Added Monday:
Grade Breakdown for Quiz:
A: 3
B: 4
C: 6
D: 6
F: 4
Quiz today.
Newspaper ad assignment.
Please read this Wall Street Journal article about how Google's search engine improvement could affect its advertisers.
To Do for Next Class:
Choose a potential advertiser. Find two or three backup possibilities in case someone else has taken your choice or your first choice does not want to advertise.
The instructor talked about Google Adwords. We c0vered the first three topics of the Powerpoint and will cover the fourth on the day we write our search engine four-line ad.
Students organized themselves alphabetically and we did the roster and grade sheets.
The instructor informed the students that the lab she had hoped for was occupied during the class session for which it is needed. Jonathan, however, suggested that we use PhotoShop Express. The instructor briefly reviewed the site and it appears that it will work for us, therefore, we will be using the regular lab in CAS. Students were asked to register for an account. Click "online tools." Later: the instructor further reviewed the site and has determined that it will work. Students must have an account, though, as the commands do not work unless the user is logged in.
Next we discussed the newspaper advertising assignment. The instructor used the overhead projector and showed students three parts of the assignment: the coupon layout form, the Part A account management form, and a flyer that was used in a previous semester.
To do for next class:
Study for search engine advertising quiz. Questions will come from the glossary, the article, and the instructor's .ppt today.