Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Writing 102, What Happened


Instructor finished lecturing on drama handout. We covered elements of plot, tragedy, comedy, Theatre of the Absurd and social criticism.

We then took the drama quiz. We will correct it at our next class.


We reviewed drama terms from the previous lecture.

We discussed the use of the word "soliloquy" by a New York Times writer.

The instructor lectured on conventions in drama, covering Greek plays through realistic.

We then discussed attendance and worked on our grade sheets. The instructor gave each person their attendance records and told them how it affected their grade.

This coming Thursday will be the drama quiz.

We decided to put the last quiz, Lester, on the last day of class, May 8. At that time, the instructor will review the notebooks and issue a notebook grade while the students take the quiz. We will then correct the quiz in class and students will know enter their grade on the grading sheet and hand it in.