Sunday, November 29, 2009

1402 for Monday

Thu. Dec. 3

Students handed in their MLA to APA internal text citation example.

Next we worked with the conversion of MLA Works Cited to APA. First the instructor went over the differences in MLA and APA. We talked about three methods of doing the APA version:

a) the instructor said the best way is to get out the style guide and do the conversions by hand
b) we explored the Microsoft Word capabilities. Ashley showed the group how the citations are generated after all the sources have been entered (by doing internal citations)
c) the instructor showed NoodleTools.

Monroe's Motivated Sequence

We worked on the visualization step. Laura volunteered to put her visualization step on the screen and the class read it. We looked for ways to make it more effective.

Laura opened up the BlackBoard discussion thread and each student is to post their visualization step before next Tuesday, Dec. 8

Next class:

Continue with class readings per the reading schedule and do the outlines
Work on the outline and post the visualization step at Blackboard
Bring MLA Works Cited and APA References page.

Next class:

Bring MLA Works Cited and APA References pages

Posted Dec. 1, 8:38 p.m.

These links are for Laura and Darcy:


Here is our agenda. Please bring your MLA/APA guide and also bring your "I Am" paper. If you have not received your "I Am" paper, you will get it back on Monday.

Further instruction on how to write various elements of the persuasive speech.
a) review what they already did
b) go over new areas

Go over corrections on "I Am" paper.

Convert MLA to APA
a) differences
b) how to do text citation
c) how to do References section

Vivid words assignment (if we have time).


MLA and APA Differences


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For Students Studying Poetry and Drama

Just heard about this play, which is opening in NY:

Do Not Go Gentle

3960 Adv What Happened in Class

We worked as a problem-solving and creative review group today. Everyone sat in a circle and the instructor passed out a rough draft of the flyer that will be used to promote the winter coupon special. We decided on a flyer color (blue) and changed the heading to reflect the origins of the flyer (Kean/TheTower). We edited some of the content.

What needs to be done next is to make a template of the coupon. The instructor is to make revisions and send it to the students.

Next class:

Reading for 23rd and next week, Ch's 14 & 15, which have to do with electronic and interactive advertising.

1402 What Happened in Class

Sal gave his speech on marijuana legalization.

We went to the lab and worked on sections of the persuasive speech. Specifically, we worked on how to make the problem a problem for our audience. Students signed "contracts" agreeing to use the Monroe Motivated Sequence outline.

Next class:

Outline due (Nov. 30)

Following are examples from the lab session:

Need step (problem demonstrated with evidence):

Leafblowers are an inefficient means for disposing of leaves because they:
• Put out too much pollution pollution (a person can drive a car from NJ to Indianapolis and put out less pollution than one leafblower in 20 minutes)
• Are too noisy. Leafblowers put out 160-190 dBA while lawnmowers only put out 95 dBA
• Stir up chromium and other toxins put out by automobiles, put it into the air where we breath it. One study conducted by the American Lung Association examined types of materials or toxins found in street dust. Found among the particulates examined were traces of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and mercury.

Example of visualization step:

If we ban leafblowers, our mornings will not be disturbed with loud noise. We can leave our house windows open on Indian summer days in the fall.

There will be no more piles of leaves at the curb to cause traffic congestion and accidents.

The instruction suggested that students write a paragraph about what the world will be like if their solution to he problem is adopted.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Writing 102 Saturday What Happened in Class

We exchanged research papers and the instructor asked each person to check certain items such as margins, headings, internal text citations, etc. After this review, each student read and scored the paper according to a sheet handed out by the instructor. Students then conferred with each other on the paper remarks.

The instructor showed students a research paper assignment from another instructor. She pointed out how the instructor for this assignment stressed following the same style formatting that is being taught in this class.

Fernanda conducted her poetry roundtable on William Blake's "London," (abecedarian).

Jerson started his on Dante but we ran out of time.

Next class:

Next week is Thanksgiving, so students have two weeks to make revisions to the paper.

For students doing their poem, a general order of presentation is:

  • read poet genre/background paper

  • read poem or listen to mp3

  • read explication paper

Be sure that you provide a copy of each of the above for each student. The instructor will have copies made for you if you need them.

Writing 102 Friday What Happened in Class

Each student should send their copy of the research paper to the instructor. She will immediately evaluate it so students have a full two weeks to work on revisions before the date the final is submitted.

We worked on internal citations.

Next Class:

Poetry roundtable: Shanna, Ervine, Sonia, Wendy, Andrea

Submit final research paper

Monday, November 16, 2009

1402 What Happened in Class

Thursday, Nov. 19

Guyyolene and Shaayine gave speeches.

(More will be added later, after consulting notes--Instructor)

To Do for Next Class:

Bring "I Am" papers for corrections review
We will work on "vivid language" and how to write creative introductions.
There will be actual work on the speeches using Monroe's Motivated Sequence.
Sal might give his speech.

Monday, Nov. 16

We decided on Nov. 30 (Mon.) as a deadline date for the persuasive speech outline. Please note that the instructor will ask students to bring research sources in an Annotated Works Cited periodically between now and the deadline date.

Students finished selecting their persuasive topics and we put the speaking dates on the table. The dates and speakers are organized by date at the end of this post.

Ylani and Aajjah spoke today.

We checked in outlines.

To do:

Work on persuasive speech research and outline
If applicable, practice informative speech
Work on outlines, per the reading schedule

Speaking dates:

Outline deadline date:

Dec. 7:


Dec. 10:


Dec. 14


Dec. 17


3960 Advertising What Happened in Class

Thursday, November 19

The Tower media kits were distributed and each student was asked who they had in mind for an advertiser. The instructor recorded the information and will put it in a table.

The instructor provided a handout for the radio commercial. The handout provided formats for radio ads and also strategies for writing the ad (types of emotional appeals, for example). Students are to review the handout and decide on a format and appeal for their upcoming commercial.

The handout included a format for the radio script. The instructor demonstrated the setup in class.

Students turned in their Google Adwords (three-lines).

Next class:

Instructor will provide flyer for coupon
Google Adwords will be returned
We will work on material from the text

Monday, November 16

We went over some revisions in the assignments.

We finished the Google Adwords Powerpoint.

Category headings for portfolio:

Direct Mail (long sales letter)

Google Adwords and youtube

Market Research


Outdoor/visual display


To do:

Write three-line Google ad (fourth line is URL).
Continue reading Arens chapter on creativity

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Writing 102 Saturday What Happened in Class

The instructor showed students metaphors for punctuation. We have already covered one metaphor, which is the colon (The Magician). Continuing work with punctuation, we covered the apostrophe. The instructor showed a Powerpoint on the apostrophe and students did exercises along with it. The exercises were turned in at the conclusion of class.

Students came prepared for their peer readings of the research paper but because we were concerned about time, we proceeded immediately to the poetry roundtable. Were were able to fit in three of four readings: Natalia, Mark, and Lilliana.

Students for this coming Saturday's discussions can give the instructor materials to be photocopied at the beginning of class: the poem, the background of the poet/how the poet fits into the genre, and the explication (meaning) of the poem. That will only work for this week, however, as we are doing peer readings and self-evaluations at the beginning of the class.

Next week:

Self-evaluation and peer readings of research paper.

Poetry roundtable with Fernanda, Jerson, Vanessa, and Diana.

Writing 102 Friday Evening Class

We discussed the paper readings for next week. The instructor told students how to prepare their paper for colleague and self-evaluations.

Next we went through Lukeman's punctuation metaphors. After that, we worked on use of the apostrophe. We watched a Powerpoint and students did exercises based on each of the rules discussed. The exercises were handed in at the conclusion of class.

We did a poetry roundtable discussion and Liddia presented a poem by Elizabeth Bishop (villanelle).

To do next week:

Continue work on Langan. Book must be completed by the end of class, Dec. 10.

Finish the last chapter in Lester.

Assemble paper for peer reading.

Poetry roundtable for this coming Thursday: Sonia, Wendy, Andrea

Friday, November 13, 2009

Program Where Employer Pays Tuition

I thought this article might interest some of my students. The program is operating here in NJ.

Writing 102 Thursday Night

Students gave their conclusions to another student for a reading. The instructor put Lester p. 124 on the overhead projector and we discussed the steps in the conclusion.

The instructor asked students to put the paper together for scoring next week. The intro and conclusion should be added to the three main points, which already have transitions written in. Not only will we do scoring next week, we will write a title and subtitles.

We looked at punctuation metaphors and then worked on the apostrophe. Students handed in their worksheets for apostrophe.

Next we had two poetry presentations (Scott & supposed to be Estaban, who was not in class.) Fortunately Rosanna was ready for her presentation and substituted for Estaban. Scott told us about the sonnet and Rosanaa discussed lyrical poetry.

We were unable to complete this part of the class but will continue next week on poetry slams. Also, we will read Rosanna's two papers.

Students who are presenting are reminded that they must photocopy all three pages: poem, one-page explication, and one-page genre/poet. If you need the instructor to make copies, just email the materials.

To Do for Next Week:

Research paper completed with scoring sheets attached
Fnish last chapter in Lester
Continue with Langan, three more chapters
Check calendar for other due dates

Thursday, November 12, 2009

1402 What Happened in Class

Today we had three speeches: one on learning disorders (Darcy), one on brain tumors (Taz), and one on computer viruses/malware, etc. by Jeff.

Next class:

Text outlines were to be checked today so we will check them on Monday instead.
Continue readings, per the schedule
Be sure you have signed up for your persuasive topic, as the deadline was today.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Advertising 3100 What Happened in Class

First we had a quiz on the previous week's film, which was Helvetica. We corrected the questions in class and later the instructor discussed the importance of various points, such as why corporations like this font.

Next we watched went through the major points of
Chapter 9 (on media buying). The instructor explained that advertisers tell the buyer how much money there is to spend and how many gross rating points must be purchased for that amount.

After going through the highlights of media planning, buying, and strategy, the instructor showed students the SRDS web site and asked them to look through the auditing sites.

We took a short break. After the break, we had a quiz on terms used in search engine advertising (Google ad words). The quizzes were corrected in class.

The instructor explained there would be a Powerpoint on Google AdWords next week and students would write a three-line Google ad for their assignment that week.

Next week:

Read Ch. 10, Creative Strategy and Process
There may be a quiz or test on this chapter
Google "top advertising words" and become familiar with them
Read links on auditing companies at the SRDS Web site

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

3960 Adv What Happened in Class

The instructor handed back papers and went through her grade sheet of what she has and does not have from students.

She returned youtube assignments and told students what they needed to do to revise them for final form in the portfolio. Students turned up a number of ideas from the research part of this assignment and were asked to forward their links for posting:

More will be added as they come in:

Christina's links on trade shows.

Robert's link on Japanese/shaving.

Marie's links, which I think many of you will be able to use.

We went through the narrated slides for Chapter 8. The instructor suggested that a good question for students to ask in an interview is how the company determines its ad budget.

Next class:

Possible quiz on Google Adwords glossary
Google Adwords: how it works

Monday, November 9, 2009

1402 What Happened in Class

Link to student topics:

Bring one research article on your topic. All students must choose topic by Thursday.

Outline for Monroe's Motivated Sequence

Explanation of steps in Monroe's Motivated Sequence

To do:
Readings, per reading schedule
Future class: relaxation technique with tape
I Am papers returned

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Writing 102 Thursday What Happened in Class

Research paper scoring sheets were distributed and each student received three. They were labeled: "instructor (one-sided scoring sheet) and "peer reading" and "self-evaluation" for the two-sided scoring sheets.

Students turned in their drama paper finals.

The instructor talked about transitions and students selected from a list of transitions displayed on the overhead projector. The transitions were written in on the rough draft of the research paper. At the conclusion of this exercise, the instructor asked students to hand in their introduction. The rough draft with transitions was to be labeled "transitions written in on Nov. 5." The rough draft is turned in with the research paper.

Next students took the drama quiz. We corrected the quizzes in class.

Erin and Susan read their poems and we read the explications and genre papers in class. We discussed the poems.

Next week:

Write conclusion and bring to class. We will do peer readings of the conclusions.

Do three more chapters in Langan.
Read Ch. 10 in Lester.

Scott and Estaban do their poetry readings.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Advertising 3960

We chose the trade magazines for our youtube video. The idea behind the research is to possibly add to our one-page written concept that is targeted to our client, and to also learn what the marketing community is saying about youtube advertising promotion.

We discussed the assignment and to whom it is targeted.

We discussed the test system and students gave feedback on the paper test. It was decided we will proceed with the T/F questions for future chapters. We may possibly substitute some questions from the end of the chapter for variation.

The instructor returned papers with grades (newspaper, long sales letter).

Students agreed to have their two surveys together and ready for a grade by next Monday, Nov. 9.

To Do For Next Class:

Do trade magazine research on youtube at selected trade publication. Write the youtube concept video.

For Monday, Nov. 10. Make any changes needed to the surveymonkey version of the survey. Make a Word. doc version of the survey.

1402 What Happened in Class

We had two informative speeches.

"I Am" journals were handed in.

Next class:

Laura, Xaviel, Christine give informative speeches
Students should be completing outlines for the check on Nov.12
Fox video, if we have time.