Wednesday, Sept. 24:
Students turned in their "I Am" papers.
Next we discussed annotated bibliographies and the use of academic libraries. The instructor explained how public libraries differ from academic libraries. She also discussed how journal articles are published and who writes them. In addition, she told how publications are important to an academician's career and how the frontiers of knowledge are expanded.
Class members traded their annotated bibliography with another student who reviewed it. The instructor took samples of student work and put it on the overhead projector. She went through each part of the annotated bibliography and asked students to check to see if it was done correctly by their colleague.
Class members broke up into their small groups to share what they had learned from their research. Their ABs were returned and the students used them for points of discussion.
Next class:
Toward the end of class, the instructor directed students to the next step, which was to write the full-sentence outline. She updated the page numbers from the assignment sheet to pages 311-14, on which the full-sentence outline will be found. Students are to use this example to write their own outline, which must be turned into the instructor via e-mail before midnight, Sept. 30th. Students will come to class the next day with a printed version of their outline.
Students should bring their text outlines to the text class, as the instructor will be logging in the work.
Do not be surprised if there is a pop quiz on the academic research process. The quiz will be on the notes students took in class today.
The instructor went over the Communication--Groups Presentation handout that was given in the preceding class. She went over each item point-by-point. It is important to note that all will collaborate on the solution but the solution will be delivered by one person in the group.
The instructor showed the annotated bibliography worksheet. Students who know MLA are encouraged to use APA for this assignment. The instructor showed a technique that she uses for writing citations. One student question was whether there should be internal text citations. The instructor said there should be.
She also showed an online example of an Annotated Bibliography and remarked that they are not easily found on the web.
The instructor went over the criteria for grading. She discussed how to bring in quotes. She demonstrated writing transitions into a quote on the overhead. Later one student asked a question about the quoting. The question was how to bring in material from the text. The instructor's response was to write the paper first, then go over through the text with the paper at hand. Wherever the content of the paper was supported by the text would be places to bring in a quote or paraphrase as support.
The group then broke up into the small groups. The instructor worked with several of the small groups in breaking down their topic areas.
Next class: Hand in Annotated Bibliography and "I Am" paper.
Please see the post from last week for the Annotated Bibliography Help Sheet. If you know MLA you probably won't need it.
Here is how I'll be grading your "I Am" papers. Field notes refers to your interview raw data. Be sure to attach it to your paper if you want a higher grade.
Content (interesting read? Organization?)
No. of interviews and quotes
Grammar, spelling, mechanics
Field notes