Monday, November 24, 2008

1402 What Happened in Class

Note: Please note I have added the topic selection table to the links at left.

Wed., Nov. 26

We worked on speech topic selection. Updates are posted at the file in the Links section (left).

The instructor explained an optional extra credit assignment.

We chose speech dates. The instructor assigned speech dates for students who were not in the class today. The dates are:

December 8: Armand, Jen R, Isabel V, and Bobby
December 10: Lucy B, Jamie S, Stephen L, and Antonio S
December 15: Angie L, Katherine D, Nicolette C, and Brian S
December 17: Angelica, Melissa, Mike T, and Priyanka

The instructor then handed out a nonverbal communication field assignment. She showed a video that illustrated the important terms in nonverbal communication. The due date for this assignment is Dec. 15th if the student wants instructor feedback. If the student doesn't request feedback, the due date is Dec. 17.

Note to students who were not in class today: the video and handout with your name on it is on reserve in the Multimedia Room at the library. Go to this office, ask for a copy of the tape which has been put on reserve for Prof. Kipple, and watch the tape. Then take your handout and do the field trip. Please note: you should read the handout and underline the terms before watching the video. Also, one term in this video is not articulated, and that term is "oculesics." The film simply calls it "eye movement."

Monday, Nov. 24:
First Katherine gave her speech on antidepressants. Then the instructor distributed Monroe's Motivated Sequence and we went through it step by step.

After reviewing the outline, we chose persuasive topics. The persuasive topic table will be posted at the left later today.

There is a nonverbal communication assignment that the instructor will be distributing, possibly on Wednesday. In addition, the instructor will go over benefits. Copies of the informative speech evaluations will be handed back on Wednesday.

Assignment: Research your topic. The full-sentence outline is due Dec. 3 Students who were in class today can go ahead with the n/v field trip.

At the next class, the instructor will talk about visuals in .ppt presentations. We will do an exercise in paring down words in presentations. She will show how to find public domain media and the permissible use of stock photos. APA documentation of visuals will also be explained.
Logic (arugment) and emotion (persuasive appeal) will also be covered. Please note that you must bring one study from an academic journal to class on Dec. 1.. Points will be awarded for having the study. It must be from an academic journal.

Persuasive Speech

Topic selection dates: Nov 24 & 26
Topics/student choice entered on table at left

Research dates: Nov. 26-Dec. 2
Bring one research study from an academic journal on Dec. 1

Full-sentence outline date: Dec. 3
Must have "persuasive outline" in the subject line

Presentation dates: Dec. 8, 10, 15, 17
Students and presentation dates will be listed here

Other dates:

Text check-in date: Dec. 17
Class notebook grade date: Dec. 1