Thursday, July 31, 2014

Public Speaking 129

July 31:

For next week, the Aug. 4 & 6 classes, we will read the two chapters on persuasive speaking, Ch's 14 & 15.

Next week we will hear informative speeches. What to turn in or show instructor before speech:

1. Full sentence outline or phrase outline with MLA internal text citations and an annotated Works Cited page
2. Index card with only 30 words on it (one). Show the instructor the card, but use it for your speech.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Public Speaking 129

Wed., July 30

One intro speech and one process speech

Check in MLA citations, check each others' work

In the lab:  Download the following document and use it  to work on speech outline. Do not download as a .pdf if it gives you that option. Only download as a Word file because you will be entering text on it.

Mon., July 28

Two quizzes.

Remainder of "how to" speeches.

Any introduction speeches that still need to be done.

Topic selection for informative speeches.

MLA--4-6 types of citations.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

What Happens if You Plagiarize?

You get fired:


BuzzFeed fires political editor Benny Johnson for plagiarism 

The social news site’s first ‘viral politics editor’ gets the boot. Internal review finds 41 cases of plagiarizing, including lifting Yahoo! Answers.

  An internal review found 41 instances of Johnson lifting “sentences or phrases copied word for word from other sites,” Smith wrote.
Accusations of plagiarism surfaced earlier in the week when Twitter posts accused the political editor of stealing the work of other writers and lifting paragraphs from websites including Yahoo! Answers.

Quizzes for Monday

One of your colleagues just wrote for clarification on what the Monday quiz would be about. It will be a make-up quiz on the informative speech reading (see posts below for exact pages) and also on Ch. 5.

On Wed. it will be Ch's 6 & 7.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Public Speaking 129

July 21

Five-question quiz on pages 265-end of chapter.
Look at section on Ronald Reagan. Watch video on how put one-liners into speeches.

Instructor will return feedback from introduction speeches. We will discuss areas on which to work.

Stress reduction using isometric or stretching exercises

Process, or "how to" speeches. Five-minute speeches by class members. We will hear from half the class. The evaluation form is the outline given to you in class, so be sure you follow all the steps (outline is on reverse side of agenda handout)..

Instructor goes over how to figure grade (quizzes, class participation, etc.)

At 8:15 we will go to L315 and work on how to do a note card and we will work with PowerPoint .

The instructor will show student the academic databases and how to access them.

Two MLA citations,which class will do using Word.

July 23

Five-question quiz on informative speech chapter, 289-308.

Stress reduction exercises.

Listen to other half of the demonstration speeches.

Communications apprehension worksheet.

At 8:15 we will go to L315 and brainstorm topics for the informative speech. Some topics will be posted by the instructor, and students may also enter topics on this page.. Others will be offered by students. Students will enter their topic on a table.

Two additional MLA sources. How to find a model for an MLA source.

We will work on preparing charts and graphs showing numbers/statistics using Microsoft Office 2013.


Ten sources for informative speech entered by hand on the table.
Read Chapters 5, 6 and 7.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Public Speaking 129

Monday, July 14

Please note:  I have contacted facilities about getting the air conditioner adjusted a little cooler. I will also be bringing fans. I would like a couple volunteers to bring in and return the fans.

Monday class

1.5 hrs of introductions and work with names

Five- question quiz over reading material
Distribute scantrons and pencils.

Tour:  computer labs (2), instructor's mailbox, instructor's office, 2nd floor reference book section. Two sections.

Communications apprehension profile

Class discussion on Reddit thread

Deep breathing exercise

Distribute Annotated Works Cited and explain
Ask students to bring a book and a magazine to next class.

Form small groups for "what do I know how to do"

Distribute process speech outline

Wednesday, July 16

Remainder of intros and work with names

Five questions over reading material

Continued work with CA (communications apprehension)

Meditation exercise. Relaxation response.

Do a couple MLA citations. Worksheets.

Compile "what I know how to do" and get audience feedback.

Go over process speech outline

Watch demo at turnitin.

Assignment for week of July 21:

1) Per the input at our group session, write your process speech outline. Be prepared to speak when you are called up on Mon. or Wed.
2) Read for next week: Ch. 12, p. 265-end; Informative speech, 289-308.
3) Have an informative speech topic and an alternate for group input on topics.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Public Speaking 129


Reddit thread

Do search on page for "public speaking."


The instructor handed out a hard copy of the syllabus and we read it in class. She also showed students where a digital copy of the syllabus could be downloaded (see above link).
In addition, she gave students the ISBN to order a hard copy of the book. She explained that the book will be treated as a reference for the course and that readings will be assigned according to what areas are pertinent to the topics being covered in the class.

After reading the syllabus, she gave the class a reading assignment (see end of this post).

We began research work for the first speech, which is a speech of introduction, by brainstorming questions we have when we meet a new person. In addition, we added questions whose answers will give us insights about the person. The instructor asked the class to be sure to get the name and spelling of the name correct because a memory technique for names will also be taught.

The class was given 35" to do their interviews. The instructor suggested that students type out their interviews as soon as possible so they can remember better. The key to an interesting speech is having ample material.

The introduction speech is a "benchmark" and while it will be graded, the grade will not be entered. The speech is used to give students areas on which to work for their next speech, the demonstration or process speech.

Grading criteria is as follows:

1. Does the introduction grab the listener's attention?
2. Did the speakers put their names on the board?
3. Is the delivery smooth through the use of transitions?
4. Does the speaker maintain eye contact with all sides of the room?
5. Does the speaker use index card(s)?
6. Does the speaker enunciate clearly and project so that the audience can hear?
7. Is the outline organized?
8. Is the outline double-spaced?
9. Does the outline have the title " ____ introducing ____?"
10. Does the speaker repeat the colleague's name in the conclusion?

After the students returned from their interviewing, the instructor gave guidelines on how to shape content.

The assignments for next week are:

a) write the outline for the speech. Reduce the outline to key words and put them on a notecard or card stock. Practice. Make sure your speech is 3-4".
Be prepared to give your introductory speech at the next class.

b) read "Understanding Your Nervousness," pages 10-17.
Read Ch. 4, "Analyzing Your Audience," 79-84.
Be prepared for a reading check on points from the above readings. Five questions per reading.

d) Think about a skill that can be a topic for a demonstration speech.

e) Read the Reddit thread (link above). Be prepared for a 10" class discussion on the comments.