Fri., February 6
We worked with small group systems today and had a class exercise. The isntructor handed out a worksheet and class members refreshed their memory on what the terms meant by writing in 3-4 words under each term.
Then the instructor explained the exercise and handed out another page. She showed students how to answer the six comparisons. Students worked in small groups to define the characteristics of the two small groups.
As a group we went over the results of the small group work.
Students turned in their References page and the instructor gave them tips on what still needed to be done. All class members should bring theReferences page to the next class and we will correct them .
Next class:
Chapter 3 (read)
Bring References page to correct in class
Today we broke into small groups to discuss the segment of the program on "bad apples" from the This American Life program.
The instructor returned the references page and each person who turned one in received 3 points.
Next class:
Discuss Chapter 2
Instructor will hand out notebook categories
Bring corrected References page to class