Research paper scoring sheets were distributed and each student received three. They were labeled: "instructor (one-sided scoring sheet) and "peer reading" and "self-evaluation" for the two-sided scoring sheets.
Students turned in their drama paper finals.
The instructor talked about transitions and students selected from a list of transitions displayed on the overhead projector. The transitions were written in on the rough draft of the research paper. At the conclusion of this exercise, the instructor asked students to hand in their introduction. The rough draft with transitions was to be labeled "transitions written in on Nov. 5." The rough draft is turned in with the research paper.
Next students took the drama quiz. We corrected the quizzes in class.
Erin and Susan read their poems and we read the explications and genre papers in class. We discussed the poems.
Next week:
Write conclusion and bring to class. We will do peer readings of the conclusions.
Do three more chapters in Langan.
Read Ch. 10 in Lester.
Scott and Estaban do their poetry readings.