Thursday, January 23, 2014

Business & Professional Communication 3590

Thursday, Jan 23:

We read the syllabus and discussed the book.

We did paired interviews for introductions. The introductions will be delivered at the next class. The following criteria will count for the grade:

1.  Does the introduction grab the listener's attention?
2.  Did the speakers put their names on the board?
3.  Is the delivery smooth through the use of transitions?
4. Does the speaker maintain eye contact with all sides of the room?
5.  Does the speaker use index card(s)?
6. Does the speaker enunciate clearly and project so that the audience can hear?
7. Is the outline organized?
8. Is the outline double-spaced?
9. Does the outline have the title " ____ introducing ____?"
10. Does the speaker repeat the colleague's name in the conclusion?

Re-visit this blog for information on whether Chapter 1 is online and for book ordering information.