Notice: for Wednesday, Febr. 17, we are booked into the computer lab N41 from 8:40 through 9:50 p.m. Go directly to the computer lab. We will be learning to format the MLA Works Cited page, so be sure you have the file of work you have already completed ready.
Mon., Feb. 8
We first met in the classroom before we went to the library. The instructor talked about online citations, which is what we would be doing in the library session.
After getting logged on at the library computer lab, we began doing online citations. The instructor asked students to do three online citations, among them an online encyclopedia entry. She showed students how the entries provided by the database are incorrect.
At our next class session, which will be in the lab, we will learn to format the Works Cited page.
Please note there is no class on Monday, February 15 (holiday).
On Wednesday, February 17, we will meet in the classroom and then head to the lab.
Next week: students should be accumulating 10 citations for their research paper. They should be written in MLA format and each should include a summary. We will work on formatting them at the next class.