Students gave their conclusions to another student for a reading. The instructor put Lester p. 124 on the overhead projector and we discussed the steps in the conclusion.
The instructor asked students to put the paper together for scoring next week. The intro and conclusion should be added to the three main points, which already have transitions written in. Not only will we do scoring next week, we will write a title and subtitles.
We looked at punctuation metaphors and then worked on the apostrophe. Students handed in their worksheets for apostrophe.
Next we had two poetry presentations (Scott & supposed to be Estaban, who was not in class.) Fortunately Rosanna was ready for her presentation and substituted for Estaban. Scott told us about the sonnet and Rosanaa discussed lyrical poetry.
We were unable to complete this part of the class but will continue next week on poetry slams. Also, we will read Rosanna's two papers.
Students who are presenting are reminded that they must photocopy all three pages: poem, one-page explication, and one-page genre/poet. If you need the instructor to make copies, just email the materials.
To Do for Next Week:
Research paper completed with scoring sheets attached
Fnish last chapter in Lester
Continue with Langan, three more chapters
Check calendar for other due dates