Thursday, December 30, 2010

Writing 102 Thursday 8:30-12:15

We began the class by discussing different types of writing:  expository (academic writing), marketing communications writing, journalists –writing for the news media, science writing. humor writing, technical writing, creative writing-poetry or drama, fiction, screenwriting/playwriting,  writing for the internet (HTML), legal writing: case law, briefs (potboiler”), letter writing/personal communication writing and also journal writing, and advertising copywriting. This class focuses on expository writing and MLA citation.

The instructor also told the class about the various forms of citation: MLA and APA academic -- humanities (MLA), social sciences (APA), American Medical Association, Bluebook  (law), and Chicago (journalism).  Also there are individual types of citation as specified by individual  journals.

Next we did paired introductions,where each member of the class was matched with another. Each person did a four-minute interview and then introductions were written. The introductions were put on the overhead doc cam. Each interview had a reader. The writer of the interview could see where the reader "stumbled" in reading. This was usually due to a missing word or a missing definite article.

After the introductions, we discussed the research paper. The instructor put the research paper assignment sheet on the overhead projector and we went over it. At the break, students who had done free writing met with the professor to get keywords in case they want to develop their free writing into a research paper.

We moved on to poetry. The instructor put up a table and students told which genre or poetry movement they wanted to work on. Some students had not yet made their selection, so the instructor made the table "editable" so any of the students can go on and enter their choice.

After we did the poetry selections, the instructor briefly reminded students that the poetry assignment had been sent to them by e-mail and that they could also find it in the Links section of the blog. In addition, she pointed out the "explication" link and the poetry reading link. 

Next she showed students the literary databases at the library. She told students LION was her favorite but there were two others the students could use:  Literary Reference Center and Literature Resource Center. She suggested students obtain their criticism firstj, and the reason for this is that if a poem is chosen, there may not be literary criticism on that particular poem. As part of the class is learning about literary criticism, it is important that students have at least one article as part of their poetry project.  Note:  do not be surprised if this is somewhat difficult to find. You may need the help of the instructor or a librarian.

After we discussed the poetry assignment, the instructor showed students the drama literary terms, which is also in the "Links" section.

Note:  the information on order the Lester book will be put here when the instructor figures it out.

To do for next class (Assignments):

Decide on topic for research paper and find five sources for the paper. Put the sources in the form of an Annotated Works Cited and bring to next class. All topics must be approved by instructor

Begin research on your poetry genre. Obtain two sources and put on an Annotated Works Cited. Post your genre or school/movement.

Read the first half of the poetry reading (link at blog) First eight pages.

Read the first third of the glossary terms from the drama link. Possible quiz or exercise on these terms.

Be prepared for quiz on syllabus.

Possible quiz on drama terms A-C

Link to order access to from the publisher (also see my email, sent Thurs. evening):

Note:  the writershelp people do have the payment button working.

Also the bookstore has cards in.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All Students Taking Finals

Please email me at the comcast address before you go to take the final.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Advertising students who were in class the day we analyzed the Old Spice commercials might enjoy this Julian Assange parody.


We had student presentations of questions.

The class had a short time to figure out logistics for our Christmas party on Thursday. Students will present their ads at that time.

During the last 15" of class, students did the course evaluation.

To do for next class;

Have your ad ready to present. It would be a wise idea to stop by the room and make sure you can bring the ad up on the computer. The password is the same as the user name.

Speech Critical 1402

Students should complete another type of evaluation form.

99 Writing Classes

If you want to read an online copy of Harris' Urban Legends essay, it is posted at ehow.

Your essay must interact with Harris' work.  You should aim for a minimum of three quotes from it, and preferably five.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

We organized for the portfolio. A list of the categories was put on the board. Students are supposed to bring their papers next Friday, organized as on the list.

Next we read through the assignment for Essay #4. We discussed the essay questions in class. Students were given a hard copy but the essay is also posted online.

Finally we did in-text citations. We went through a model MLA paper on the overhead screen. We saw how each author or article was listed in the Works Cited.

We worked through exercises from the site. We went around the room, with each person taking a citation example

Next week:

Bring your portfolio, per above.

Turn in essay on either of the two questions. It must have in-text citations and a Works Cited.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Writing 99 MWF


The portfolios will be read on the 15th, so students have to have their file completed by Decemeber 10. Essay #4 is also due on that date.

Today the instructor gave a quiz over some of the most basic errors that have been covered in class but that students are still making. There were, however, 9 As, 3 Bs, 1 C and two Fs. 

After the quiz, the instructor returned papers for Essay 4 and a few other essays.

The instructor went over grades that had not been recorded and made the additions or corrections.

She took rough drafts for Essay #4. Of 17 students in attendance, only five submitted a rough draft.

To do for next class: 

Work on Essay #4.


The instructor handed out file folders for the portfolio and the students put their papers together.

Students should bring their rough draft for Friday. See the link below to the assignment. In addition, any student who has a late paper should turn it in between now and Dec. 10.

Students who have not done the exercise at should do the three commas exercises.  They are:

Exercise: Major uses of the comma 1

Exercise: Major uses of the comma 2

Exercise: All uses of the comma


The instructor returned  most of the expatriate papers. She told students that Wednesday would be spent getting the portfolio together and they should bring all their papers to the next class.

In addition, she discussed the assignment for Essay #4.  The RD is due on Friday. This essay must have in-text citations and a Works Cited.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We had three students present advertising questions today.

The instructor used the doc cam to show a brochure which was a good example of how to use character fonts with type and illustrations.

We discussed who would bring what for the party. We are going to order pizzas. Some students will bring sodas, brownies, cookies, etc. The instructor is bringing the tableware and a salad.

Next class:

Student presentations
Be working on your question and your ad
Bring $3 for the pizza fund. One of the students is in charge of the funds. Another has agreed to order the pizzas. The instructor has learned of a pizza firm in Elizabeth who delivers regularly to the department, so they know where to find us.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Speech Critical 1402 Tuesday

We met at the library and Librarian Craig Ferguson showed students how to use the databases. There may be a quiz on his presentation and students should check this blog post later, as the questions to the quiz will be posted here.

After Craig's presentation, the instructor showed students how to do APA style. APA is to be used for the persuasive speech.

She showed students a web site called Writer's Help. The web site is free to students through the end of the year but after that, it will charge a fee.  To sign up, students need this activation code and they also need to put in the instructor's Comcast email address.

Students should use the APA links for help with their citation on the persuasive speech.

In addition, the instructor showed students how to build a personal news page using Google.

Finally, students had questions regarding the Monroe Motivated Sequence. She told students to type their outlines with the category headings from the handout above them.

Next class:

Persuasive speeches
Bring printout of your Google news page showing at least five sections that you have entered



We formed into small groups and each group discussed their commercial.

The instructor provided feedback on student's commercials.

Moo did his question from the text.

To do for next class:

Readings, per the assignment
Work on question
Work on commercial(s)


We chose questions and discussed the advertising assignment.

The instructor took the student's commercial rough draft.

Link for entering your question and proposed presentation date. Many students have already entered theirs.

To do for next class:

The readings as outlined on the assignment sheet.
In class Tuesday, we will do small group brainstorming sessions. Students will outline their idea to the other members of their group, who will give feedback.
Students will also have instructor feedback on their commercials.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

This message was emailed to all students today:

Tonight we may have to do some corrections on the papers, so be sure you have your electronic version with you. Send it by email to yourself, bring it on a USB drive, or save it on the school's computers, but be sure to have that version available. In addition, of course, you should have a hard copy version for me to work with.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

For All Students

Please read this article on happiness.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1402 Speech Critical

We discussed the format for the last few sessions of the class and this is how it broke down:

Nov 23: library 4:30-6. Go directly to the library. The room will be posted here later.
6-7 p.m. practicing.

Nov 30: Speeches (see table) and evaluation due from practice

Dec 7: Speeches

Dec  14: Rescheduled speeches and final.

Next we put speech topics on the table.

The instructor distributed a four-page handout on the Monroe Motivated sequence. We started on the body of the speech and did several sections in class.

In the last hour of class we broke into small groups. The instructor handed out a list of questions for group discussion. The questions were about the "I Am" journal exercise and how its findings integrated with the personality profile.

To do for next class:

  • Read chapter 10 on anxiety (might be another number in other editions)
  • Continue speech research and preparation, filling in sections II 2, 3, and B., Main Point 2 through Steps of Plan. In the preceding, do not do sections on statistics unless they are in research you've turned up. We will be having a reference librarian tell us how dig up statistics in our library work session.  Instructor will give points to students who have done this work.
Remember:  meet at the library


Choose a question from any chapter 7- through end of book, with the exception of Ch 8 (layouts) and Ch. 11 (direct mail).

Presenters for Thurs: Ashley, ShaoBo


Ashley: cupcakes retail store
Hannah: radio?  TV Hersheys

Kelli ASpca
Jackie dd
danica starbucks
alexus alcohol
mooevent planning company tv radio?
Melissa petsmart
shaoox radio ipod  tv mac book
chris pabst blue rivvon tv
ciara truth against tobacco
fiord caggeine pill  radio
francesca anti smoking
lashanna skate 22
jonathan enertgy drink tv

Writing 99 MWF


The instructor picked up the expatriate essays.

We talked about the final essay, #4, and the students were given a choice as to what they wanted to write about. See assignment sheet (same as below. Use assignment sheet for printing).

Urban legend:

Assignment is to write on urban legends using Topic 4 from the book (p. 173, 6th edition). Since some students are using an earlier version, the topic has been written out here:

Use the Internet on your home computer or one in your library or classroom to find examples of urban legends. Analyze at least two or three of the stories you find, and write an essay in which you discuss their origins, why you think people are interested enough to pass them on to their friends, or characteristics that make these tales part of our culture's folklore.

Note to students:  if you wish, you can use the urban legends from the Weird NJ books, Volumes 1 and 2. They will be put on the library effective Monday afternoon. The legends from our area will be posted here and also attached to the book.


Read "The Immigrants: How They Are Helping to Revitalize the U.S. Economy."  6th edition, p. 183, 5th edition, p. 282.

Choose from the following essay questions at the end of the essay:

6th edition, p. 190, any of the three topics under "Topics for Writing"
5th edition, p 290, any of the three topics under "Topics for Writing"

For next class:

Do exercises at  Do the tagged exercise, "Commas, first." There are three sets of exercises to do. Print out the last page of each exercise to show your score and turn this in at the next class.

Work on Essay 4. Have something substantial to report that you did on this essay at Monday's class. What you should show is notes from the reading and how you looked up the words in the "Building Your Vocabulary" section for the essay you chose.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Speech Critical 1402

We listened to the final round of informative speeches.

To do for next class:

Choose speech topic and bring three sources. (Note from instructor: (9:20 Saturday a.m.:  I am preparing speech topics now and will post them shortly.) 

9:45:  here are some speech topics. More coming up. 

Please note that you do not have to choose from these topics. You can choose your own topic, but it has to be approved by the instructor. Email me at address.
Read chapter on persuasive speaking

Friday, November 12, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

We worked from the text on our expatriate essay and set the point of view.  We chose the purpose of our essay:  inform, amuse, entertain, explain, or persuade.

Next we discussed complexity or conflict. The instructor related the story of a student in her other class who discovered a town that has a name that is the same as his last name. She explained that the student had researched the town and found it is made up of large mansions and estates. This could be an example of the "complexity" or "conflict" element:  how is an American student from a middle-class background going to approach the people of this town to find out if he is possibly related to the name?

We then discussed chronological organization. 

We worked with description by doing freewriting about the neighborhood. Students put their writing on the overhead projector and we added adverbs and adjectives to make the writing more vivid.

After this, the instructor explained dominant impression and clarifying connections, which is written when the essay is essentially complete. It is often the clarifying connections phase that gives the essay meaning and makes it a memorable piece of writing.

During the last hour of class, students worked on the first page of the essay.

To do for next week:

Write four-five pages with in-text citation and a works cited page.

Note:  only five citations need to be MLA style.

The rest can be a list of URLs or other references used in the paper.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


People who do not have to take the midterm:


I am showing absences for these dates:

Moo  9/9, 10/28

Stop by on Thursday and show me class notes  for those days and you will be excused from the exam. In the future, if you come in late, per the syllabus, you are supposed to come up after class to make sure your attendance is marked.

The instructor told students they needed to do the coupon layout for their advertiser. She also said she would be assigning new clients in a final effort to meet the ad deadline for December's issue.

We discussed the Photoshop assignment and Jonathan showed the class a blog where they could post their assignment if they couldn't get it on Blackboard or through email to the instructor.

We talked briefly about the museum trip.

The instructor handed out the final assignment and told students who were not at the museum trip that they could produce a radio commercial to make up for the trip.

To do for next class:

Work on coupon layout
Find another advertiser on your own if you dont' want one assigned to you
Come up with an idea for a radio and a TV commercial. Be reading the assigned chapters (see assignment sheet).

Monday, November 8, 2010

Writing 99 MWF


We worked on narration and descriptive writing. The instructor asked students to recount some of their research. She asked them to retell it in first person ("I") and through narration and descriptive writing. For example, the narrative might start off by telling how the student found a place to live. The descriptive part would describe the place the student rented.

We did an exercise with descriptive writing in class.

For next class:  two pages of writing based on the research. Must be written in narrative form with descriptive detail added.  See Ch. 6 for additional material on this type of writing.


We went to the computer lab and the instructor showed students the Writer's Help site.

Assignment for Friday:
Work on research for expatriate essay. Print out what you have. I will ask to see it.
Read and do exercises from text:  6th edition, p. 107-23; 5th edition, p. 125-140, 146-47


We met at the library and the instructor introduced the assignment.

In addition to the links at the end of the assignment sheet, this link will also take you to international newspapers.

Students have until Tuesday to change their country. Students should make their own change of country on the table that was done in class.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

Writer's Help Student Sign-up.  Account will be good through the end of the year.

Assignment for next week. Students were also given a hard copy, but on this electronic copy, links can be clicked.

Link to student selection of countries. You can change your country here without contacting the instructor.


First we worked on topic sentences. We took the thesis statements students had narrowed from the text exercises. Then we worked on developing the topic sentences. The instructor did a demonstration and then students put their own topic sentences on the overhead screen. 

After working on the topic sentences, we went to the computer lab at the library. There were two objectives for working on the computers. The first was that the instructor wanted to show students Writer's Help, a writing web site that is being offered free to students through the end of the year. The second was to introduce students to the next assignment, which required some computer interaction.

We worked through the Writer's Help web site. The instructor showed the students each of the tabs and the students went to them on their own computers. We covered MLA in-text citations and she showed them how to access model MLA papers on which to model their own paper. 

We did thesis statement and topic sentence exercises. The grades ranged on this, with some grades as low as 40 but others as high as 100. These grades were not recorded.

The instructor asked the students to mail the link and their registration to themselves.

Next we went through the new assignment, half of which will be due next week. We read the assignment in the lab and then explored the links that will make the assignment come to life. Students told which country they wanted to live in and the instructor put them on a table. It is OK to change the country, but students cannot choose a country that has already been taken. They should change no later than Tuesday, as there will be seven entries required for the research that is due next Friday.

To do for next week:

Write seven research entries using MLA format as shown in class.

Read the text,

Writing II Friday

Assignment for next week.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Writing 99


Students handed in their first drafts.

We worked on thesis statements.

The instructor went over what would be on Wednesday's midterm.

To Do for Next Class:

Finish exercises on the thesis statement section that we started (through 10, I believe). 
Study for midterm.

This link is for Liniyah.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

Feedback table for students who submitted rough draft or outline on Friday.

The instructor explained MLA citation and how a paper must be formatted in that style. She also discussed other forms of citation, such as APA or AMA. Each student "drew" a model of the paper on their own notebook paper, including how much the margins were, noting point sizes, flush left/ragged right,  and other pertinent information. She showed them where the thesis should go.

Then the instructor put up Microsoft Word and showed students how to do page numbers and headers, hanging indents, and how the Word citation system works.

We then went to the text and worked from Ch. 5. We worked with thesis statements first and moved on to how to write focused  thesis statements and how to narrow the thesis. We did the first exercise and students should finish the rest in that section on their own for homework for the coming week. Next week we will work with pages 87, topic sentences, in class.

We moved to the section on writing effective introductions. While in class, we read through each type of introduction. The instructor then asked students to take an old paper and write two types of introductions.

After students had written their intros, we worked on direct and indirect quotes.

To do for next week:

Ch. 6, p. 107-23 (read)
Next week in class we will do 124-35 and 87-90 in class.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I have edited the link for the Photoshop assignment. You should be able to access it now. (posted Sunday a.m.)

I have reached The Paley Center and we are set for our tour on Nov. 6. We will be in an auditorium from 2:30 through 4:30 and we will watch two presentations that their staff has put together:

  • An Advertising Album 1950–2004 A Museum-produced compendium of iconic television commercials from 1950 to 2003, with one ad from every year. (52 minutes).
  • Super Bowl: Super Showcase for Commercials This Museum-produced tape is a compendium of memorable television ads that have premiered on Super Bowls since 1984, the year the game emerged as the premier showcase for new television commercials. (compilation; 66 minutes).
  • After the two tapes, you will be free to look around the museum on your own.After the presentations, you will have some time to look at the museum's exhibits and its research facilities.
  • Today in class we heard two presentations, one from Jonathan and the other from Kelli and Colleen
  • After the two questions were presented, we looked at the font selection for the quotes students had chosen.
  • The instructor told students the midterm was supposed to be this week but since she did not tell students about it with enough notice, it will be scheduled for Nov. 11. It will be over the book chapters to date.
  • Note:  next week there will be no class because of the class trip to The Paley Center.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

1402 Speech/Critical

We worked on informative speech outlines by first writing the preview. After the preview, the instructor discussed transitions and asked students to write in at least five transitions.

We moved on to writing the conclusion. We read the section in the book that covered conclusions and we wrote the conclusion in class.

We took a break and returned to the evaluation form. The instructor explained each part of the evaluation form.

She went over what each student needs to have next week.  All students should have two copies of the full-sentence outline with a Works Cited. There should be a notecard for people who are presenting. This notecard is what the speaker will to refer to and it can have 30-50 words. It should be shown to the instructor right before the speech.

The second copy of the full-sentence outline should have the following titles or sections highlighted:
general purpose (just underline "general purpose," not the whole section
specific purpose
preview statement
all internal text citations
Works Cited

Be sure you have your last name and page number on each page.

The instructor handed back the quizzes, the reaction to the taped speech, and the "I Am" papers.

We ran out of time to do the group discussion, so it will be done at an upcoming class. Please remember to bring your "I Am" paper and three articles for the discussion. Continue bringing this material until we have completed this part of the class.

Students who had perfect attendance were excused from the midterm. The rest of the students took the midterm.

Next week:


Read Chapter 11 on informative speaking
Bring "I Am" papers and three articles on your personality profile to class


We talked about ads for The Tower. Two students have half-page ads but no one else has anything for November. The instructor told students we needed to get more ads for the newspaper and to focus on the December issue and the coupon offer. Jonathan has an ad for the December issue.

Next we discussed the field trip. We will have no class next week because we are meeting Saturday, Nov. 6, for the Paley Center. 

This week the instructor introduced the first Photoshop assignment. We went over the terms of resampling, downsampling and upsampling. We also discussed interpolation. The instructor handed out the instruction sheet for resampling a photo for the web. She asked students to use their own photograph but if they want to, they can use the pineapple image.

Students should upload the image to Blackboard. If they cannot get on Blackboard, they should email their resampled image (to 72) to the instructor.

To Do for Next Class:

Do the Photoshop assignment

Begin reading Ch. 7

Monday, October 25, 2010

Writing II MWF


The instructor returned student papers with grades and told students to put the paper in their portfolios. During class students did corrections on the paper. The corrections sheet should be labeled "Essay 1 Corrections" and stapled to the front.

While the students did the corrections, the instructor read student outline for the second essay. She gave feedback to students who had their papers.

On Monday the essay will be due. On Wednesday we will have the midterm. At some point over the weekend, the instructor will post some guides about what to study.  This will be applicable to all students except for one.


The instructor checked in outlines for the next essay. While students did an exercise in writing with detail, she reviewed the outlines and gave written feedback.

Next various members of the class read the adjectives and adverbs that were added to the paragraph in the class exercise. We did another exercise along the same line.

The instructor discussed the essay topics. She told students the difference between reports and an essay. She said reports cannot achieve anything more than a "C" and will probably not count toward much in the student's portfolio evaluation.

In the last part of the class, we did an essay on choosing the plural or singular form of the verb when using "each" and "either."

To Do for Next Class:

Read the first four pages of Ch. 5 on revision. We will be doing some of the exercises in class.

Write one to one-and-a-half pages of the essay.  Write only the body. Do not write an introduction.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

At Friday's class, we checked in the work, for which students received points. The work was the latest chapter assignment (last half) and the Works Cited. Students were to add their two video citations to the Works Cited page.

Next we went to the lab, where the instructor showed students potential topics for essays. Students worked on their outlines and handed their work in at the end of class.

To Do for Next Week:

What is due next week is to write the first draft.

Also, read the next chapter in the text (on revision).

Potential essay topics:

The thesis will emerge after writing one of the first three.

Look for similarities of events in your life. Have you ever felt like you have found yourself making the same decision with just a different set of circumstances? Think of events having a circular effect. What theme has come full circle for you? Do you believe that the same "test" comes up over and over again until you "pass"?

What element of nature would you choose as an emblem for yourself as a writer. Is this a symbol that you use when writing? Does the tone match your writing? Write using it as a metaphor.

Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you, or something that you create for yourself? What are some opportunities that you can act upon? Try to come up with three opportunities that will correlate with your immediate goals. Are there areas that you could create opportunity for someone else? It may be helpful to start the exercise with asking what you need, then brainstorming an opportunity list.


The following are more "issues oriented" and will require some research:

The American Male.  See the research of Dr. Leonard Sax.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Speech 1402

Personality profile

We first worked on the informative speech outline. We put a few outlines on the overhead projector and on the computer screen and critiqued them.

We then worked on writing the introduction. We went through the different types of introductions by reading through them from the text in class. The instructor asked each student to then write their introduction.

We decided on speaking dates. The first date is informative, the second persuasive. The dates have been entered on a table (at right) and posted in the Links section.

Nov. 2/Nov.30


Nov. 9/Dec. 7

The next activity was to take the personality profile. Students went to the profile link (above, "personality profile"). They brought back their profile type and the instructor listed them.

She then told the class what the letters stood for. Students were asked to read three articles on their type and bring them to class next week for a group discussion. This discussion will also incorporate the "I Am" journal paper, which will be returned to students at that class.

In the last part of class, the instructor went over student attendance and who would or would not have to take the midterm. The midterm will be given on Oct. 26. It will cover citation material, the chapters from the text, and the instructor's lectures. The exam will be given in the last hour of class and students who do not need to take it will be excused one hour early.

The instructor assigned Ch. 9 as reading for next week.

To Do for Next Week:

Group paper due
Three articles on personality profile, annotated, bring to class for the group discussion
Have speech outline with the introduction added on. Put in the text citations by listing the author's last name in parentheses after where you took the information.  We will be writing the conclusion next week in class.Also the preview.
Study for the midterm if you have to take it



We watched several presentations from Ciara, Chris, and Francesca.

We critiqued Google ads.

The instructor handed back question grades from previous classes.

Announcement:  layout for ad for The Tower must be prepared now for the November issue.

All students must submit an ad layout on Nov. 23, whether the client is going in the The Tower or not.

To Do for Next Class:

Read Ch. 6
Work on your question, if you have one
Ad layout/commitment for The Tower
Font assignment


Megan reported to the class on the transportation fares into NYC for the Nov. 6 field trip.

We watched the rest of Helvetica and then we answered the questions in pairs.

On Thursday we will have two presentations.

The midterm will be on Oct. 28.  Students who have attended every class do not have to take the exam.

To Do for Next Class:

Work on font assignment

Read Ch. 6

Work on getting an ad commitment for The Tower

Writing II MWF


We met in the classroom and discussed topics. The instructor checked in student work.  Students should see the post for my Friday 99 class, as I decided to use these topics for both classes.  Look for Friday 99 and you will see some additional links, etc.

To Do for Next Class:

Prepare outline for Monday's class.


The instructor checked in student work on the exercises. We also did the first few exercises of the upcoming assignment, which is the last half of the chapter.


We met at the library and did a magazine/periodical citation and also a Works Cited.

The instructor handed out an assignment for Wednesday, which was to do the exercises through p. 70. The other half of this chapter is to be finished by Friday.

To Do for Next Class:

Work on exercises for Wednesday's class.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Writing II Friday

Note:  for our upcoming class on the 22nd, we will be going to from the classroom to the L112 lab at 6:30. We are booked until 8:15 p.m. We will be working on our new essay assignment.

The instructor returned the essay assignment with the grade. She also gave students a corrections sheet and the class spent about 30" working on corrections from the paper. Students had to note what the error was, how they did it wrong, and how to do it right. Students were asked to fill the corrections sheet, which was about 15-18 errors.

The instructor pointed out that while the essays do not have to be revised, if they were to be revised, student would see a direction in which they could take the revised essay.

Next we worked on MLA citation and students learned how to do a TV citation. Students were given a worksheet and we did two citations. The instructor also explained how to do an in-text citation.

We did a comma worksheet together and learned about introductory clauses, appositives, and other comma rules.

In the last section of class, we did a few exercises from each section of Ch. 4. The purpose of the exercise was to make sure students understood what was expected in each section.

Next week will be the midterm, which will be held during the last hour of class. Students with perfect attendance and no late papers or late arrivals do not have to take the final and may leave at 8 p.m. Questions on the midterms will be from the chapters, instructor notes, exercises done in class, and what has been covered on citation to date.

To Do for Next Class:

Do exercises in Ch. 4. Twenty points will be given to all students who complete the assignment.

Add the two video citations to the MLA Works Cited that was started last week.  Note that the citations have to be added alphabetically. Ten points will be given for each correctly completed Works Cited. Bring one printed out copy to class.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


You can enter your topic selection choice on this table. Please try to keep it in order by presentation date.

I have also added this link to the Links section at right so students do not have to look up this post.

I will check the table and approve or disapprove of your choice, so check back to find out if your selection is acceptable.



 Typography assignment

Here's a link to various type font sites. Some of them may offer free fonts.

Over the weekend, please read about how to download fonts.

The instructor cautioned that students should not attempt to download fonts if they do not have adequate virus and malware protection. If a student has any question whatsoever about this, font selection should be limited to what is available from Microsoft Word.

We listened to two presentations, one by Danica and Alexis, who monitored how many ads they were exposed to during different day parts and also by medium. The other presentation was by Julie and it was on ads that exhibited poor taste.

Next the instructor went over the assignment, for which the above links are posted.

We watched more of "Helvetica." In today's section, we heard from advertising people who are not so enthralled with this font.

To Do for Next Class:

Read Ch. 5
Work on question, if you have one
Work on typography assignment

Students who do not have perfect attendance and who have not turned in all papers on time should be preparing for the midterm by reading their notes and reviewing the book chapters.

Speech 1402

Essay question for group chapter

Notes from informative speech outline section

Writing II MWF


We met at the library and did our first book citation.

The instructor returned the essays.

We are to meet at the library again on Monday.  Same spot, but at 2:25 p.m.

To do for next class:

Finish essay as it is due next Wednesday

Read Ch. 4 entirely and do all exercises. Be prepared to show them at Wednesday's class.

Meet at the library for the next class. The class will be in a computer room and will be working on writing from the detailed outline to write an essay for the portfolio.

The instructor will be sitting beside students to assist them as they write.

The following students need to email the instructor their detailed outline by Tuesday evening, 8 p.m.:


On Friday we will also be working at the library. On that date, we will be doing citation exercises

During class, we did a four-page worksheet on how to convert comma splices and run on sentences into correct sentences.

The instructor outlined class activities:

Wed., Oct. 13: library, work on essays
Friday, Oct. 15: library, work on first book citation

Monday, Oct. 18: library, work on magazine citation and Works Cited on the computer

To Do for Next Class:

Act on feedback from instructor on the outline
Organize material for portfolio

Monday, October 11, 2010

Search Engine Optimization

 Added Thursday, Oct. 15:  I asked the CE office what you needed to do to obtain your certification and here is the response:

They need to come into the office and pick up a certificate request form. That form is given to Linda Burk and she will issue them a certificate within a week or so. She can mail them to the student or the student can pick the certificate up when its ready.

 Added Wed. a.m.  Article on No Script, which was in the Top 100 by PCMag. Read first paragraph under "Hold the JavaScript, I'm Only Browsing."

Search engine ppt
Search engine protocol from

Examples of site maps:
Jayson Home & Garden


Make sure Readability is installed!

Google's suggestions

Yahoo and Bing 


Webmaster Issues ppt

W3 Privacy Workshop

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Writing II Friday

We worked on paragraph unity in Ch. 3. The instructor explained how topic sentences must frame the paragraph and all the remaining sentences must support the topic sentence.

Students turned in their essays.

Next the instructor distributed a 3-page handout and explained it. The purpose of the handout was to coach students through their first Works Cited page. The  class went to the library where students obtained a book and a magazine to write their citations. The students wrote their citations by hand first and then went to a computer and entered it, formatting it correctly.

Next class:

Do all the remaining exercises in Ch. 3

Thursday, October 7, 2010



We discussed the class field trip to The Paley Center for Media in NYC. We decided the field trip would be on Saturday, Nov. 6 and that we would meet at 2 p.m. in front of the museum. Students will organize their own transportation. While the Union train is one option, leaving from Secaucus is another. Megan advised on the cost and times of the Union train and is checking out other options and will report back to the class. The instructor will be conferring with the museum for details on a tour or other guided program.

Students who cannot go at this time should go on their own. It is suggested they wait until after the other class members take the trip.

This trip replaces the Nov. 2 & 4th classes.

The instructor reviewed the criteria for the Google ads, a few of which are:

a) ad must be distinguished from others on the page
b) motivational words (free)
c) inter-capitalization
d) call to action

The remainder can be found in the presentation. See the link at the instructor's search engine class post on this page.

We looked at a few ads on the document cam and critiqued them. Due to the fact that the post did not appear here until early Thursday, the instructor gave students additional time for their ads.

The instructor told students about the in-class assignment that students in the search engine class did and she showed them how to look at source code and see if it is maximized.

At our next class, we will be watching Helvetica. There is a questionnaire exercise on the film. In addition, there will be an assignment involving the downloading and installation of fonts. Please make sure your computer is adequately protected, as with free fonts there is the possibility of viruses or malware. For this reason, the assignment will be optional. To assist students who want to do this assignment, however, here are some links to programs the instructor has used.

The following are free:



AVG AntiVirus Free Edition

AVG Internet Security

McAfee Site Adviser

This program is not free but the instructor considers it to be one of the best:

Webroot AntiVirus

Note that while the program is $49, it covers three PCs. If you can find two other people to purchase with you, you can then get the cost to around $16, which is 4 cents a day for very good protection. Purchased in 3-year increments, the cost of this program goes down to .03 cents per day.

To do for next class:

Read Ch. 3
If you have an assigned question, work on the question
Re-work the Google ad if you think it doesn't meet the criteria


We had student presentations on layouts and fonts.

Students selected questions:

Oct. 14
Julie, Ch. 1, Q2
Alexus & Danica, Ch. 1 Q1

Oct. 21
Chris & Ciara, Ch. 2, Q2
Francesca, Ch. 2, Q1

To do for next class:

Have Ch's 1 & 2 read so you can participate in the class discussion.

Google ads due. Be sure to consult criteria from ppt, as this will be used to decide on the grade (screens 35-40).

Prepare for question if you are a presenter on Oct. 14 or 21.

Speech Critical 1402

The instructor passed out a quiz on MLA/APA. We graded the quizzes in class.

Next we did group presentations and students received part of their grade at the end of class. The instructor will review the research aspect of the assignment, which could affect the grade.

As this was a group activity, the instructor asked students to read Ch. 16, which has to do with groups. Next week students will receive a writing assignment based on this chapter and with their experience in the group.

Finally, we talked about informative speeches and topics. The instructor showed topics and more will be posted here. A table has been set up for students to log in their topic.

To do for next class:

Read Ch. 16 and highlight or annotate sections that might apply to the student's group experience while working with the symposium.

Write the group symposium reaction to the video.

Find an informative speech topic and put it in the table.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Search Engine Optimization

 Posted Friday:  We are on for Monday, Oct. 12,  in N33, 6-9 or 9:30. We will work on search engine items in the first hour and then finish up with Web hosting.





Types of keywords

Keyword Generation

Google Adwords ppt


Links to search engines.

SEO PowerPoint

Writing II MWF


There will be two short projects. This is the first one:

Assignment:  Portfolio Organization
Obtain a file folder and put your name and student number on the label.
Put all of the writing you have done for this class in the folder with the oldest writing at the back. Label each essay as either rough draft or final on the upper right hand side. On the upper right, name the essay (#1 essay, #2 essay, etc.)
Bring the file/portfolio to class on October 15th. Students who have their portfolios prepared as described will receive 5 class participation points. We will check the portfolios off in class.
Read and understand the following requirements for the portfolio:

Students’ portfolios must have at least four 3-5 page essays, each with at least one draft.
Students’ portfolios must have at least one essay that uses outside research, with proper in-text citations and a proper works-cited bibliography. Research sources should include periodicals and/or books, not just web pages. This should be an essay that the student completes individually and not a group project.
Students’ portfolios should have several examples of other types of writing, in addition to their four essays. This would include in-class writing in response to prompts, written response to readings, and various kinds of writing exercises.
Each portfolio should be organized before bringing to the portfolio reading, so it is easier to review, with the portfolio cover sheet filled out and included.
Decisions of the portfolio review teams will be final.


We worked on outlines today. The instructor took the outlines of students and showed how to develop them into more detail.

There will be an exercise posted here for Friday. Students who are at campus, however, should come to class at 3:05 p.m. The instructor will help students who come with their outlines. Students who travel to campus for this class only may do the online exercise without coming to class. The instructor is in ANGEL training from 1-3 p.m.

The second project will be posted here around 4 p.m.

The instructor returned students intros with the grade. She told students how to do a corrections page and told them they had to correct every final essay that is returned if it still has marks on it.

We went over the finding a topic exercise that we did in the last class (Friday) for the students who were not in class.

We will do one intro on Wednesday. The instructor will return the "Watcher" papers on Wednesday.

This assignment is due on Wednesday:

Read Ch. 3 through p. 53 and do the following:
a. Do exercises on pages 34-35, 1-5 (4th ed, p. 32, 5th, p. 35)
b. Do Choosing a Topic on p. 35.
c. Thinking your audience, p. 36 (p. 35 in 4th edition, 5th, p. 39)
d. Draw an Idea Wheel (39) or list (42) for your own topic (41-42, 4th ed., 43-44, 5th ed.)
e. Write a “working thesis” and the topic sentences (44) (4th ed., p. 91, 5th ed., p. 94
f. Do exercises on 44-46. 5th, 96. 4th, 93.
g. Write a detailed outline (47).

On Friday we will be in writing lab, writing from our outlines. Note this change: The Friday writing lab has been changed to Wednesday, Oct. 13.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

1402 Speech

In the first hour of class we worked on MLA text citation. The instructor explained that we would also be doing APA.

She showed a Powerpoint and we worked through electronic citations. Students took one of their research articles and wrote an electronic citation in class. The citation was copied to hand in.

The instructor advised that there could be a quiz. If so, students would have to know what MLA and APA stand for, what the meaning of biblios is, why we have a Works Cited page instead of a bibliography, and which citation system has a References page and which one has a Works Cited page. There may also be a few questions from Ch. 3 of the text.

Students should also be able to do an electronic citation.

The next item on the agenda was to rehearse for next week's group symposium presentations. Students went with their groups and did recordings of their presentations. The recordings are part of the assignment and must be addressed in a paper (see original assignment for deadlines).

The last activity was to read through the Quick Guide to Public Speaking. The purpose was to give students the highlights before their first speech. We did not complete the guide, so we will go through the rest of it at a future class.

To Do for Next Week:

Group Presentations
"I Am" paper due
Read Ch. 3

Monday, September 27, 2010

Writing II MWF


Using the text, we worked on developing essay topics. We used the listing method and also the idea map method. Several students put their ideas on the board and the instructor helped students see how to develop an interesting essay. An example is the freestyler who is "not so good" at what he does.


Read Ch. 3 through p. 53 and do the following:
a. Do exercises on pages 34-35, 1-5 (4th ed, p. 32, 5th, p. 35)
b. Do Choosing a Topic on p. 35.
c. Thinking your audience, p. 36 (p. 35 in 4th edition, 5th, p. 39)
d. Draw an Idea Wheel (39) or list (42) for your own topic (41-42, 4th ed., 43-44, 5th ed.)
e. Write a “working thesis” and the topic sentences (44) (4th ed., p. 91, 5th ed., p. 94
f. Do exercises on 44-46. 5th, 96. 4th, 93.
g. Write a detailed outline (47).


Instructor checked in page 1 of "Watcher" and we did peer readings in class.

Student drew a picture of their "watcher" or listed the characteristics of their watcher.

For next class:

Turn in two pages for Watcher assignmetn

Turn in introduction (revised)

Read first half of Ch. 3

We completed a worksheet on comma splices and fused sentences.

Next students were given a worksheet that would help them critique an essay on "Watchers at the Gate." (Students who do not yet have the book can read this essay online.) They read and provided feedback for students in the instructor's other Writing II class. The exercise also helped students see how others looked at this essay.

To Do for Next Class:

Write one page of a two-page paper on "Watcher at the Gate."

Web Hosting & Project Management

Sign up for a free Joomla account and install on home PC.

Case studies for Joomla.

Example sites for Joomla.

Joomla .ppt

Installation manual.

Open-source content management systems





Adobe Contribute


.ppt for Planning the Website

Friday, September 24, 2010

Writing II Friday Evening 6-9 p.m.

Notice: We are booked into L112 from 6:30-8 on Friday night. You will be writing from your outline. I will work with each student as they write.

Come to the regular classroom first.
Writing 99 Assignment
Prepare a detailed outline for an essay by selecting a topic from the ideas at the end of Ch. 1 (Joy 9, for 4th edition, p. 10).

Read Ch. 3 through p. 53 and do the following:
a. Do exercises on pages 34-35, 1-5 (4th ed, p. 32, 5th, p. 35)
b. Do Choosing a Topic on p. 35.
c. Thinking your audience, p. 36 (p. 35 in 4th edition, 5th, p. 39)
d. Draw an Idea Wheel (39) or list (42) for your own topic (41-42, 4th ed., 43-44, 5th ed.)
e. Write a “working thesis” and the topic sentences (44) (4th ed., p. 91, 5th ed., p. 94
f. Do exercises on 44-46. 5th, 96. 4th, 93.
g. Write a detailed outline (47).
We will write the first draft next week in class. The instructor will book a computer room and will sit with students to help them write.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Web Management

No class tonight, Wednesday, due to instructor illness.

We will reschedule the class.

Writing II MWF


We continued with the introductions today and finished all but two.

After finishing the introductions, the instructor told the class that the most common problem was incomplete sentences, fragments, run-on sentences, and comma splices. She then told students three ways of correcting this problem:

--breaking the sentence into two
--using a BOYSFAN (coordinating conjunction) word (but, or, yet, so, for, and, nor) and a comma
--use of the semicolon

To do for next class:

--Read the first two chapters in Joy. Answer the questions on p. 4 and turn them in at the next class.
--Read and make notes on "Watcher at the Gate" for purposes of a class exercise or response paper. Try to use all three methods of correction on comma splices, etc., in the corrected paper.
--Do corrections on the intro. The introduction will be due on Wednesday.

The instructor is ill, so there will be no class today. Please check this blog before coming Friday.

I notified all students for whom I had an e-mail address.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



My illness is getting worse but I think I'll still go to class. I can't conduct a class but you can meet with your group and work on your project from Ch. 8. Bring magazines, paper, scissors, etc., and marking pens. We will stay for about one hour.


Hand in name of advertiser (Part A) and instructor will photocopy
Photoshop revised exercise
Discuss layouts, chapter
Size image to 450 pixels
Ad words for Google ad
DVD ads

For next class:


The instructor checked in the research and the "I Am" journal field notes.

Due to the instructor coming down with a respiratory flu, we adjourned the remainder of the class.


Following were the plans for the class, which we will pick up on at our next meeting:

Go over Quick Speaking Guide
Check in research sources and "I Am" interviews, full-sentence outline, card
Hand out readable copy of symposium evaluation
Citation, MLA
Students will rehearse; need digital camera

Writing II MWF


The instructor checked in the online exercises and book orders.

We did introductions.

To Do for Next Class:

--Finish your intro, if you have not done so already
--If your intro was returned, correct it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Writing II Friday Evening 6-9 p.m.

We worked on comma splices, as the instructor said this was the most common error found in the writing samples. We reviewed the material on comma splices, fused sentences, and run-on sentences from the text. Next the instructor showed a Powerpoint about the use of semicolons in correcting comma splices. We wrote sentences in class and looked at them on the overhead.

Next we had a quiz on person consistency. We corrected the quizzes in class. The instructor will review them, record the grade, and return them.

The instructor checked in exercises assigned last week, which were the ones at the link (subject-verb agreement, etc.). She also picked up the corrected introductions.

Finally we listened to the last few interviews.

For next week:

Read chapters 1 and 2. Write 1.5-2 pages on Topic 2, write a letter to the author....
Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point type. Identify the paper as "Reaction to 'Watcher at the Gate.'" <--and make sure you punctuate this correctly, just like I did.

A few students need to correct their introductions. They should be typed and double-spaced.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Writing II First Class MWF


The instructor told students about the book and that they could get 20 class participation points if they ordered by Monday, 12 midnight, Sept. 20. To get the 20 points, students need to show the print-out of their order and circle the date they ordered.

The name of the book is We Are America by Anna Joy. Sixth, fifth, or fourth edition is acceptable. Find the book using Google and by putting in either of these ISBN numbers:

0155951467 (4th)
1413002161 (5th)


Students were assigned some online exercises which should be answered on regular lined notebook paper and turned in at the next class. Do everything from Common Contractions through Subject Verb Agreement. Exercises are due Monday.


The instructor paired students for interviews and gave them 30" to conduct the interviews. On Monday, students will read each others' interviews, which are to be typed, double-spaced, and with 12 pt. type and one-inch margins. The objective is to introduce each person to the class and to see how smoothly each student's writing reads.

After the interviews, the instructor asked students to log on to her blog and to email her telling whether they were successful.

To Do for Next Class:

Interview: write one-two paragraphs about the person you interviewed. Arrange the information in the most interesting way you can, keeping in mind that the "laundry list" approach is not what we are looking for. What is the most interesting item you learned about this person? You may want to put this first. Arrange the rest of the material in a way you think will interest your audience.

Exercises online (see link above).

Order book.


We did the writing sample.

The syllabus may be printed out by downloading this document. We will go over the syllabus in class on Friday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speech 1402

Group symposium assignment sheet with deadline dates, cleaned up.

In addition, I have asked the department to provide us with a more readable copy of the symposium evaluation sheet. I will know more about this on Wednesday and may update this post.


The instructor gave students the group symposium assignment. We read the assignment in class.

The instructor introduced a list of "problems" and students joined a group based on interest in the topic. Students then had class time to do a breakdown of the topic for purposes of directing their research. They also formed a group email list and the instructor had copies of this made for them and distributed to each group member.

During the last part of class, a video called "Voices" was shown. The purpose of the video is to illustrate how self-perception is formed and what it has to do with communication. Students were asked to take notes because later they will be asked to connect points from the video with points in the first two chapters of the text.

The instructor asked about interviews for the "I Am" journal.

Next week:

"I Am" journal assignment: bring field notes from two interviews for points toward the grade on this assignment

Group symposium: bring three articles pertaining to the student's section of the presentation. Students should have all citation material for the article with them as we will be doing citations in class at some point.

Write a full-sentence outline and transfer it to keywords. Keywords (only 30-50 total) go on the index card. Bring a digital camera, cell phone with movie capability, or other type of movie recording device to the next class. Students will rehearse for the symposium at this class. Students will be asked to show their full-sentence outline and cards to the instructor for credit.

Read first two chapters in the text.

Discussion of "I Am" assignment and interviews

Quick Guide to Public Speaking

Group symposium (not revised).

Advertising 3960/3100 What Happened in Class


First we met in our regular classroom and then moved to the lab.

Eileen Ruf, admin for the Communication Department and coordinator for The Tower advertising, came to talk to the class about ad deadlines and to distribute media kits. Deadline dates and publication dates are both in the kit. The instructor explained that all media--radio, TV, magazines, etc.--have media kits and they are used to provide the potential client with information about the publication such as rates and sizes of ads.

Next the instructor explained that we were in the lab early because we will not normally have access to it. We only had access to the lab on this date due to the fact that the usual class that was there was canceled. Students signed on to but we were unable to do work with the image the instructor provided because we could not save to the computers.

Students were, therefore, instructed to size the pineapple image on their own computers. In addition, they are to read the chapter on layouts from the text.

Pineapple image needed for sizing exercise, Thursday's class.

Deadline dates for The Tower:

Here are the ad deadlines for camera-ready copy The Tower. If the ad has to be at all altered by Stephanie, we would need it several days in advance of these deadlines.
Here are the deadlines:

Sept. 17

Oct. 8

Nov. 5

Dec. 3

To do for next class:

Size image to 450 pixels
Read chapter 8


Picture search engine that tells size of image.


On Thursday Pat Lauro and Eileen Ruf of The Tower will be visiting the class to discuss newspaper advertising. The assignment is called “Account Management” and students already have Part A, the graphic layout, and a flyer. Note: this may change as we may be able to get the lab in 403 on this date only.

The ad deadline dates will also be provided for students on Thursday.

The instructor returned search engine exams. The grade breakdown is as follows:

A: 3
B: 4
C: 6
D: 6
F: 4

We still have to complete the last part of the search engine advertising .ppt. This section tells about writing the ad. We will write an ad in class. The ad will be part of the student’s portfolio.

Today, however, we began working on the graphic file format section of the class and the instructor used a .ppt to explain the difference between vector images and bitmap images. What size of image is used for print and what is used for web was also discussed. We covered file formats through .png.

Added later: I happened to find this article in a computer magazine about adding depth to vector images. Please take a look.

We are hoping to book the lab on Thursday, Sept. 23. Students were asked to take their own pictures so they will have a large image to with which to work. The instructor suggested this image be of their advertiser for The Tower. The instructor will also have large images available.

To Do for Next Class:

Have advertiser and two backups selected. Fill out Part A in pencil. We will work on the benefits together in class.

Make sure you understand formats and principles discussed in class. There may be a quiz and some of the questions may be posted here the night before.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Web Hosting


We went over a handout on web hosting.

Students reported on the web host they researched.


Web hosting .ppt



From the user's perspective, upstream network traffic flows away from the local computer toward the remote destination. Conversely, downstream traffic flows to the user's computer.

Traffic on most networks flows in both upstream and downstream directions simultaneously, and often when data flows in one direction, network protocols often send control instructions (generally invisible to the user) in the opposite direction.

Load balance platform: What platform do they use for balancing IP requests? A platform is an operating system.

Redundancy: Backup. If you contract with a web hosting service located on the San Andreas fault in California and there is an earthquake, what happens to your web site and all your latest orders? Where that location is is redundancy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Writing II, Friday evening


The instructor returned writing samples after she made copies for her records. This sample will act as a benchmark allowing for an evaluation of progress at midterm and at the conclusion of class.

An exercise based on the writing samples was handed out. The exercise was on person consistency. The instructor reviewed first, second, and third person. She told the students why third person is primarily used in academic (expository) writing. We worked on a writing sample where the writing went from first to second person. Students re-wrote the essay in third person and we looked at student work on the overhead. A few students were asked to write in the first person, and we reviewed an example of first person. The instructor reminded students that this is something that is taught at this class level and usually not covered in earlier writing classes.

Students had been assigned an introduction to write for purposes of seeing how smoothly the writing could be read. The instructor told students that a good sentence is understood the first time it is read. She acknowledged that academics are sometimes the worst offenders at composing readable sentences. She added that academics often re-name:

Example: An excuse is account-giving behavior.

We put the introductions on the overhead projector and the person being introduced came to the front of the class. A reader was selected and the instructor noted where there were problems with the reading going smoothly. Usually it was misplaced commas or modifiers. Another common problem was comma splices, where the student joined sentences with commas.

The instructor told students about the role of critiquing in academia. Criticism is sought after and is welcomed. One does not become defensive when receiving criticism; instead, one should thank the person delivering the critique for making a point that will help the writer become better.

To do for next class:

--rewrite introduction, making corrections noted by instructor and also from corrections made on other papers

--do the reading or online exercise that will be posted here

Posted Sunday evening:

Complete the following exercises. Write your answers on notebook paper to hand in to the instructor.

Common Contractions
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Subject-Verb Agreement

In addition, watch this five-minute video. It is about how writing is used on the job in various fields. You may have to register for basic access.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Advertising 3675/3100

Added Monday:

Grade Breakdown for Quiz:

A: 3
B: 4
C: 6
D: 6
F: 4


Quiz today.

Newspaper ad assignment.

Please read this Wall Street Journal article about how Google's search engine improvement could affect its advertisers.

To Do for Next Class:

Choose a potential advertiser. Find two or three backup possibilities in case someone else has taken your choice or your first choice does not want to advertise.


The instructor talked about Google Adwords. We c0vered the first three topics of the Powerpoint and will cover the fourth on the day we write our search engine four-line ad.

Students organized themselves alphabetically and we did the roster and grade sheets.

The instructor informed the students that the lab she had hoped for was occupied during the class session for which it is needed. Jonathan, however, suggested that we use PhotoShop Express. The instructor briefly reviewed the site and it appears that it will work for us, therefore, we will be using the regular lab in CAS. Students were asked to register for an account. Click "online tools." Later: the instructor further reviewed the site and has determined that it will work. Students must have an account, though, as the commands do not work unless the user is logged in.

Next we discussed the newspaper advertising assignment. The instructor used the overhead projector and showed students three parts of the assignment: the coupon layout form, the Part A account management form, and a flyer that was used in a previous semester.

To do for next class:

Study for search engine advertising quiz. Questions will come from the glossary, the article, and the instructor's .ppt today.

Speech 1402 First Class


"I Am" Journal Assignment
This link is for the adjectives you need to carry out the assignment.

The instructor introduced herself and showed students this blog. We read the syllabus in class on the overhead screen. The instructor also handed out two grading forms (grade levels, grade breakdown) and the Quick Guide to Public Speaking. The "I Am" journal assignment was given. Students are to follow the instructions handed out in class and print out the adjectives at the second link above. Please try to obtain four interviews, not just two.

A less work-intensive option to the cutting up of the descriptions is to print out four sets of adjectives and ask people to number them. These or your notes should be handed in and are referred to in the assignment as "field notes."

The "I Am" journal is due on September 28. It should refer to the text and students should use MLA to document where they obtained material from the text.

Students have until 9/21 to get the book. People who obtain or order the book by 9/8 will receive 20 points toward their class participation grade.

To Do:

Read first two chapters in text
Do interviews for "I Am" journal assignment
Be thinking about topics for informative speech

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Writing II First Class

The instructor introduced the syllabus and provided contact information. The syllabus is posted online (check back here this evening for the link) and students may print it out if they feel they need to. The instructor will provide hard copies of the assignment and reading schedule.

We discussed the book and the instructor said she would provide 20 points if students could show they purchased/ordered by Sunday, Sept. 5.

Next students did the writing sample. The instructor passed out the essay question and students had an hour to write, although this included computer boot-up time. Students who were unable to get on because of password issues need to resolve this immediately, as we will be doing a fair amount of writing on the computer in future classes.

The instructor will read the samples and use them to determine: a) if the student can stay in the class; b) what writing issues should be addressed.

During the final portion of the class, the instructor paired the students for interviews. The task was to do a four-five minute interview and write an introduction to be read at the next class. At our next class students will read the introduction of one class member. We will assess how smoothly the reading goes. The instructor did a sample to show the class. She told the class that they should organize their material in an interesting way.

Next class:

Bring book receipt
Bring finished introduction, typed (double-spaced)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Advertising--First Class

The instructor put the syllabus on the screen and we read the syllabus.

She passed out the assignment sheet.

Some students may not be able to access the NY Times article and the Adwords glossary. The Blackboard program appears to be acting up and I am not sure when it will be fixed. I will, however, email anyone the files. Email me at the address on the sticker you were given today.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday--Last Class

Ronnie and Michael should look in my mailbox. There is a photocopy of a second chapter on ActionScript there.

Later I will post here:

a) possible meeting time at computer lab
b) list of recommended books for continued work in Flash and DW
c) research studies that show what the problem with the schools is

DataTypes, Variables, and Constants

Monday, August 16, 2010


Last class: I have confirmed Sat., Aug. 28 for our last class, 9-12N, our usual classroom.

Assign stop sound

Streaming sound: handout, 344-49

Sound effects (fade in, out, etc.), p. 540

Convert video to Flash video, handout, p. 354
You will need this converted file for another exercise, so do not erase it.

Embed video in Flash file, 546-49

Intro to ActionScript

Monday, August 9, 2010


Two sound exercises to complete before class.

Also, interesting article on boom in Internet companies in NYC.


Rotate Movie Clip in 3D, p. 506

Rotate Objects in Motion Tween, p. 510, 512 514

For comparison purposes:

--save as "rotate1"
--open a second file (same file) to work on

Ease Animation, p. 515

Motion Tween Opacity, p. 516, 518

Copy Motion Tween: p. 520 canceled, instead use handout MM142-43. Use same file as above, Motion Tween Opacity.

Save Motion as Preset, p. 521

Apply Filter, p. 522

Assign Sound to a Button


Beginning bone exercise

Finish bone exercise

Monday, August 2, 2010


Class: Please note the sticky note on David Pogue's blog (near the bottom of the page).


Wednesday class:

Example of how responsible publisher handles errors

Label frame

Delete frame

Monday class:

Programs in the Adobe Creative Suite and What They Do

Flash Glossary

Introduction to Animation Powerpoint

Introduction to Animation Worksheet

Introduction to Frames Powerpoint

Introduction to Frames Worksheet

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Masking files.


Assignment: Create a summer novelty item such as an ice cream cone or sandwich, popsicle, or some other type of treat. Iced tea, bubble tea, or iced coffee is OK, too. Use the drawing tools in Flash. Mail a link to your art to the instructor so she can feature it on the blog for Monday's class.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Adobe Technologies page

Wrap text


Go to downloads -->enter "email blaster"

Also see:


Constant Comment

Student design studio web sites:

