We had two poetry presentations from Christine and Blessing.
The instructor then showed a technique for working through difficult texts. The technique can be used for understanding difficult academic texts, legal opinions and cases, technical instructions, etc. The technique requires eliminating the cruxes and then paraphrasing until the meaning is derived. We performed this exercise in conjunction with the collective unconscious material. We then watched an interview with Federico Fellini, in which he describes how he takes from the collective unconscious for his art.
The instructor introduced students to the "funnel opening" via the "Guide to Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles" handout. She also gave students the grading point breakdown for the research paper, which included the need and the preview. Students wrote the need and the preview in class. The instructor then demonstrated how to write a funnel opening using Elena's paper. Here is the opening (with labels for each section) that was demonstrated in class:
Funnel opening: With 2008 being an election year, many Americans are looking for the candidate who will offer the best program for universal healthcare, a government-backed system which every advanced nation in the world has—except for the U.S. This means that we should look at the systems which have been developed in other countries, such as Germany, Japan, and the UK and Canada. We must examine all aspects of these healthcare systems for their applicability to our own. This paper will focus, however, on an aspect which the writer has direct personal experience: medical care fraud.
Need: By reading this paper, readers will understand the most important features of a universal healthcare system that is economically feasible and that addresses the issue of fraud. Without this component being understood, Americans could get a system that is destined to fail because it will ultimately be unaffordable. Preview: This paper will first review the author’s experience of fraud in the Medicare system. Then it will....
Next week we will do the transitions worksheet and write transitions for the paper. In addition we will go through the grading points sheet. Students should bring their three points and their annotated bibliography.