Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Social Advocacy What Happened in Class

Students turned in their position paper, which was a group project they had worked on for the past month. Update: The instructor is on p. 15 of reading the paper. Have read legislative updates (Faith).

In the first section of the class, the instructor announced that the class would be getting a new assignment which would call upon them to either persuade or testify before a governing body. Toward that end, she showed some of the paperwork she had prepared in the past for her appearance before the FAA's hearings on flight patterns over NJ. In addition, she showed the students other documents, such as a press release and letters to her representatives.

Next the class was given the assignment for April 26 and May 3, which is a 3-minute speech on their education affordability issue.

After the break, the instructor went over the first eight of Saul Alinsky's strategic rules for radicals. She showed a Powerpoint showing each rule. Students divided into small groups and examined the activist work of the Nuclear Nebraska group for examples. They reported back to the class on how this group used (or didn't) use the rules.

The last item on the agenda was to go over the Burma-Shave campaign, as this was the style of sign the NN used.

Next week:

Follow the reading schedule: Ch. 8, Craigin, Action 7, Kush (Opposition Research).
Think about which type of speech you might like to deliver for the 3" speech.