Thursday, February 5, 2009

Writing 102 What Happened in Class

We read the syllabus in class.

We discussed the books and the instructor explained that she had called the bookstore and they said they would be in next week.

The instructor handed out the assignment and explained how to do it.

She showed students the blog and explained that they must visit it two days prior to every class to make sure they are prepared for the class. the instructor will bring a handout telling what the class notebooks division labels.

At the next class, the instructor will take students through an MLA style documented paper. We will also do paired introductions.

Next class:

Get a library card and be able to access the library's databases from your home PC.

Get a three-ring notebook with dividers (about nine needed).

Order the books per the syllabus (except for Langan).

Write an MLA Works Cited page per the assignment handed out in class.  Bring two copies, one for the instructor and the other to be corrected in class.