There will be a writing assignment that asks students to interact with the text and "The Doctor."
On Oct. 1 there will be an open book exam on one of the Ch. 2s of our text.
New writing questions:
- Discuss the development of Dr. Jack McKee’s intrapersonal intelligence (Drench 22). Use examples to support what events help him grow. How does this affect his interpersonal intelligence with his students at the end of the film?
- Pretend you are Dr. Jack McKee and you are writing a diary of your experiences during your illness. The purpose of your journal is self-assessment--to document thoughts and feelings. Cover the major events in the illness and also the interaction with both his wife and with June. See Drench, pages 23-24.
- According to Rogers, empathy involves cognitive, affective, and communication components (Northouse 25). Cite an example of each from the film and discuss it within the concept of the multidimensional process way of looking at empathy.4. “When clients fell understood, they feel connected to others and a part of life” (Northouse 26). Discuss the connection June and Jack develop when they fly to New Mexico to see the native Indian show. How does the connection reappear at the end of the movie?