Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Comm 128 What Happened

The instructor handed out review questions from Chapter 7 (verbal communication). Students paired up to see how many questions they could answer without referring to their books or notes. The instructor collected the review questions and will look at them but they are ungraded.

Papers and annotated bibliographies were returned. Students are reminded that the deadline dates are April 15 (K-Z) and April 22 (last names A-J). Roundtables discussions follow on April 29 and May 6 and are reverse order.

We watched a video about listening. The video had exercises in which we were able to test how carefully we listen.

The last thing we did in class was to learn how to phrase in the "we" (cooperative) style. The instructor handed out a worksheet and we did one question together. Then students got back in their pairs and wrote out statements for five situations.

Next week's chapter is 9, "Managing Conflict & Power."

Next week I will review the following student's notebooks:
