Notebook and Scarf: One of our students left a notebook with a scarf wrapped around it. The notebook and scarf was left in the classroom inside the multimedia desk.
We checked the APA References page. Each student checked another's page. The instructor had a guide that was put on the overhead document camera. Students handed in the other copy to the instructor.
Next we discussed the "I Am" assignment. We changed the date due from February 13th to February 20th because we need to understand how to do APA textual citations. The instructor will cover this next week.
Next we read the Group Symposium assignment. The instructor handed out the written assignment. We numbered off into five groups. The instructor explained the nature of brainstorming and what past topics have been for this assignment. An example was "trade with China."
Next week the instructor will bring the evaluation form for the group symposium assignment. We will go over the evaluation in class. The instructor will also show students how to do the various tasks required for the assignment.
Each group was to come up with ideas for panel topics. The top five of these ideas will be given to the instructor to refine. The topics will be put on the board and students will sign up for their topic based on their interest.
The last activity was a class exercise involving definitions from Chapter 1.
Next week the instructor will hand out the notebook divisions.
Next week:
Revise References page according to colleague's input. Be sure to check with style guide.
Read Chapter 3, "Connecting Self and Communication."
Continue work on "I Am" paper.