Thursday, September 1, 2011

Speech Critical 1402 4:30-5:15 p.m.


Schedule of Activities and Assignments

Same as above but with no highlighting: Schedule/Activities-Assignments


On the first day of class, students read through the syllabus, which is posted above. We covered everything but the last two assignments, the informative and persuasive speech.

The instructor distributed a copy of the Activities and Assignments sheet, which is also posted above. Students also received two copies of the speech evaluation sheet. These evaluation sheets are to be kept until the informative speech and persuasive are given. Turn them in with the outline, Works Cited, etc., at the time of the speech.

It is possible that Ch. 15 will be online. Check back at this blog on Saturday or Sunday to see if there is a link.

To Do for Next Class:

Purchase book from bookstore or online. If online, print a copy of your receipt, which needs to be dated 9/1. Keep this order with your speech materials.

Make a bookmark folder on your browser called "Speech" and bookmark this blog.

Make a folder on your computer and file the syllabus and schedule of activities and assignments on it.

Read Chapters 15 and 16.

Think of societal problems that America has and bring your ideas to the upcoming class, where we will decide on topics and break into groups for the symposium.