Thursday, September 19, 2013
Group Communication
Thurs., Sept. 19
We went to the computer lab and did our personality profiles. Afterwards, we returned to the classroom and put our profiles on the board and saw what type we had the most of in the class.
We are overwhelmingly a class of introverts. INFP was the most frequently found type.
At a future class, we may divide into groups to discuss the experience of being each type.
Tues., Sept. 17
We discussed nonverbal communication in small group settings. First the instructor reviewed terms from the text. We then went into small groups and the instructor handed out an envelope to each group. Each person in the group received a nonverbal communication to express in the small group. We then assessed who was the best sender and receiver.
For Thursday, we will do a personality profile. This profile will be valuable in learning how to communicate the best way to others.
Students are asked to bring a tablet or notebook. Cell phones will also work.