Monday, October 19, 2009

Adv 3960 What Happened in Class


We are going to meet in the new classroom, 359, on Monday.

The instructor collected the assignments that were due (see calendar).

Next we started work on our newspaper ads in the lab. Most students finished their ads and there is some time to finesse them before the deadline date, which is Oct. 29.

Next class:

Unique Selling Proposition Worksheet
Do readings per reading schedule
Work on newspaper ad


We had trouble with the light being out on the rear-screen projector so we moved to Room 359.

First we talked about the market research zip code exercise, where each student is to extrapolate some observation based on the data. Link to research.

Next we talked about the long sales letter. The instructor put some rough drafts up on the doc cam and we read through them and talked about various features and things to do or not do. An example of something not to do is to mention price.

Next class:

we will be in the lab putting our newspaper ads together so get art elements, copy, etc., together so you can finish

bring long sales letter

bring final of market research questionnaire