Friday, September 17, 2010

Writing II Friday Evening 6-9 p.m.

We worked on comma splices, as the instructor said this was the most common error found in the writing samples. We reviewed the material on comma splices, fused sentences, and run-on sentences from the text. Next the instructor showed a Powerpoint about the use of semicolons in correcting comma splices. We wrote sentences in class and looked at them on the overhead.

Next we had a quiz on person consistency. We corrected the quizzes in class. The instructor will review them, record the grade, and return them.

The instructor checked in exercises assigned last week, which were the ones at the link (subject-verb agreement, etc.). She also picked up the corrected introductions.

Finally we listened to the last few interviews.

For next week:

Read chapters 1 and 2. Write 1.5-2 pages on Topic 2, write a letter to the author....
Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point type. Identify the paper as "Reaction to 'Watcher at the Gate.'" <--and make sure you punctuate this correctly, just like I did.

A few students need to correct their introductions. They should be typed and double-spaced.