Wednesday Oct.8
Today the instructor checked in notebooks while students recorded their presentations. Students were given a time sheet to record how long each speech and the intro/transitions/conclusion took.
The instructor only had time to check in the outlines. The notebooks will be checked next week. There were only a few notebooks that would get the three points, so students are advised to set up their notebooks exactly as the sheet specifies. The sections must be labeled. Envelopes are not suitable for this notebook. Get a 3-ring looseleaf notebook and make sections.
Checking in the outlines was a lengthy process due to the fact that the notebooks were not organized.
Next class: There may be a quiz on the role of emotions in communication. We will check in notebooks at the Wednesday class. There will be a handout that will help you cover the paper that is to be written after the second recording. Time permitting, we will do some worksheets on MLA and APA citation. Students will be given 10" at the beginning of class to finalize details regarding their next recording session.
Monday, Oct. 8
The instructor discussed the role of emotion in communication. The talk was accompanied by a Powerpoint. There might be a quiz.
We looked at the cameras in preparation for the recording session this coming Wednesday.
The instructor advised that students should proceed with their outlines even if they have not received feedback. The instructor's computer is undergoing a "full factory recovery" of Vista.
For next class: come with index cards and intros, conclusions, and transitions written. We will record one Wednesday.