Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Happened in Class, Writing 101

Here's a link to the reading schedule. It is completed for September only. You'll receive a hard copy in class when it's finished.

Today we had a worksheet on person consistency. The instructor explained that in academic writing, third person is used the most. Some academic papers are in first person. Academic papers are not written in the second person.

There was a worksheet with examples of student writing where person was inconsistent. The writing also needed to be edited to read smootly.

First, however, the instructor talked to the class about how to look up information in their style guide. We discussed the index, table of contents, and use of specialized glossaries. We looked up various terms, such as "person."

Then we began the worksheet. Student work was shown on the overhead projector. We did the first exercise to give students practice in writing consistently in the third person.

Later in the class, the instructor handed out the descriptive writing assignment. She also brought some items to work with in description.

To do before next class: Finish "person" worksheet. Be prepared to show your work if the instructor calls on you to go to the document cam. In addition, find an outdoor spot and do the exercises in generating descriptive words for next Tuesday. Write one page of rough draft and bring it to the next class. Be prepared to show both your rough draft and the results of your exercise.

On Thursday of next week the final versions of the narrative (autobiography) will be due.


The instructor checked in three pages of each students' narrative.

She handed out a fourth page of the syllabus and told students
the class would go over it at a future class.

A student asked a question about the writing assignment at the
end of Ch. 3, Langan. No, you do not have to do these writing
questions. Focus on the writing assignments from Aaron, such
as narrative and descriptive.

Students did a paired learning exercise where they filled in a
non-graded quiz on narrative writing.The instructor will
review them for feedback on how well students are learning
from the lectures. They will be returned and students will put
them in their notebooks.

The instructor handed out the notebook classifications and
told the students to get their notebooks organized. At a
future class, students will receive points for having their
notebooks in order with the categories. These points count
toward the final notebook grade (class participation).
Instructor showed students the reading schedule at the blog.
Instructor went over organization of points from Langan, Ch. 2.

To Do for the Next Class: read the descriptive writing
chapter from Aaron. We will do descriptive writing exercises
in class. Also a person consistency exercise.

2-3:20 class:

Same as above except this group had the fourth page of the syllabus.
In this class, we did not talk about how to organize a paragraph (Langan, Ch. 2) . We will need to complete this at the next class. Assignment is the same for above class.