The instructor returned writing samples after she made copies for her records. This sample will act as a benchmark allowing for an evaluation of progress at midterm and at the conclusion of class.
An exercise based on the writing samples was handed out. The exercise was on person consistency. The instructor reviewed first, second, and third person. She told the students why third person is primarily used in academic (expository) writing. We worked on a writing sample where the writing went from first to second person. Students re-wrote the essay in third person and we looked at student work on the overhead. A few students were asked to write in the first person, and we reviewed an example of first person. The instructor reminded students that this is something that is taught at this class level and usually not covered in earlier writing classes.
Students had been assigned an introduction to write for purposes of seeing how smoothly the writing could be read. The instructor told students that a good sentence is understood the first time it is read. She acknowledged that academics are sometimes the worst offenders at composing readable sentences. She added that academics often re-name:
Example: An excuse is account-giving behavior.
We put the introductions on the overhead projector and the person being introduced came to the front of the class. A reader was selected and the instructor noted where there were problems with the reading going smoothly. Usually it was misplaced commas or modifiers. Another common problem was comma splices, where the student joined sentences with commas.
The instructor told students about the role of critiquing in academia. Criticism is sought after and is welcomed. One does not become defensive when receiving criticism; instead, one should thank the person delivering the critique for making a point that will help the writer become better.
To do for next class:
--rewrite introduction, making corrections noted by instructor and also from corrections made on other papers
--do the reading or online exercise that will be posted here
Posted Sunday evening:
Complete the following exercises. Write your answers on notebook paper to hand in to the instructor.
Common Contractions
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Subject-Verb Agreement
In addition, watch this five-minute video. It is about how writing is used on the job in various fields. You may have to register for basic access.