People who do not have to take the midterm:
I am showing absences for these dates:
Moo 9/9, 10/28
Stop by on Thursday and show me class notes for those days and you will be excused from the exam. In the future, if you come in late, per the syllabus, you are supposed to come up after class to make sure your attendance is marked.
The instructor told students they needed to do the coupon layout for their advertiser. She also said she would be assigning new clients in a final effort to meet the ad deadline for December's issue.
We discussed the Photoshop assignment and Jonathan showed the class a blog where they could post their assignment if they couldn't get it on Blackboard or through email to the instructor.
We talked briefly about the museum trip.
The instructor handed out the final assignment and told students who were not at the museum trip that they could produce a radio commercial to make up for the trip.
To do for next class:
Work on coupon layout
Find another advertiser on your own if you dont' want one assigned to you
Come up with an idea for a radio and a TV commercial. Be reading the assigned chapters (see assignment sheet).