Monday, September 26, 2011

Health Comm


We watched the rest of "The Doctor." 

Due to the fact that many students do not yet have their book, we will write on empathetic communication in "The Doctor " at our next class. We will meet at the classroom and then go to the lab. The instructor will prepare writing questions for students based on the movie. It might be helpful to do some background reading on this movie at imdb or read the Wiki entry on this movie.


Last week we learned about empathetic communication, one of the most important elements of communication in the medical field.  This week we are watching the movie "The Doctor," in which a doctor finds he has cancer. We watched nearly 60" of the film in the first part of the class and will watch the final 63" in our next class. The instructor announced a writing assignment on empathetic communication. It will be one page and is due next Monday, Oct. 3.