down the column.

At Christmas, I will often put garland around the columns .

Monday, November 5, 2007

1402 Monday

We chose persuasive topics and changed the dates of presentation for both informative and persusasive.

Informative speeches will be presented on November 26. Outlines must be sent to the instructor by November 19.

Persuasive presentations will take place on December 3. Outlines must be sent to the instructor by November 26.

Next week, November 12, four groups will give their group symposiums (groups headed by Jeff, Mike, Ashley, and Carolyn) .

A nonverbal communication field trip was assigned. We watched a video illustrating some of the nonverbal communication that the form asks students to observe. The assignment is due Nov. 19.

102 Dates for Research Paper

Nov. 14 is Point 1 due
Nov. 28 is Point 2 due
Dec. 5 is Point 3 due
December 10 final paper due
December 14 is return paper

101: Activities-Assignments Nov. through Dec.

Download document.

Hard copy will be provided in class.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Absolute Worst/Best Reason in the World for a Topic Selection

A student comes up after class and says "I want my topic to be on the death penalty."

"Why?" the instructor asks.

"Because I checked Google and there are tons of sources on it."

[Instructor pounds desk with fist, stifles scream.]

The idea is to actually learn something about research. If all that's done is to grab a few sources off a Google search, what was learned?

At some point in life, one may need to find some hard-to-find information. What if the research skills have not been developed? Research is learned by tackling subjects that are outside one's own comfort zone, which is why this instructor provides topic lists.

Absolute Best Reason for Topic Selection

A student stops by after class to ask questions about a topic that was chosen and which she has already started researching. The student says, "I don't know what these acronyms stand for but I'll find out." She rifles through papers, showing printouts of research. In the margins are notes. Some of the text is underlined.

The instructor offers some information on what the acronym stands for. Referring to the topic list, the student remarks that she could have chosen an easier topic, but instead she challenged herself with one that was outside her usual interests.

The instructor's heart beats with joy. Imagine! A student who is actually interested in learning instead of just getting a grade. Somebody who wants their intellect tested. Someone who is confident enough of to step outside the comfort zone and do some hiking on some rocky terrain. If the instructor were a cat, she would purr.