We met at the library and Librarian Craig Ferguson showed students how to use the databases. There may be a quiz on his presentation and students should check this blog post later, as the questions to the quiz will be posted here.
After Craig's presentation, the instructor showed students how to do APA style. APA is to be used for the persuasive speech.
She showed students a web site called Writer's Help. The web site is free to students through the end of the year but after that, it will charge a fee. To sign up, students need this activation code and they also need to put in the instructor's Comcast email address.
Students should use the APA links for help with their citation on the persuasive speech.
In addition, the instructor showed students how to build a personal news page using Google.
Finally, students had questions regarding the Monroe Motivated Sequence. She told students to type their outlines with the category headings from the handout above them.
Next class:
Persuasive speeches
Bring printout of your Google news page showing at least five sections that you have entered