Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday Writing 102 What Happened

Next week students will bring all three points with their transitions edited in. They will also have the funnel opening and the preview which we wrote April 5. The transitions and conclusion were written on April 12.
In addition, students should go through their paper and make sure all parenthetical or internal sources are correct and that there is a corresponding mention of the source in the Annotated Bibliography.
All sources in the AB must have an abstract.
Everyone must have a pencil!
What we did in class.
We read the transitions worksheet and did an exercise. Then students added transitions to their papers.
Next we reviewed the conclusions section of the worksheet and the conclusions in Lester. We then wrote a conclusion to the paper.
We will read the academic titles handout next week and discuss it.
We went through the instructor's Powerpoint presentation on titles. Next week each student will put their title on the board and we will vote on the title that makes us most want to read the paper.