What we did in class:
We did an exercise from Lukeman to learn the where long sentences might be appropriate. The instructor showed five or six ways to make a sentence long (yet grammatically correct). Students wrote a sentence that was a half-page long. We looked at a few of the sentences on the doc cam. Next week we will focus on short sentences and where to use them.
Instructor distributed poetry assignment and re-scheduled the poetry presentation dates. We talked about Dylan Thomas briefly and the instructor is looking for input on a poem to explicate. Jasmine suggested Poe and Shakespeare. Students gave their genre selection and we put them on a table.
Instructor lectured on characteristics of poetry and discussed the Jungian theory of the collective unconscious and how it relates to the arts. She reminded students there is a poetry quiz Feb. 23.
Students turned in their annotated bibliographies (AB) and received five points. There will be five more points next week if the AB is in correct form. Students are to write Point 1 of the research paper. The instructor also reviewed the readings for the coming class session.