First we met in our regular classroom and then moved to the lab.
Eileen Ruf, admin for the Communication Department and coordinator for The Tower advertising, came to talk to the class about ad deadlines and to distribute media kits. Deadline dates and publication dates are both in the kit. The instructor explained that all media--radio, TV, magazines, etc.--have media kits and they are used to provide the potential client with information about the publication such as rates and sizes of ads.
Next the instructor explained that we were in the lab early because we will not normally have access to it. We only had access to the lab on this date due to the fact that the usual class that was there was canceled. Students signed on to but we were unable to do work with the image the instructor provided because we could not save to the computers.
Students were, therefore, instructed to size the pineapple image on their own computers. In addition, they are to read the chapter on layouts from the text.
Pineapple image needed for sizing exercise, Thursday's class.
Deadline dates for The Tower:
Here are the ad deadlines for camera-ready copy The Tower. If the ad has to be at all altered by Stephanie, we would need it several days in advance of these deadlines.
Here are the deadlines:
Sept. 17
Oct. 8
Nov. 5
Dec. 3
To do for next class:
Size image to 450 pixels
Read chapter 8
Picture search engine that tells size of image.
On Thursday Pat Lauro and Eileen Ruf of The Tower will be visiting the class to discuss newspaper advertising. The assignment is called “Account Management” and students already have Part A, the graphic layout, and a flyer. Note: this may change as we may be able to get the lab in 403 on this date only.
The ad deadline dates will also be provided for students on Thursday.
The instructor returned search engine exams. The grade breakdown is as follows:
A: 3
B: 4
C: 6
D: 6
F: 4
We still have to complete the last part of the search engine advertising .ppt. This section tells about writing the ad. We will write an ad in class. The ad will be part of the student’s portfolio.
Today, however, we began working on the graphic file format section of the class and the instructor used a .ppt to explain the difference between vector images and bitmap images. What size of image is used for print and what is used for web was also discussed. We covered file formats through .png.
Added later: I happened to find this article in a computer magazine about adding depth to vector images. Please take a look.
We are hoping to book the lab on Thursday, Sept. 23. Students were asked to take their own pictures so they will have a large image to with which to work. The instructor suggested this image be of their advertiser for The Tower. The instructor will also have large images available.
To Do for Next Class:
Have advertiser and two backups selected. Fill out Part A in pencil. We will work on the benefits together in class.
Make sure you understand formats and principles discussed in class. There may be a quiz and some of the questions may be posted here the night before.