Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Writing 102 What Happened in Class

Note: some student papers were not handed back today and are on the top of the computer between it and the top of the desk: David M, Jodi Ann, Jessica V (drama paper), Felix C, and Alicia J. If you would like to to pick these papers up on Friday so you have them to work on over the weekend, please do. They are in folders, so keep them neat.

November 13

Today we exchanged papers and we counted transitions that were written into the three points. There was a high of 44 and a low of 4.

In a few instances, the instructor conferred with students who wanted to learn how to make their thesis original. In one case, a student is combining his research with telling his own personal story. In another situation, a student might tie her research to someone whose health is tied to not-so-healthy eating habits. Another option for this student is to do primary research and center her paper around her findings, combining it with the secondary research sources.

All students who wish to qualify for an "A" for this paper should be thinking about how to make the thesis original.

After working with the transitions, we began listening to poetry presentations. We had two presentations on the prose poetry genre. We also had one on chance operations.

We will continue with the presentations at our next class. Students should finish their transitions and begin writing their intro. The intro should include the thesis statement and a preview of what the writer will cover in the paper.

Important (and at the risk of sounding repetitive): to receive a grade higher than a "C," the thesis must have an original point.

November 11

We watched a video clip about punctuation.

The instructor provided a handout on transitions. Adriana shared her transitions sheet with the class, too.

First we worked with a paragraph that needed organization through the use of transitions. On the overhead document cam, we examined how two students worked with the paragraph by using transitions to organize the material.

The assignment is for students to take their three points and add transitions. At the next class, we will spend approximately 10" reading the transitions of others. Students will receive a score for how many they are able to use.

Poetry presentations begin on Thursday. All students whose last name begins A-K should be prepared to deliver their 5-minute presentation on their genre.

Other assignments: Read Lukeman, Ch. 4, on the colon.
Read Ch.10 from Lester. Have your three points next to you when you read. Be sure you have correctly blended in your reference material.