When you walk in the front door, turn left after the circulation desk on your left. Go through the door. Continue walking toward the end of the hallway. Our room is on the right. You will recognize the instructor and other students in the class. It is a large computer room.
In the first part of the class, students met in their groups. They answered the questions (below*) and also discussed the camera situation for the practice session next Thursday.
Students are to e-mail the results of this meeting to the instructor.
In addition, the instructor checked in sources that students were to get from their research on the topic. One point was given for each source.
During the last 20" of class, the instructor showed students how to do Works Cited. Internal text citations will be taught at another date.
Students took their five sources and wrote them according to the format shown on the overhead projector. Other sources for MLA help are:
Bedford book from English class
Google "OWL Perdue MLA"
Look at the library's web site
Students should keep the yellow sheet as we will continue to work on the sources.
To Do for Next Class:
--do the chapter readings, per the reading schedule. This includes the handout in class
--work on your outline, which will be due on Sept. 15. Use the persuasive outline located in your book. Seventh edition is on p. 227, if I remember correctly
--locate a camera or recording device to bring to the practice session on Sept. 15
--work on whatever you committed to in the small group meeting
- who covers what topic
- who will be the group leader and who will do the transitions
- who will present the problem
- how will you make the problem the audience's problem?
- who will present the two expert solutions
- use two of the problem solving techniques in the reading (example: fishbone) and turn them in with your group materials
- who will present the group's solution
- who will conclude the symposium
- who will collect the outlines and turn them in to the instructor?