Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Thurs., Sept. 29, 2011

Regarding the password, the instructor will email Michelle for it and then pass it on to students via email before class.

We discussed tables and their former purpose before CSS, their current uses, and how they can sometimes be preferable to CSS grid systems.

We went through the tables .ppt. and worked through the pages in the book.

We uploaded our web links page. Here are some of the students' pages:









Tables .ppt

At our next class, we will cover defining columns, bullets, numbers, definition lists, etc.

At Thursday's class we will learn how to adjust text font size and other font properties.

The ISBN for the CSS book is: 780596802448

The ISBN for the Dreamweaver text is:  9781449381813

The ISBN for the Flash CS5 text is: 9781449398255

Tues., Sept. 27, 2011

Finish up from last week:  contacts

Download Graphic File Formats .ppt at links on left

Chapter 4 Index

Chapter 4 Facts

Chapter 4 Parklist

Chapter 4 links enlarged for easy viewing

Advertising 3765

 Thursday 9/29

We did one reading check.

We watched students camera moves:  tilts, pans, etc. Students received five Class Participation Points for doing this assignment.

To Do for Next Class:

Next week we will write copy for our TV ad by analyzing features and benefits.

Read Ch. 3 on Diversity.

Work on selling an ad.

Tuesday 9/27

We discussed Tower advertisers and who was calling on whom. We put up a table so no one would call on the same people.

Coupon layouts were returned. Hold onto them, as at a later date we will be doing a graphic layout assignment using them.

We talked about the unique selling proposition and will work through the worksheet below when we write copy next week. For now, students just need to think about what product or service their commercial will be about.

Unique Selling Proposition:

Honda brochure

To Do for Next Class:

Camera moves-- put on USB drive for Thursday
Think of product/service for the commercial for next week
Reading check on Ch's 8 & 10 is Thursday

Speech Critical 1402

Thursday, 9/29

We worked on Annotated Works Cited. Students corrected each others' papers and the papers were then returned for corrections and format clean up.

Students are to attain five more sources from the academic databases and add them to the Annotated Works Cited.

We moved on to the outline. Working from the book and handouts, we went through the first part of the outline:  general purpose, specific purpose, etc.

For Next Class:

We will work on the informative speech outline in class. Bring research.

Annotated Works Cited will be collected by instructor.

There will be a reading check on the group chapters.

Reading to prepare for next week is Ch. 9, Organizing the Outline

Tuesday, 9/27

We chose speech topics. The link is at left under "Speech/Critical Informative Topics/

To Do for Next Class:

Annotated Works Cited with three sources

Reading check

One-page reaction to taped speech

Monday, September 26, 2011

Health Comm


We watched the rest of "The Doctor." 

Due to the fact that many students do not yet have their book, we will write on empathetic communication in "The Doctor " at our next class. We will meet at the classroom and then go to the lab. The instructor will prepare writing questions for students based on the movie. It might be helpful to do some background reading on this movie at imdb or read the Wiki entry on this movie.


Last week we learned about empathetic communication, one of the most important elements of communication in the medical field.  This week we are watching the movie "The Doctor," in which a doctor finds he has cancer. We watched nearly 60" of the film in the first part of the class and will watch the final 63" in our next class. The instructor announced a writing assignment on empathetic communication. It will be one page and is due next Monday, Oct. 3.

Writing 102 10:10 a.m.

Wed., Sept 28

Students turned in their Annotated Works Cited in MLA style.  The instructor chose a few at random and we looked at them on the overhead document camera and critiqued them. Some students had chosen complex citations (example:  the radio show that was an interview that was on PBS) and did them nearly correctly.

The instructor will look at the AWC and assign a point value which is added to the student's class participation points.

We ran out of time, so on Friday we will cover the poetry assignment and the working thesis statement.

To Do for Next Class:

Continue to research, acquiring sources for the paper. Add the sources to your Annotated Works Cited, even if you do not know if you are going to use them yet.

Think about what you might want your thesis to sound like.

Source for Vonetta:

Monday, Sept. 26

Students brought their Annotated Works Cited, which is 10 sources in annotated MLA form. The students critiqued and corrected each other's papers.

First the instructor went over format, which was followed by a closer look at the format of each citation. The model citation was shown on the overhead projector.

Student papers were returned; the assignment for the next class is to bring in the corrected Works Cited.

Writing 102 9:05

 Wed., Sept. 28

Students turned in their Annotated Works Cited in MLA style.  The instructor chose a few at random and we looked at them on the overhead document camera and critiqued them. Some were nearly perfect, while others had mixed-up italics, oddball spacing, and other errors. The instructor will look at the AWC and assign a point value which is added to the student's class participation points.

Next the instructor introduced two items that are due at the next class on Friday, Sept. 30:

To Do for Next Class:

Go to poets.org and choose a form, a technique, a school, or a movement.  Read the description and choose a poet from the article or through further research. This will be the topic for your multimedia presentation on poetry, and we will start presenting in about three weeks to a month. The presentation will consist of several papers, images, etc.

In your Lester book, look up in Ch. 1 what Lester has to say about the thesis statement. Write a working thesis statement and bring it to class.  We will put it on a table, just like we did with the poetry selections.

Monday, Sept.26

Students brought their Annotated Works Cited, which is 10 sources in annotated MLA form.  The students critiqued and corrected each other's papers.

First the instructor went over format, which was followed by a closer look at the format of each citation. The model citation was shown on the overhead projector.

Student papers were returned; the assignment for the next class is to bring in the corrected Works Cited.

Writing 101 8 a.m.

Wednesday, 9/28/11

We are beginning work on commas, but toward that end it is important to understand the use of the semicolon. Today we watched a .ppt that told the two uses of the semicolon. As it was an interactive presentation, students wrote example sentences throughout. We will finish the presentation at our next class, and we stopped on "smooth out choppiness."

Students were to have at least one page of descriptive writing for today. The instructor will ask to see it plus another page or two by Friday.

On Friday, we will begin our work on exemplification. Please see the reading schedule for the scheduled readings.

To Do for Next Class:

Readings per the schedule
Additional pages of descriptive writing to bring it to a total of 5 pages

Monday, 9/26/11:

The instructor showed students what she liked about the descriptive writing papers. We looked at writing done by students on the overhead projector. 

The papers were returned, along with student feedback.

To Do for Next Class:

Write additional pages to help reach five for the descriptive. The instructor will ask to see at least one page of additional descriptive writing in class Wed.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Speech Critical 1402 4:30 p.m.

Two groups delivered their symposiums.

We will listen to the other three on Thursday.

The new instructor will come in on the following Tuesday. All course material will be provided to her, including your class participation points and grades for symposium.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011







 instructor use

We learned how to upload. Students downloaded FileZilla, a free file transfer client. Each person entered their user name and password plus the email upload address for their ISP. Some students did not have an ISP and in the case of Verizon, no ftp is provided with the Basic Package. Students would need to pay an addition $6 per month (approximate) to have ftp capabilities with Verizon. Some students, therefore, are looking at other ISPs.

We went through a ppt (link below) that explained the origins of the Internet and how XHTML developed.

Students turned in their links assignment and their definition of terms.

We worked on one of the chapters from the HTML book. The instructor will edit the files and list them at the blog post.

html/xhtml ppt


Ch. 2 HTML text
Ch. 3 HTML text

What's due:
  • web links to build page
  • definitions

Advertising 3765


We discussed potential Tower accounts.

The instructor told students about previous advertisers. Two students have already sold their ads!

We discussed the possibilities of Starbucks and Ave. By sharing information, we learned what places were possibilities and which weren't.

The instructor talked about how to make a sales call.

We wanted to look at coupon layouts on the document projector. In addition, we had examples of sign-off forms by advertisers. Unfortunately the Elmo did not work. The instructor called in the repair and it should be working by next Tuesday.

There will be a reading check on Ch's 8 & 10 next Tuesday.
The students will receive flyers on Tuesday (Tower)
We will look at coupon layouts Tuesday
Reading schedule says Ch's 1 & 6 to be read this week. Reading check on that the week of 10/4
Next week's topics are features and benefits in advertising (copywriting).  If you have a recent purchase of a camera, appliance, printer, or some other type of item, bring the box to class. We will use it as an example.


Unique Selling Proposition Worksheet.docx


We had a meeting with the journalism students, Prof. Pat Lauro, and Business Manager Eileen Ruf.  The purpose of the meeting was for students to understand the role of The Tower and a little of its history.  Students should also understand how The Tower differs from The Cougars Byte.

In addition, there are areas where advertising and journalism intersect, or rather we should say, not intersect. Students cannot, for example, approve a request by an advertiser to do a story on them when they purchase an ad.

Advertising students were given a media kit. We will go over the kit and potential advertisers (previously turned in by students) on Thursday.

The instructor handed out a reading schedule at the conclusion of the class.

We were supposed to turn in coupons, but the instructor decided to take them on Thursday instead.

Speech 1402 11 a.m.


Three groups presented today and we are now nearly finished with the group symposium project. What is left to be completed is the one-page assessment of the practice taping. Students have a week to complete this last part.

To Do for Next Class:

Next week we will begin choosing informative speech topics. There will also be a reading check on the three book chapter readings. Students should come to class with ideas for the informative speech.


Two groups spoke today. One group spoke on nature deficit disorder and the other group spoke on college tuition.

The instructor looked at student outlines. Each person who showed an outline received feedback and one class participation point for the outline.

To Do for Next Class:

Thursday groups should practice their individual speeches in preparation for presentation on Thursday.

See the reading schedule for chapter readings. There will be reading checks at future classes, so be sure you have the material for the week read and that you do not fall behind.

Writing102 10:10


Prior to the quiz, the instructor covered the basics of internal text citation using the MLA documentation system.

We then took a quiz based on Wednesday's session at the library. We corrected the quizzes in class.

We went over Monday's assignment, which is to have 10 annotated citations for the research paper. The instructor showed a page that has streaming video cites. In addition, she suggested npr.org for radio clips and pbs.org for tv clips.
We worked on research paper topics.

To Do for Next Class
Put annotated Works Cited together to turn in on Monday

Read Ch. 1 in Lester


The class session was conducted by James, one of our librarians at the Elizabeth campus. James told students how to do the MLA Works Cited page.

To Do for Next Class:

Work on research paper sources. The  Annotated Works Cited will be due on Monday, Sept. 26.

There will be a quiz on James' presentation.

Read the topics chapter in Lester (Ch. 1. He emphasizes topics on pages 3-5.) Read the entire chapter.

Monday, Sept. 19

The instructor took student topic ideas.

We broke into small groups for purposes of learning Works Cited. We did a book citation and the instructor showed students the format for the Works Cited list at the end of the paper.

To Do for Next Class:

Library session to learn advanced databases.

Topic idea.  Read the topics chapter in Lester.

Monday, September 19, 2011

To All 102 and 1402 Students

See topics link at right. More topics will be added.

Writing 102 9:05 a.m.


Prior to the quiz, the instructor covered the basics of internal text citation using the MLA documentation system. 

We then took a quiz based on Wednesday's session at the library.  We corrected the quizzes in class.

We went over Monday's assignment, which is to have 10 annotated citations for the research paper. The instructor showed a page that has streaming video cites. In addition, she suggested npr.org for radio clips and pbs.org for tv clips.

We worked on research paper topics.

To Do for Next Class

Put annotated Works Cited together to turn in on Monday
Read Ch. 1 in Lester


The class session was conducted by James, one of our librarians at the Elizabeth campus. James told students how to do the MLA Works Cited page.

To Do for Next Class:

Work on research paper sources. The  Annotated Works Cited will be due on Monday, Sept. 26.

There will be a quiz on James' presentation.

Read the topics chapter in Lester (Ch. 1. He emphasizes topics on pages 3-5.) Read the entire chapter.


The instructor took student topic ideas.

We broke into small groups for purposes of learning Works Cited. We did a book citation and the instructor showed students the format for the Works Cited list at the end of the paper.

To Do for Next Class:

Library session to learn advanced databases.

Topic idea.  Read the topics chapter in Lester.

Writing101 8 a.m.

Friday, 9/23

The instructor returned two assignments.On the first, which was the narrative that we wrote in the lab (see below, Wed., 9/22), she divided them into classifications:  intriguing start, needs development, etc. We then viewed student work on the doc cam and the instructor told what needed to be done. There were also examples of writing techniques that students should do, such as previewing ("sinister smile").

She also returned the writing exercise we did about the sense of smell.

Next we broke into small groups and discussed the Susan Orlean essay. The purpose of the discussion was to talk about the portrait of the young boy with others so that we could develop our own, updated portrait.

To Do for Next Class:

Complete the five pages of description. To achieve this, students can do:

a)  more work on their previous descriptive writing, or
b) write the portrait (described above). The portrait may also be on a young girl

Check the reading schedule (handed out in class) and be sure you are current with the readings.

Order the book online. The bookstore is no longer able to get books remimbursed from financial aid.

Wednesday, 9/22

We worked at the lab today. First we covered an example of narrative writing from the text. The piece we examined was a chronology in the form of a letter written to Dear Abby. After discussion, we wrote on the following topic:

Think of a lesson you’ve learned or an opinion you’ve developed as the result of a personal experience. Recall first the most memorable experiences of your life., remembering how you responded to them. Then choose and focus on a particular experience that let you to form one strong opinion. In a page or so, narrate your experience in a way that supports your opinion.

Students turned in their writing at the end of the class. We will continue working with this chronology
at future classes. Students saved their writing to a USB drive so they can continue after class and at future classes.

The instructor handed out the Reading Schedule. It will also be posted at the UCC Books link at the right.  
To Do for Next Class:
The readings, as specified on the reading schedule.
On Friday, we will work in small groups on the Susan Orlean descriptive essay (found both in the text and online). 

Monday, 9/19

Students turned in their descriptive essay. We did peer readings using questions distributed by the instructor.

To do for next class:

Read Orlean essay; there will be small group work

Basil/lemongrass/lemon balm exercise will be returned with instructor comments

Read 133-50, 151-56 in Glenn book

Thursday, September 15, 2011



Students analyzed an html web document using the worksheet "Anatomy of a Web Page."

The instructor gave a few assignments (see To Do for Next Class)

Students typed in a web document, saved it as an html document, and learned how to open it with a browser.

For Next Class:

Definitions page--complete

Read pages 2-17

Prepare links document for web links assignment

Look over ISP's web space site (Verizon, Comcast, and Optimum)


Here are the links for products that help you get rid of the flu; if you recall, Josie talked about in our last class:

Website for oscillococcinum, explains what homeopothy is, and there are coupons.
Product is great for flu symptoms, and they have another product to take at the first sign of a cold.
TJ's has best pricing


We learned about the book, computer log-on procedures, the blog, and what students hoped to do with what they learn from the class.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Advertising 3765 Tues Thurs


We discussed Ch 9, print layouts

Students turned in Part A

To Do for Next Class:

Read Ch. 8
Prepare camera moves to show on 9/29
Clean up coupon ad; due next class, 9/20


We learned to spec out copy for a print coupon ad. The instructor handed out a pica ruler (also known as a font ruler) and information about points and picas and how they are used in spec'ing out type.

Students brought in their layouts and we spec'd out the type and graphic layout from the point of view of an account executive.

Students handed in their progress on the following:
--Decision on product to feature in camera shots
--Software experimentation (software listed on camera shots assignment sheet)

For Sept. 20th, turn in cleaned up (if necessary) coupon layout and copy.
Sept. 20th:  joint class meeting with journalism class; explanation of The Tower by Prof. Lauro; explanation of dates, ad sizes, etc., with Eileen Ruf.

By next week:  read chapter on print layouts, Ch. 8.

Speech/Critical 1402 11 a.m.


Students practiced and taped each other on the delivery of the speech.

To Do for Next Class:

Practice for symposium delivery next week.


Linda Cifelli showed students the various academic databases. Students worked in their groups and had a chance to try out the databases in class.

On Thursday, there will be a practice session. Bring a camera or cell phone that can record. Laptops OK for recording also. Speech outline due on Thursday.

Bring the following to class on Thursday:

Key word speech outline with Works Cited. Typed. Approximately 1.5 pages with 1 page for WC.


Notecard with outline transferred to notecard. Approx. 30 words on one card.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Writing 102 MWF 10:10


We finished reading the syllabus.

The instructor went over access to writershelp.

To Do for Next Class:

Reading and review on the writershelp reading and the drama reading as there will be a reading check on Friday.


We read the research paper assignment sheet and students are to think of topics for the paper.

Writing 102 MWF 9:05


We met in the lab on 2nd floor, 218. We will meet in this room every Wednesday.

We finished reading the syllabus.

The instructor went over access to writershelp.

To Do for Next Class:

Reading and review on the writershelp reading and the drama reading, as there will be a reading check.


We read the research paper assignment sheet and students are to think of topics for the paper.

Writing 101


The instructor provided herbs and we wrote about scent. Students handed in  one paragraph they wrote in class about scent.

To Do for Next Class:

Read Susan Orlean essay

Continue work on descriptive paper due Monday


The instructor gave students a descriptive assignment handout/exercise. We went over it in class. Students are to begin work by selecting a place to describe. They are to bring field notes to the next class.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Speech/Critical 4:30


Students practiced and taped each other on the delivery of the speech.

To Do for Next Class:

Plso discussed the camera situation for the practice session next Thursday.

Students are to e-mail the results of this meeting to the instructor.

In addition, the instructor checked in sources that students were to get from their research on the topic. One point was given for each source.

During the last 20" of class, the instructor showed students how to do Works Cited. Internal text citations will be taught at another date.

Students took their five sources and wrote them according to the format shown on the overhead projector. Other sources for MLA help are:

Bedford book from English class
Google "OWL Perdue MLA"
Look at the library's web site

Students should keep the yellow sheet as we will continue to work on the sources.

To Do for Next Class:

--do the chapter readings, per the reading schedule. This includes the handout in class
--work on your outline, which will be due on Sept. 15. Use the persuasive outline located in your book. Seventh edition is on p. 227, if I remember correctly
--locate a camera or recording device to bring to the practice session on Sept. 15
--work on whatever you committed to in the small group meeting

Questions for student meetings:

  • who covers what topic
  • who will be the group leader and who will do the transitions
  • who will present the problem
  • how will you make the problem the audience's problem?
  • who will present the two expert solutions
  • use two of the problem solving techniques in the reading (example:  fishbone) and turn them in with your group materials
  • who will present the group's solution
  • who will conclude the symposium
  • who will collect the outlines and turn them in to the instructor?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Speech/Critical 1402 11 a.m.

IMPORTANT:  Our next class session is at the library. Directions to room:

When you walk in the front door, turn left after the circulation desk on your left. Go through the door. Continue walking toward the end of the hallway. Our room is on the right. You will recognize the instructor and other students in the class. It is a large computer room.

In the first part of the class, students met in their groups. They answered the  questions (below*) and also discussed the camera situation for the practice session next Thursday.

Students are to e-mail the results of this meeting to the instructor.

In addition, the instructor checked in sources that students were to get from their research on the topic. One point was given for each source.

During the last 20" of class, the instructor showed students how to do Works Cited. Internal text citations will be taught at another date.

Students took their five sources and wrote them according to the format shown on the overhead projector. Other sources for MLA help are:

Bedford book from English class
Google "OWL Perdue MLA"
Look at the library's web site

Students should keep the yellow sheet as we will continue to work on the sources.

To Do for Next Class:

--do the chapter readings, per the reading schedule. This includes the handout in class
--work on your outline, which will be due on Sept. 15. Use the persuasive outline located in your book. Seventh edition is on p. 227, if I remember correctly
--locate a camera or recording device to bring to the practice session on Sept. 15
--work on whatever you committed to in the small group meeting
  • who covers what topic
  • who will be the group leader and who will do the transitions
  • who will present the problem
  • how will you make the problem the audience's problem?
  • who will present the two expert solutions
  • use two of the problem solving techniques in the reading (example:  fishbone) and turn them in with your group materials
  • who will present the group's solution
  • who will conclude the symposium
  • who will collect the outlines and turn them in to the instructor?

Writing 102 MWF 10:10


9/21 (Wed.) English 102 9:05 & 10:10 instruction for MLA citation

10/5 (Wed.) English 102 9:05 & 10:10 instruction for how to research scholarly journals and using the library databases


Today in class we did a writing sample.

Students are to do some exercises for Monday from writershelp. Unfortunately, I misunderstood the "tags" technique that was supposed to put the exercises on the upper left for the student.

Big disappoinment. The tags are not transferred to the students. They are only for me.
Each time I have to provide you with instructions as to where the exercises are. Here are the ones for our class for Monday.
For Test A:
Go to upper left
Click Exercises
Click Diagnostic Tests
Click Test A
 For the reading:

On upper left, have Table of Content" clicked
Go to "Academic Resources for ESL and Multilingual Writers."
Under this category, read:
"Academic Writing and Cultural Expectations."
Go to Academic Resources for Multilingual Writers
Go to "Academic Writing and Cultural Expectations.
Read this section plus all the links ("Asserting" through "sample student essay.")


We read most of the syllabus in class.
The instructor passed out the Schedule of Activities and Assignments.

To Do for Next Class

Obtain book and card for writershelp.com.

We will do a writing sample on Friday.

Writing 102 MWF 9:05


9/21 English 102 9:05 & 10:10 instruction for MLA citation

10/5 English 102 9:05 & 10:10 instruction for how to research scholarly journals and using the library databases


Today in class we did a writing sample.

Students are to do some exercises for Monday from writershelp. Unfortunately, I misunderstood the "tags" technique that was supposed to put the exercises on the upper left for the student.

Big disappoinment. The tags are not transferred to the students. They are only for me.
Each time I have to provide you with instructions as to where the exercises are. Here are the ones for our class for Monday.
For Test A:
Go to upper left
Click Exercises
Click Diagnostic Tests
Click Test A
 For the reading:

On upper left, have Table of Content" clicked
Go to "Academic Resources for ESL and Multilingual Writers."
Under this category, read:
"Academic Writing and Cultural Expectations."
Go to Academic Resources for Multilingual Writers
Go to "Academic Writing and Cultural Expectations.
Read this section plus all the links ("Asserting" through "sample student essay.")


We read most of the syllabus in class.

On Friday we will do a writing sample.

Writing 101

9/14 (Wed.) English 101 8:00-8:55 Library instruction


We did a writing sample.


The instructor gave students the blog URL and told them about the books.

On Friday we will do a writing sample.

To Do for Next Class:

Purchase book and access card for web site.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Library research classes: 9/13

COMM 1402 24 -- Tuesday, Sept. 13, 4:30-5:45

The instructor and students presented their ideas for the symposium. Of all the topics proposed, students chose to join in the following groups:


Illegal Immigration:

Portrayal of Drugs/Sex/Alcohol in Film



The instructor advised all groups that they will need facts and statistics to back up their problem. Make sure the audience knows how this is a problem to them. Each group will need to find at least two acknowledged experts who have recommended a solution. Finally, they will need to present and justify what the group thinks is the best solution.

A handout was distributed on group problem solving.

To Do for Next Class:

Bring five sources for your topic. Students will write a Works Cited page with these sources. Read and know the material in your research for input at the next class discussion. Annotate (mark up important thoughts) in your research.

Read the handout on problem-solving in groups by next Thursday.

Advertising 3765


1. newspaper advertising and how to layout a coupon ad (as an account executive)
2. television advertising:  Starbucks ads as models; Traveler's ads as metaphor

Account Executive Assignment:

Find a coupon and type the copy (everything it says) into a Word document. Use a table. Leave the left hand column blank. In our next class, we will spec out type and illustrations.

Title the document "Coupon copy for "client" on the upper right.

On a second page, using landscape mode, make a box for your coupon layout. Make the box (use "Insert text") four inches wide and 2.5 inches high. Attach to the first page for in-class work.
Be sure to bring your coupon.

To Do for Next Class:
Bring in newspaper coupon assignment and have a pencil to sketch the layout.
Using Powerpoint, have words come in from the right, left, bottom, or top. Use the animation feature.

We welcomed 7 new students into the class: Gina, Marie, Vanessa, Ayana, Emily, Michelle, and Ashley.

The instructor went over two advertising projects:

  •  TV commercial
  •  Ad for The Tower

We read Part 1 of the TV commercial assignment, which is posted midway down on the links at right. Students are urged to save this to their Advertising folder on their computer. Students should use their own cameras or recording devices to begin experimenting with camera shots. At the end of the month, each student will show the results of their experimentation in class.

Students were given Part A Account Management for the The Tower. They are to find three prospects for an ad for The Tower. A flyer for the $59 coupon special was also distributed. Students will consult with the advertiser on what the offer will be, write the copy, and do the layout.  At a future class, students will receive deadline dates, etc., for purposes of calling on advertisers.

For next class:

Read Ch. 10 (TV advertising) in the book (not responsible for this information until 9/20)
Look over the software listed on the assignment sheet for the TV commercial. Experiment with the software. You'll be asked what you've done on this 9/13.

Think about a product that you will want to feature in your camera shots. Have a decision made on this by 9/13.

Locate three advertisers and list their contact information on Part A (do by next Thursday, Sept. 15)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Speech/Critical 1402 11 a.m.

Check in sources
Small groups
Work on Works Cited

Small group meeting to compare information and shape content of each 3" speech
  • who covers what topic
  • who will be the group leader and who will do the transitions
  • who will present the problem
  • how will you make the problem the audience's problem?
  • who will present the two expert solutions
  • use two of the problem solving techniques in the reading (example:  fishbone) and turn them in with your group materials
  • who will present the group's solution
  • who will conclude the symposium
  • who will collect the outlines and turn them in to the instructor?


Topics for Symposium

Library research classes: 9/13

COMM 1402 27 -- Tuesday, Sept. 13, 11:00-12:15
COMM 1402 24 -- Tuesday, Sept. 13, 4:30-5:45

The instructor and students presented their ideas for the symposium. Of all the topics proposed, students chose to join in the following groups:




College Tuition

Environmental Pollution

The instructor advised all groups that they will need facts and statistics to back up their problem. They will need to find at least two acknowledged experts who have recommended a solution. Finally, they will need to present and justify what the group thinks is the best solution.

To Do for Next Class:

Bring five sources for your topic. Students will write a Works Cited page with these sources. Read and know the material in your research for input at the next class discussion. Annotate (mark up important thoughts) in your research.

The instructor will provide a reading for the next class.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

To All 1402 Students

Sunday, 8 p.m.

For now, I cannot scan in the chapter because I do not have my copy of the text. If I locate it, I will go ahead and post a scanned in Ch. 15.

Friday, 9:35 a.m.
A student wrote me that as of Thursday evening, the bookstore was out of books. Here's the phone number, in case you want to call and see when a new shipment is in: 908 737-5230.

I sent this via e-mail to everyone:

To help you with shopping for the text, the following ISBNs are OK. Just put one in the Google search engine box and it will turn up everyone who is selling this book, including Amazon:
7/E  0205493343
8th  0205691269
The edition at the bookstore is 5th Custom Edition for Kean students. I don't have the ISBN for that one, but you wouldn't be likely to find it online anyway, since it is custom, meaning edited especially with Kean students in mind.
Any of the three above mentioned books will work for this class.

Speech Critical 1402 4:30-5:15 p.m.


Schedule of Activities and Assignments

Same as above but with no highlighting: Schedule/Activities-Assignments


On the first day of class, students read through the syllabus, which is posted above. We covered everything but the last two assignments, the informative and persuasive speech.

The instructor distributed a copy of the Activities and Assignments sheet, which is also posted above. Students also received two copies of the speech evaluation sheet. These evaluation sheets are to be kept until the informative speech and persuasive are given. Turn them in with the outline, Works Cited, etc., at the time of the speech.

It is possible that Ch. 15 will be online. Check back at this blog on Saturday or Sunday to see if there is a link.

To Do for Next Class:

Purchase book from bookstore or online. If online, print a copy of your receipt, which needs to be dated 9/1. Keep this order with your speech materials.

Make a bookmark folder on your browser called "Speech" and bookmark this blog.

Make a folder on your computer and file the syllabus and schedule of activities and assignments on it.

Read Chapters 15 and 16.

Think of societal problems that America has and bring your ideas to the upcoming class, where we will decide on topics and break into groups for the symposium.

Speech/Critical 1402 11-12:15


Schedule of Activities and Assignments

Same as above but with no highlighting: Schedule/Activities-Assignments


On the first day of class, the students read through the syllabus, which is posted above. We covered everything but the last two assignments, the informative and persuasive speech.

The instructor showed students the Activities and Assignments sheet, which is also posted above. She will make a hard copy to distribute at the next class.

It is possible that Ch. 15 will be online. Check back at this blog on Saturday or Sunday to see if there is a link.

To Do for Next Class:

Purchase book from bookstore or online. If online, print a copy of your receipt, which needs to be dated 9/1. Keep this order with your speech materials.

Make a bookmark folder on your browser called "Speech" and bookmark this blog.

Make a folder on your computer and file the syllabus and schedule of activities and assignments on it.

Read Chapters 15 and 16.

Think of societal problems that America has and bring your ideas to the upcoming class, where we will decide on topics and break into groups for the symposium.

Advertising 3765


We read the syllabus in class. The instructor distributed a page of the syllabus that covered the blog URL, book(s) for the course, and she also gave her e-mail address and phone numbers. All information covered in class is at the syllabus link above. A reading schedule will be distributed next week.

We discussed the most powerful words in advertising. The instructor asked students which was the most powerful word in advertising, and a student  responded "free," which was correct. The next most powerful word is "new."

The instructor talked about how certain words are used often and she recommended to students that they purchase an additional book that will help with their copywriting. The book is Words That Sell by Richard Bayan. Samples from the book are posted at Amazon. The book is not mandatory, but experience has shown that students who have and use this book do better in the course.

To Do for Next Class:
Order book today. Print out a copy of your receipt and keep it with your class materials.
See instructor if you need a copy ordered through the bookstore.