The instructor told students about the book and that they could get 20 class participation points if they ordered by Monday, 12 midnight, Sept. 20. To get the 20 points, students need to show the print-out of their order and circle the date they ordered.
The name of the book is We Are America by Anna Joy. Sixth, fifth, or fourth edition is acceptable. Find the book using Google and by putting in either of these ISBN numbers:
0155951467 (4th)
1413002161 (5th)
Students were assigned some online exercises which should be answered on regular lined notebook paper and turned in at the next class. Do everything from Common Contractions through Subject Verb Agreement. Exercises are due Monday.
The instructor paired students for interviews and gave them 30" to conduct the interviews. On Monday, students will read each others' interviews, which are to be typed, double-spaced, and with 12 pt. type and one-inch margins. The objective is to introduce each person to the class and to see how smoothly each student's writing reads.
After the interviews, the instructor asked students to log on to her blog and to email her telling whether they were successful.
To Do for Next Class:
Interview: write one-two paragraphs about the person you interviewed. Arrange the information in the most interesting way you can, keeping in mind that the "laundry list" approach is not what we are looking for. What is the most interesting item you learned about this person? You may want to put this first. Arrange the rest of the material in a way you think will interest your audience.
Exercises online (see link above).
Order book.
We did the writing sample.
The syllabus may be printed out by downloading this document. We will go over the syllabus in class on Friday.