Thursday, April 10:
We looked at misplaced modifiers in titles.
Students put their titles on the board. We then voted for which paper we would most want to read, based on its title. We then discussed what was captivating about the titles.
We discussed the conclusion for the research paper, using the worksheet and also Lester. We wrote conclusions in class and then looked at a few of them on the overhead projector.
At our next class, students should have their paper edited and should check all citations. They should have a title page if necessary and the annotated bibliography should be attached. On the front should be the grade point scoring sheet. We will do an initial scoring in class and then students will revise.
Tuesday, April 8:
We talked about titles. Instructor gave a Powerpoint presentation on what a title should be. It discussed academic titles vs. popular press titles. Students are to write a title meeting the requirements set out in the presentation and also the MLA style guidelines.
On Thursday, we will finish the titles presentation. We will write our conclusion.