The following was posted Wednesday evening:
Regarding the online tests, we have a small problem. I received this from our IT Dept:
Hello Professor Kipple
We have tried to import your file that you have provided but unfortunately it is not compatible with our system.
You will have to contact the publisher and advise them that the import was not successful because it was not compatible with our system.
Thank You
-- Distance Education Admin
-- Sakinah Franklin
I have contacted our publisher to see what the other options are. We can also discuss this in class. Update: The publisher has contacted me and there is a solution. I have to get in touch with IT.
Prof. Pat Winters-Lauro and Eileen Ruf visited our class today and we talked about projects with The Tower. The instructor will email students the media kit.
We decided whether we would be ad production people or negotiators.
Next class:
Continue with readings
Instructor will talk about trading area surveys and we will work with an exercise from the zip code map we recently filled out.
First we went over questionnaire writing issues. We talked about three different situations and practiced writing some questions.
Next we watched the narrated slides for Ch. 2. We discussed ethics and advertising.
Finally, we reviewed what to do for the next class, which is to read Ch. 4.
Last Thursday's class:
Discuss queston-writing and client situations.
Go over the chapters with the narrated slides.
Notes from last class, Sept. 17
Students had their worksheet filled out from the previous class's lecture. We went through the worksheet and discussed the questions.
Since the assignment was to write 10 questions and go on surveymonkey, the instructor handed out photocopies from the text to help students in writing the questions.
A trading area survey/zip code map was given to the class and each class member was asked to put their home zip code on it. This map will serve to illustrate the trading area survey at a future class.
Questions are due on the 30th but we will talk about them in the next class.