Friday, February 22, 2008

Writing 102 Sat., Feb. 23 What Happened

The instructor returned the annotated bibliography (AB) and point one that each student wrote. Students handed in point 2 and some people handed in an AB.

The focus of the class then turned to how to make corrections. The instructor put the Hacker guide up on the overhead projector and took students through how to find help with looking up the rules. We looked at the first two pages of category breakdowns, the proofreader marks, and the sections that are combined with the proofreader marks.

After reviewing the manual, the instructor handed out a corrections model for students to follow. Corrections are made only on final papers, as corrections on rough drafts are incorporated into the next draft. Students receive notebook points for corrections that are done. Students made corrections on their papers in class and if they had difficulty, the instructor or a colleague helped them find the rule.

Next the instructor discussed assistance that is available from the college. She gave a handout that listed 102 tutoring times and showed the students about a new online tutoring program.

In addition, the college provides students with online computer exercises to help with certain areas such as commas, subject-verb agreement, etc. The instructor gave the students a handout showing them what the areas were and how to get to that spot on the UCC home page. She also went over the way to find the exercise on the overhead projector.

Source credibility was the next topic for discussion. The instructor showed students how to check out sources to be sure they are credible. She showed students how to be aware of propaganda sites.

The last item on the agenda was peer readings. Each student read a colleague's paper. Students made corrections and wrote one-two sentences of summary reflecting what they understood the writing to say.

Next week the instructor will return Point 2. We will also cover drama next week and the instructor will hand out the reading at that time.