Fri., Feb. 14
The instructor provided students with feedback on their research paper topics, along with a source to get started.
For students whose topic was not approved, she went over a list of topics (see Links section at right).
Then we went over the ebrary book citation and corrected it in class. Students are to bring both a magazine and newspaper source for their topic to the next class. This is in the form of an entry on the table (table was handed out in class but see previous post for link to download and print out a copy if you didn't get one in class).
To all students: The links below are where students can go to record their research paper topic. All topics must be approved by the instructor. If a student does not have a topic, they can look at the topics list prepared by the instructor. It is under the "Links" section.
Topics list for 1:25 class
Note: a few class members will receive hard copies for their topic. If your name is not listed on the table, you will be receiving a hard copy.
Topics list for 3:35 class
Wed., Feb. 13:
Both 1:25 and 3:35 classes:
We played the drama game Q-Z.
The instructor handed out a table of sources to fill out in preparation for the research paper. We went over how to do a book using writershelp. Students who have not purchased writershelp should do so now, as you will be getting a list of exercises to do by date. Doing the exercises is essential to obtaining a passable grade in the class.
Just a little "aside" there. I hope it wasn't a soliloquy.
Students are to research an online book using the library's ebrary or Ebsco library, found in the databases at the library's web site. This should be written in the fourth column over on the handout, "Notes Converted to...." Also fill out the fifth column about where you obtained the source (which database).
Students who were not in class should do this assignment. The form needed is the first one on the Links section and the task only requires one to locate the ebrary in the databases at the library's web site.
Mon., Feb. 10:
Both 1:25 and 3:35 classes:
Students turned in 2 ideas for the research paper. The instructor will review and either OK or suggest new topic.
We played the drama game A-P.
We discussed a possible snowstorm that is predicted for Thursday. If this happens, we will simply change the date for the performance. We would have class on Friday if the school is open.
To do for next class:
Study terms Q-Z. See drama glossary link at right.