We went through the consumer buying steps. The instructor provided a worksheet which students who had purchased a car--new or used--filled out. The instructor first told what the steps were and then the students went through the steps, recalling their car-buying experience.
Next we turned in the flyers. At a future class, we will be learning how Google words work. The instructor will grade the flyers and we will look at a sample of them next week.
We discussed the answers provided to the questions from the text.
We watched a video of Joseph Campbell, who was delivering a lecture on birth, growing up, and rites of passage. The instructor then showed how ads are written that touch up on these points of the human experience.
We didn't get to the presentations about the agencies, so we will do that at the next class.
The next advertising assignment will be about buying Google Adwords.
For next week: Read chapters 6 & 7. For Ch. 6, do questions 6 & 10. For 7, 3 & 4.
Regarding predictive linguistics:
I checked youtube for the video we were searching for last night but it is no longer coming up in the search engine. There is, however, a very good program there that talks about the archetypes. It is the program that is in 12 parts (search term web bot oct 7 or click the preceding link). It is not video, but it is a posting of a Sept. 21 radio interview with the two men who run the web bot project. Also, the people who posted this recording at youtube are not the same people who run the web bots. Because the 12-part video that is posted there is of a program that people normally have to pay for, I am thinking it might not stay up there very long. You might want to save it to listen to when you have time.
This program does discuss the archetypes, so pay particular attention to those areas.
Also, here are two links that are referred to in the program. The second link is the site of one of the two web bot computer men who are interviewed at the programs mentioned above:
The second link has an extensive entry about whether this "big event" is a global market collapse.
Added Saturday, Oct. 4:
This is a similar project to the above. The research is performed at Princeton University: