Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Advertising 3100 What Happened in Class

We went over the questionnaire. Since the instructor had been ill, students were given an extra week. Fred volunteered to put his questionnaire on the overhead projector. The instructor critiqued it.

The instructor handed out a newspaper advertising assignment sheet. We read it on the overhead projector in class.

We went through the narrated slides for Chapter 2. Then students were put in pairs and the instructor gave them questions to answer.

The instructor handed out a digital file handout and asked students to read it for next week. They are to note the specifications for their own camera on the margins of the handout. There will be a PowerPoint next week on this topic and reading the handout will make it easier to understand. This information is important for students to know so they can produce a newspaper ad with the correct resolution required by the printing industry.

Next week:

a) Bring questionnaire for instructor to critique. Post at Blackboard.
b) Read Ch. 12 instead of the designated chapter on the reading schedule for the coming week.
c) Read the digital file handout
d) Visit with your client about a newspaper ad. Write one-half page and bring it class. Cover: what the client's marketing problem is, how the newspaper ad might address it, and what resources (art, co-op dollars, etc.) might be available for the ad. Tell what size of ad you think you might want for the client.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Advertising 3960 What Happened in Class

Update: Wed., 4 p.m. I have received numerous e-mail communications from the Kean IT/Blackboard staff and they are still having problems. Tues., 4:50 I've been advised that the Kean IT/Blackboard staff is working with the McGraw-Hill people and a tech service ticket is open.


We went to a media panel with journalists from The Star Ledger and other papers. The topic was "The Transformation of Media.

The instructor collected questionnaires. She will critique them and return them at the next class.

To Do for Next Week:

(instructor will fill in later)


Today we continued to work on the newspaper advertising project. The instructor handed out a written assignment sheet for the newspaper ad and we read it in class. Deadline dates are Oct and Nov. 16th. Some ads can even run as late as Dec. 16, but it is unwise to put things off until the last minute so try for the earlier dates.

She explained the difference in quality for print illustrations vs. web illustrations and showed students various places to obtain such art:
Dover Publications, no longer located at Varick St., NYC (they moved out to their other location in Mineola, LI). Sign up for newsletter on this one and begin your clip art collection. OK to use for mock-ups; must pay for art used for customers and go to downloads, then clipart

Google "stock art photography" and sign up for the newsletters of a few other art sources. Some of them provide free art in each newsletter. Begin building your collection now and you will have a good selection when it comes time to build ads in the future for your customers.

Another source for art is to Google "copyright free art" or "public domain art." This art is free to use in ads, etc.

Next class:

electronic files and production\
Ch. 5 .ppt
research survey/zip code

Next class:

electronic files

To All Students

For my adult students, mostly in my weekend classes, an article on continuing one's education.

For any students looking for a p-t job, I noticed that the new Trader Joe's in Millburn has a sign out saying they are hiring. This is just off Vaux Hall Road by the CVS Pharmacy. It is in a shopping center previously occupied by Whole Foods. I think there is also going to be a Petco there. I believe I've read that Trader Joe's has won awards for their employee policies.

1402 Communication as Critical Citizenship


Two groups presented today.

After the presentations, the instructor left the classroom while the class discussed whether they wanted to do tests or outlines. The instructor explained how each concept would work, i.e., tests would be viewed as proof of reading; outlines would be the major point from each paragraph. Students decided to do outlines.

Chapters 1-3 do not have to be outlined as the students will prove they have read the chapters through their "I Am Journal" paper, which is upcoming. Students should immediately begin outlining the other chapters. The instructor announced there will be an outline check at next Thursday's class.

To do for next class:

Work on outlines
(more will be posted here later)
Bring Annotated Works Cited (if you have not already handed it in) as we will correct it in class


Today was the first day for group presentations. Two groups presented, one on multitasking and the other on healthcare systems in other countries.

Thursday we will have two more groups and possibly a third presenting a second time.

Practicing is a requirement for this speech. One does not have to practice with the group. For anyone repeating their presentation, two mp3s of individual practice sessions are required. These must be posted at Blackboard and the instructor must be advised of the posting by email.

Please be sure to save the Schedule of Activities and Assignments to your hard drive. It is located at BlackBoard. I will also send it out as an attachment, as a few students say they are still having technical issues with BlackBoard.

To Do for Next Class:

Practice presentation
Make sure corrections provided by the instructor are performed
Reading: Ch. 9, 216-24, Organizing a Speech
Ch. 11, 295-302, Informative Speech

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday 102 What Happened in Class

The class voted to attend the play on Saturday, October 10th at 8 p.m. We will, therefore, not have class on Saturday, October 12th. We will meet at 7 p.m. in Cranford Rm. N24 prior to the play, where we will go over various class items that are due and look at an example paper for this assignment.

We learned how to do personalized news pages and watched a DVD on news propaganda.

Next week:

For next class:

Write working thesis and point 1
Quiz on DVD (may not count on grade)
Understand half the drama terms (possible quiz)
Read Lester 3 and do Langan 5

Friday 102 What Happened in Class

Next week we will be attending the play at 8 p.m. Students should convene, however, at our classroom at 7 p.m. Be sure to bring $10 and student ID for admission.

The instructor will bring an example of a paper written for the drama assignment.

We discussed topics and researching them. The instructor explained that it was OK to take on a source if what the student is seeing does not concur with the source.
We were supposed to learn how to do a personalized news page, where we get current research to come to us. We were also to discuss RSS feeds and information transmitted via e-mail. Unfortunately, our computer classroom that was reserved was locked. We will work on this at a future class.

We watched a DVD on propaganda techniques, specifically with Fox News Channel.

For next class:

Write working thesis and point 1
Quiz on DVD (may not count on grade)
Understand half the drama terms (possible quiz)
Read Lester 3 and do Langan 5

Announcement for 1402

The following has been posted at Blackboard and sent via e-mail:

I still do not have the following outlines and Annotated Works Cited:


Some of the above students have said they mailed the outline and AWC to me, however if your name is on this list, you need to re-send it.

All other outlines have been read and critiqued. If you have not received your critique, you should contact me about it and be sure to tell me how you originally sent it to me.

After this assignment, you must have all technical issues with Blackboard resolved. I won't be accepting assignments in any other format unless I confirm unusual technical obstacles with the Blackboard IT people.

I will only be looking at assignments until around 5 p.m. today, so if your outline and AWC has not been critiqued, you will have to present without my comments.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thurs 102 What Happened in Class

We met in the computer lab and the instructor showed students how to get material on their research topics sent to them. She discussed three methods of having the material gathered by either Google or Yahoo: a) personalized news page; b) reader (RSS); c) topics sent to e-mail address. Students were given a worksheet and asked to bring it to following classes, as we will be working on research techniques for awhile.

After the computer session, we went back to the classroom and watched a DVD about propaganda sources in the news, specifically Fox News. The instructor announced that there will be a quiz on the DVD next week, but it is "open book," meaning students may use their notes.

Next week:

Write tentative working thesis and Point 1
Bring Annotated Works Cited (we will check in class)
Read Ch. 5 Langan and Lester.
Bring class notes for use w/quiz

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Media 3100 Wed. Night Class Cancellation

Here is the email I sent the class:

I am coughing all the time and can hardly talk. I think I also have a fever.
I'm cancelling class because of this. I really hate to do it but I can't see how I could conduct much of a class.
I am putting a notice at the blog and I have also notified the department to put up a notice on the door.
Please check the blog later in the week for any notes about what work with which to continue.

Monday, September 21, 2009

3960 What Happened in Class


The following was posted Wednesday evening:
Regarding the online tests, we have a small problem. I received this from our IT Dept:

Hello Professor Kipple

We have tried to import your file that you have provided but unfortunately it is not compatible with our system.

You will have to contact the publisher and advise them that the import was not successful because it was not compatible with our system.

Thank You
-- Distance Education Admin
-- Sakinah Franklin

I have contacted our publisher to see what the other options are. We can also discuss this in class. Update: The publisher has contacted me and there is a solution. I have to get in touch with IT.


Prof. Pat Winters-Lauro and Eileen Ruf visited our class today and we talked about projects with The Tower. The instructor will email students the media kit.

We decided whether we would be ad production people or negotiators.

Next class:

Continue with readings
Instructor will talk about trading area surveys and we will work with an exercise from the zip code map we recently filled out.

First we went over questionnaire writing issues. We talked about three different situations and practiced writing some questions.

Next we watched the narrated slides for Ch. 2. We discussed ethics and advertising.

Finally, we reviewed what to do for the next class, which is to read Ch. 4.

Last Thursday's class:

Discuss queston-writing and client situations.

Go over the chapters with the narrated slides.

Notes from last class, Sept. 17

Students had their worksheet filled out from the previous class's lecture. We went through the worksheet and discussed the questions.

Since the assignment was to write 10 questions and go on surveymonkey, the instructor handed out photocopies from the text to help students in writing the questions.

A trading area survey/zip code map was given to the class and each class member was asked to put their home zip code on it. This map will serve to illustrate the trading area survey at a future class.

Questions are due on the 30th but we will talk about them in the next class.

1402 What Happened in Class

Today we taped our panels during practice.

Outlines and Annotated Works Cited were submitted. Instructor returned feedback.

Instructor is posting new reading schedule at Blackboard later this evening. Check the schedule for next week's readings.

Next class: group symposium presentations
Continue with readings, per the assignment that is posted below.


Upcoming dates:

This Thursday is outline due day, which should be posted at Blackboard.

Instructor will look at outline, evaluate, and return.

Also bring outlines to class as a printed-out version.

Instructor will review as many as possible during class while you practice.

Today we will need to look for open spaces in which to practice. Send team out.

On Thursday you will be taping, so someone must bring a DVD to record and distribute the tapes online.

What will your outline look like?

Name per syllabus
Outline double spaced
Internal text references
Works Cited page attached

On Thursday you must have your outline transferred to an index card (cards were distributed).

When we take attendance on Thursday, you must show your index card with outline. No more than 30 words.

When you look at the video, take notes for your one-page personal evaluation (worth 10 points on final grade). We chose one person and a back up for each group to bring a DVD. As Laura pointed out, a rewritable might be a good investment as we will most likely be taping for the other speeches.

The instructor gave informative and persuasive speaking dates and asked students to choose a date. We will match people and dates at an upcoming class:

Informative: Nov. 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19
Persuasive: Nov. 23 30, Dec. 3, 7, 10, 14, 17

Students are asked to be early or at the very least on time for the next class due to the taping.


Reading: First three chapters are on communication and perception.
Will be evaluated via a paper called the "I Am" journal.


Outlines or tests?


Go over evaluation form for speech

Notes from Previous Class:

We met in small groups to divide topic into sections. Students asked for the Annotated Works Cited to be due on 9/24 instead of today, and the instructor said OK.

Read Chapter 3 was the reading assignment.


To do for Next Class:

Reading assignment: Ch. 7, 173-80, Ch. 9, 216-24, Appendix: B1-10
Make plans to ensure timely arrival, early if possible

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday 102 9-12 Noon

Link to citation guide we looked at in class.

To Do for Next Class:

By next class, read at least four pages of the drama glossary. There may be a quiz.

Come to class with your 10 sources in correct Annotated Works Cited form. (Hacker)

Read Ch. 3-4 in Langan
Read 2 in Lester

Topic must be chosen and a working thesis decided upon

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday 102 What Happened in Class

We corrected the Annotated Works Cited. The instructor handed out a guide. Each person corrected another student's paper and made a list of items that needed to be corrected, added to, or changed.

We also made a list of what is underlined and what is in quotes in MLA Works Cited:

Italicized or underlined:

book titles
names of newspapers
" " of magazines
titles of recordings

Put in quotation marks:

titles of magazine and journal articles
book chapter titles
names of radio or TV shows
titles of interviews, reviews, songs, and poems

We talked about topics and thesis statements and the instructor recorded the topics and later asked students to put their email address next to the topic/thesis statement.

We went over the drama assignment.
Students should know the first four pages of definitions from the drama glossary.

Next week:
a) correct Annotated Works Cited and turn it in
b) Read Ch's 3 & 4 in Langan
c) Read Ch. 3 in Lester
d) Know the terms in the first four pages of the drama glossary in case of a quiz

Attn: Saturday Writing 102

I'm very sick with a cold and we will meet late tomorrow: 11 a.m.

I have emailed everyone. In addition, I contacted the administration and they are putting a note on the door.


p.s. Friday night students, if you are reading this, we are still having class but getting out early.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thu 3960, 1402 and 102

I'll be writing the summaries of our classes tomorrow as I am very sick this evening with a bad cold.


p.s. this is for 1402 healthcare groups:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Media 3100 What Happened in Class

We worked with the online chapter (7). First we talked about the Holiday Inn Express example from the book. Then the instructor talked about different types of research with which she has worked: social policy surveys, media research, ethnographic research, etc. We viewed online examples at

We learned about random samples and nonprobability samples. During the random sample discussion, we did a "minute paper."

We worked in pairs to fill out a research questionnaire and we went over the answers in class.

The instructor informed the class that she had activated the shell for Blackboard.

She made copies of pertinent pages from the text so students could get started on their questionnaire. Students filled out a zip code map and next week the instructor will show how it is similar to how a trading area survey works.

Next week:

Ten research questions. Be prepared to provide the instructor with a link and a printed out copy of the research questions. Post the questions before class at Blackboard.

In addition to reading Chapter 7, also read Chapter 1.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Advertising 3960 What Happened in Class


Go over assignment and putting up on Blackboard. Word doc of questions, pages in text, give them copy.

Go over questions.

Do trade area survey. Talk about focus groups.

Talk about Ch.1


The instructor talked about her experiences in marketing research and tied them to the material in Chapter 7, Research.

She distributed an article that is an update of one of the media research experiences.

At the end of class, students were given a page of questions based on the lecture, Ch. 7, and the article. Students are to bring this completed handout to the next class.

To do for next class:

Finish Chapter 1
Check your email or go to Blackboard to get started on writing the market research questionnaire.

Note: do not sign up and pay for access to the class web site until instructor receives clarification from publisher.

Speech/Critical 1402


Note to students who were not enrolled in Blackboard today: later today I met up with one of your colleagues from our class and we checked Blackboard. This student had not yet enrolled, yet he was able to get on using his user name and password. I suggest that all students who said they were not yet enrolled try this and see if the university has created an account for you.

Second note to students:

When do your Annotated Works Cited, see the post below (from another class_ for additional tips that might help.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Writing 102_Friday, 6-9 p.m.

Also, I posted a file at Blackboard that will help you, too.

Assignment: Find 10 sources for your group presentation topic and write them up in an Annotated Works Cited using MLA style documentation. You must have the following sources:
book from academic library, academic journals (5),
newspaper article (1),
magazine article (1),
radio source (1),
TV source (1)
Magazine and newspaper article should come from Lexis Nexis.

public radio and
public tv pbs home page
bbc radio tv


Annotated Works Cited

alphabetize by author's last name
no author?--go to title
double space everything

due next Monday
MLA citation guide is needed to do this assignment

Students and groups they are in:



Health 2
Mike C







To Do for Next Class:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Writing 102 Students: Theatre Reading

This will be an extra-credit project:

Opening Night on Saturday Afternoon

Monthly staged readings of original plays from our Playwrights Workshop
followed by a discussion with the author.

One Saturday a month at 3pm

Admission Free

September 19:

Going to the Chapel

Two one-act comedies
By Michael Z Murphy

The Theater Project, Union County College’s Professional Theater Company, will present a staged reading of "Going to the Chapel" by Michael Z Murphy, directed by Louis Scarpati, on Saturday, September 19 at 3 PM. The presentation will be followed by a discussion with the playwright, director, actors and audience in the Union County College Students Commons,1033 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, NJ. Admission is free.

This reading is part of the Opening Night in the Afternoon series of original plays by members of The Theater Project’s Playwrights Development Workshop, led by Artistic Director Mark Spina. These script-in-hand performances offer the excitement and immediacy of actually sitting in on rehearsals with talented members of The Theater Project. The series continues on October 17.

Going to the Chapel consists of two one-act comedies of manners. Act I is called "All in Good Time" and Act II is "Remote Control." The plays pose the question: To marry or not and if so, how? The characters have multiple considerations, and of course, life intervenes. One British cleric must decide and one dead Jewish mama must manipulate her children. Crossed wires, crossing over and cross spirits --- two comedies of manners.

Michael Z Murphy (please note there is NO PERIOD after the Z), communication professor, poet, certified massage therapist, life member of the International Listening Association and someone who has lived a televisionless life for almost 23 years brings a unique, albeit whacked, angle to relationships. This Hillside resident's past life includes teaching speech and/or English in every grade from 6 to 12, selling hardware as well as stints as an industrial painter, movie usher, stage actor, stage manager and director. His favorite activity is cracking student brains with critical thinking. He once played in an African drum ensemble with Celeste Holm---Oh, yes he did!

Writing 102-Saturday What Happened in Class

There was some confusion over the classroom, but eventually we all ended up in a multimedia room, #514. First students did a writing sample. The writing sample was on a question the student has that has never been satisfactorily answered.

Next we went over the syllabus. Students were shown where the online version was (see link at left) and hard copies were also distributed. We read through the syllabus. While reading through the syllabus, the instructor showed the books.

We read through the process of writing the research paper on the schedule of activities and assignments (pp. 8-9 of the syllabus). We also covered the drama and poetry parts of the class.

The instructor gave students the assignments, which are detailed at the end of this entry.

We constructed an email list and each student entered their email address on the list.

To do for next class:

Order books and print off order form if ordered online

Chapters 1 & 2 in both Lester and Langan (Langan's first three chapters are online)

MLA section of Hacker--look through, page by page, and know where to find categories

Bookmark the instructor's blog and set up contact information in your cellphone and computer

Choose a research paper topic from the writing sample or link at left. Students may choose another topic not in the writing sample or topics list but they must first get the approval of the instructor.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Writing 102_Friday, 6-9 p.m.

The instructor introduced the assignment for the next week, which was an Annotated Works Cited. The sources gathered for this assignment should work toward the research paper. This means students must make a topic selection.

The instructor explained the nature of academic research and the difference between public libraries and academic libraries. She also talked about the
unique nature of libraries and librarians in NJ and why style documentation exists.

The class took a break and after the break we went into pairs to do "paired summaries" of the class thus far.

The instructor explained the process students will go through to construct the Annotated Works Cited:

1. Choose a topic
2. Keywords: general research on google.
3. Academic databases—begin accumulating sources.
4. Save sources to a folder
5. Read the sources and as you read them, make notes
6. Alphabetize the sources by the author’s last name
a. If no last name, use the name of the article
7. Identify what type of citation it is: is it book?
8. Write the citation the correct way by looking them up in your style guide(Hacker)

The instructor showed students where to go for the radio and TV sources (NPR and BBC for radio, public television (PBS) and BBC).

She also showed them the databases at the library and how to do searches on them. The magazine and newspaper sources, for example, must be done from Lexis Nexis.

We then worked on topic selection. Students told what topic they were thinking about for their paper.

Next week:

Find 10 sources for your research paper and write them up in an Annotated Works Cited using MLA style documentation. You must have the following sources:
book from academic library, academic journals (5),
newspaper article (1),
magazine article (1),
radio source (1),
TV source (1)
Use Hacker to write your 10 sources

Read Ch. 2 in Lester and in Langan. New students, catch up by reading Ch. 1 in each book.



An annotated bibliography describes the "relevance, accuracy, and quality" (Engel) of your sources.

Questions to answer in an Annotation

1. What was the specific format of the source? (Encyclopedia, interview, video, etc.)
2. Where and how did you find this source? (Public library, school media center online resources, home, Internet search, etc.)
3. What is the purpose of this source? (Educate, persuade, inform, entertain, etc.)
4. What is the content of the source? What topics are covered? In what amount of detail?
5. To whom is this information directed? Is there specialized and difficult language?
6. What are the credentials of the source? Is the author/publisher reliable? How do you know?
7. What information did you find that was important to your project/research?
8. What did you find difficult about this source?

Annotations could be descriptive or evaluative, or a combination of both. A descriptive annotation summarizes the scope and content of a work whereas an evaluative annotation provides critical comment.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Writing 102 Thursday 5:40 What Happened in Class

We did paired introductions and the instructor showed students a technique for remembering names. It calls for associating something about the name with the face.

Next we reviewed the web site and link (at left) the instructor prepared for student reference.

We read through the syllabus at the previous class, so students who were not present for that class will need to read it on their own. The link to the syllabus is via the first link at left. There will be a syllabus quiz next week (new students only).

Next the instructor gave the assignment for next week, which is to do an annotated works cited. She showed a sample and pointed out that the book also has an example (not annotated in the book, however). The assignment is written out at the end of this post.

Next we went over topics. The instructor showed student writing samples and told them what the key words (scholarly literature) are for the topic.

She showed the group a list of topics, which is linked off the first link at left.

Students may choose from the topics list or they may go with their writing sample question. Any other topics must be approved by the instructor in advance.

The instructor showed students the academic databases and in particular, Lexis Nexis and LION.

To do for next week:

New students do writing sample and e-mail it to the instructor.
New students only: syllabus quiz
Read Ch. 2 in Langan (online)
Read Ch. 2 in Lester
Read "How Drama Works" (online)


Find 10 sources for your research paper and write them up in an Annotated Works Cited using MLA style documentation. You must have the following sources:
book from academic library, academic journals (5),
newspaper article (1),
magazine article (1),
radio source (1),
TV source (1)


Writing sample:

Write one-two pages on a question that you have about life, the universe, politics, how things work, or any other area of intellectual endeavor.

Explain why you want to know the answer to this question. Speculate about how you might proceed to research the question and get an answer(s).

Advertising 3960 Thursday What Happened in Class

We welcomed a few new students into the class.

The instructor went over the blog address and links page.

She advised students of the activity for the class session, which will be based on Ch. 7, research.

We learned how to convert features into benefits. The instructor told the class this was part of learning to think like an advertising person. Features alone do not mean anything to a customer; it is only when they are converted to benefits that it has meaning for the customer.

She showed several features, such as "sharp knife" and "10-calorie, all-natural cookie." We found a benefit for each of the examples

Then we focused on a technical product. We analyzed product packaging and critiqued it.

Next class:

Review Ch. 7 and know definitions.

Read Ch. 1, at least half of it.

Notes from class when we converted features into benefits.


Integrated digital tuning (8VSB ATSC and QAM) eliminates the need for a separate digital converter set-up box (in most cases)


Allows you to receive a digital signal without a digital converter box

eliminates the need for digital converter box

eliminates messy wire and clutter and reveals a crisp picture payoff

The tuner inside gives you a clutter-free space!

Save money now--no need a purchase a digital
converter box

benefit of a digital signal:

more channels
clearer picture
enables you to play video games online around the world


sharp knife

10-calorie all-natural cookie



Make a blt without making a mess

eat 10 of them and not worry additives or calories too much

cell phone
speed dial
voice activation

speed dial

quick communication with one touch of a button

communicate quickly and discretely in public places with multiple recipients

camera: 2-in-1, easy carrying, no extra camera
always catch the moment

don't have ot worry about getting lost
always know where you are going

feel confident that you'll get to your destination

Speech/Critical 1402 What Happened in Class

We welcomed two new students today Shariat Ullah )(Sharif) and Tassneen Hewevy.

The instructor followed up on the book and Blackboard enrollment by asking students if they had ordered/signed up. While many students ordered the book, only three had enrolled in Blackboard. It is important to get on BB as we will be posting assignments there.

Even if students order the book online, they should have it by Sept. 20-22.

We read most of the syllabus in class and will finish up at the next session. At our next session we will also get the group assignment and possibly the "I Am Journal" assignment.

Next class:

Enroll in Blackboard. Five points awarded for students who are on.

Save the syllabus to a folder for the class (suggested name "Speech Critical)."

Read Chapter 1 in Seiler/Beall.

Go to the group topics document (link at left) and decide on a topic that is of interest. If there is a topic you want to propose, we have one open group. Bring your topic to see if others want to join you in the group. The groups will be about five students each in number. Students will be presenting toward the third and fourth weeks of September.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Advertising Media 3100 Wed. 6-8:45 p.m.

The instructor went over the syllabus, class projects, and reading assignments. Students will receive the reading assignments in hard copy but should save the syllabus to their hard drives in a class folder.

We also discussed the books for the class, which are listed in the syllabus and at the link to the page with the book covers, found at the links at left.

Next we reviewed the reading assignment, which is Chapter 7 in Arens. The chapter is about market research.

In the last part of the class, we looked at a box for a Toshiba LCD screen. The instructor showed where she thought features could be more prominent.

She then explained the difference between features and benefits.

We had a worksheet, and we worked on re-writing the features into benefits. Students put their work on the screen and we edited each piece of copy.
To do for next week:

Read Ch. 7. Focus particularly on the definitions and types of research.
The instructor will talk about her various jobs in market research. Students will then be put in pairs and will answer questions on a worksheet. The questions are based on the Chapter 7 research reading.

Think of a client. All clients must be approved by the instructor.

Open Blackboard account.

Order books. Print a copy of the receipt for any books ordered off the internet.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All Classes

Please see the link at left for the syllabus and book info.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fall 102 Classes

The first half of "How Drama Works" has been uploaded and the link is at left.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Writing 102_Friday, 6-9 p.m.

First we read the syllabus using the overhead projector. The syllabus is being distributed as an online document, however, the schedule of activities and assignments and class notebook guidelines were distributed as hard copies.

Each student read a portion of the syllabus and the instructor explained or added to certain sections. One policy that we are considering is how many lates equal an absence. Students are to consider what they think is fair and provide input next week.

The instructor showed students the books and asked that if they order online, to keep their receipt proving when they ordered. If the book should be sent late, this proof will excuse the student from academic penalties that might result from not having the book. All assignments must be made up, however. Books should be purchased as soon as possible.

Next students did the writing sample and handed their sample into the instructor. This sample serves as a benchmark. It also might be an inspiration for the research paper.

Student topics will be posted here over the weekend, so if students are in search of a topic, they are encouraged to look at the topics list.

To do for next week:

Think about a topic. If writing sample is the choice, the instructor will provide input which will be received next week.

Purchase books and read Ch 1 in Lester and Ch. 1 in Langan.

Look at the topics list for other possible topics.

What Happened in Class 1402 Mon-Thurs

Thursday Sept. 3

Speech 1402

We had a chaotic beginning to our first class due to the overhead projector having no electrical signal. This prevented us from reading the syllabus in class. We went to Plan B, and that was to do paired interviews and introductions.

The instructor taught the class a technique for remembering a person’s name, and that is to associate it with something about the person’s face. Using this technique, many members of the class were able to recall the names of our first 10-12 students.

Students did introductions and we covered about half the class.

The instructor told students about the text and the blog.

Next class: Order books or purchase them at the bookstore. Online orders should be printed out to prove that they were placed within a few days of the first class. If a book should arrive late, this proof will enable the student to make up the work at a later date without any decrease in grade.

Students will also need an an MLA/APA style guide. One used for a previous class will be acceptable.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Advertising 3960 Sec. 1, , Thurs., Sept. 3

Link to syllabus.

Note: No class on Monday due to Labor Day holiday.

The instructor talked about the various positions she has held in the advertising field. The syllabus was read and the instructor explained the various class projects.

At the conclusion of class, we did an email list.

For the next class, students are to:

a) Order their three books or purchase them at the bookstore. Online orders should be printed out to prove that they were placed within a few days of the first class. If a book should arrive late, this proof will enable the student to make up the work at a later date without any decrease in grade.

g) Go to Blackboard an open up an account

h) Read Chapter 7 on research (online)

i) Find a “client” for the various advertising class projects. There is also the opportunity to work with The Tower.