"I Am" Journal Assignment
This link is for the adjectives you need to carry out the assignment.
The instructor introduced herself and showed students this blog. We read the syllabus in class on the overhead screen. The instructor also handed out two grading forms (grade levels, grade breakdown) and the Quick Guide to Public Speaking. The "I Am" journal assignment was given. Students are to follow the instructions handed out in class and print out the adjectives at the second link above. Please try to obtain four interviews, not just two.
A less work-intensive option to the cutting up of the descriptions is to print out four sets of adjectives and ask people to number them. These or your notes should be handed in and are referred to in the assignment as "field notes."
The "I Am" journal is due on September 28. It should refer to the text and students should use MLA to document where they obtained material from the text.
Students have until 9/21 to get the book. People who obtain or order the book by 9/8 will receive 20 points toward their class participation grade.
To Do:
Read first two chapters in text
Do interviews for "I Am" journal assignment
Be thinking about topics for informative speech