Monday, September 14, 2009

Advertising 3960 What Happened in Class


Go over assignment and putting up on Blackboard. Word doc of questions, pages in text, give them copy.

Go over questions.

Do trade area survey. Talk about focus groups.

Talk about Ch.1


The instructor talked about her experiences in marketing research and tied them to the material in Chapter 7, Research.

She distributed an article that is an update of one of the media research experiences.

At the end of class, students were given a page of questions based on the lecture, Ch. 7, and the article. Students are to bring this completed handout to the next class.

To do for next class:

Finish Chapter 1
Check your email or go to Blackboard to get started on writing the market research questionnaire.

Note: do not sign up and pay for access to the class web site until instructor receives clarification from publisher.